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Report on the Iowa Economic Development Authority for the year ended June 30, 2012
A newly completed study commissioned by the Iowa Office of Energy Independence shows increased jobs, tax revenue and economic activity as a result of Iowa Power Fund projects. The analysis is divided into two parts. Part I assesses the specific impacts of projects that have been funded directly. Part II offers an analysis of the long term impacts when projects are successfully replicated.
Agency Performance Plan, Iowa Department of Economic Development
A newly completed study commissioned by the Iowa Office of Energy Independence shows increased jobs, tax revenue and economic activity as a result of Iowa Power Fund projects. The analysis is divided into two parts. Part I assesses the specific impacts of projects that have been funded directly. Part II offers an analysis of the long term impacts when projects are successfully replicated.
Audit report on the Cedar County Economic Development Commission for the year ended June 30, 2013
This research project was directed at laboratory and field evaluation of sodium montmorillonite clay (bentonite) as a dust palliative for limestone surfaced secondary roads. It had been postulated that the electrically charged surfaces of the clay particles could interact with the charged surfaces of the limestone and act as a bonding agent to agglomerate fine (-#200) particulates and also to band the fine particulates to larger (+#200) limestone particles. Laboratory testing using soda ash dispersed bentonite treatment of limestone fines indicated significant improvement of compressive strength and slaking characteristics. It was recommended that the project proceed to field trials and test roads were constructed in Dallas and Adair counties in Iowa. Soda ash dispersed bentonite solutions can be field mixed and applied with conventional spray distribution equipment. A maximum of 1.5% bentonite(by weight of aggregate)can be applied at one time. Higher applications would have to be staged allowing the excess moisture to evaporate between applications. Construction of higher application treatments can be accomplished by adding dry bentonite to the surfacing material and then by dry road mixing. The soda ash water solution can then be spray applied and the treated surfacing material wet mixed by motor graders to a consistency of 3 to 4 inch slump concrete. Two motor graders working in tandem can provide rapid mixing for both methods of construction. Calcium and magnesium chloride treatments are 2 to 3 times more effective in dust reduction in the short term (3-4 months) but are prone to washboarding and potholing due to maintenance restrictions. Bentonite treatment at the 2-3% level is estimated to provide a 30-40% dust reduction over the long term(18-24 months). Normal maintenance blading operations can be used on bentonite treated areas. Vehicle braking characteristics are not adversely affected up to the 3.0% treatment level. The bentonite appears to be functioning as a banding agent to bind small particulates to larger particles and is acting to agglomerate fine particles of limestone. This bonding capability appears recoverable from environmental effects of winter, and from alternating wet and dry periods. The bentonite appears to be able to interact with new applications of limestone maintenance material and maintains a dust reduction capability. Soda ash dispersed bentonite treatment is approximately 10 times more cost effective per percent dust reduction than conventional chloride treatments with respect to time. However,the disadvantage is that there is not the initial dramatic reduction in dust generation as with the chloride treatment. Although dust is reduced 30-40% after treatment there is still dust being generated and the traveling public or residents may not perceive the reduction.
The middle Mississippian (Meramec Series) units include the Spergen Formation, the St. Louis Limestone and the Ste. Genevieve Formation which outcrop sporadically within a curvilinear subcrop band trending through southeastern and central Iowa. Studies of these units as they occur in Iowa have been cursory in the past, especially with regard to the lowermost occurring Meramecan unit, the Spergen Formation. The Spergen Formation, as it occurs in southeastern Iowa is being considered as a desirable concrete aggregate source. At present, the depth of occurrence, thickness variations and geographic extent are very poorly known and the nature of lithologic variation in Iowa is obscure. Due to a paucity of information of its thickness, extent and nature of rapid lateral facies variations, the full economic potential of the unit has not been realized in some areas of southeastern Iowa. This is especially disheartening in view of the decline of acceptable concrete aggregate source materials in southeastern Iowa. This report is an attempt to synthesize subsurface and surface data in order to present a more coherent picture of the depth, thickness and lithologic variations of the Spergen Formation. Recommendations have been made for the exploration of specific areas within the field area for future development of surface quarrying and subsurface mining operations where thickness, lithology and depth characteristics deem consideration. Due to the lack of adequate data points in some quadrants of the field area, some of the recommendations are drawn on rather tenuous grounds, but a concerted effort has been made to be conservative in these judgements.
Report on the Iowa Economic Development Authority for the year ended June 30, 2013
The highway system in the State of Iowa includes many grade separation structures constructed to provide maximum safety and mobility to road users on intersecting roadways. However, these structures can present possible safety concerns for traffic passing underneath due to close proximity of piers and abutments. Shielding of these potential hazards has been a design consideration for many years. This study examines historical crash experience in the State of Iowa to address the advisability of shielding bridge piers and abutments as well as other structure support elements considering the offset from the traveled way. A survey of nine Midwestern states showed that six states had bridge pier shielding practices consistent with those in Iowa. Data used for the analyses include crash data (2001 to 2007) from the Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT), the Iowa DOT’s Geographic Information Management System (GIMS) structure and roadway data (2006) obtained from the Office of Transportation Data, and shielding and offset data for the bridges of interest. Additionally, original crash reports and the Iowa DOT video log were also utilized as needed. Grade-separated structures over high-speed, multilane divided Interstate and primary highways were selected for analysis, including 566 bridges over roadways with a speed limit of at least 45 mph. Bridges that met the criteria for inclusion in the study were identified for further analysis using crash data. The study also included economic analysis for possible shielding improvement.
This report outlines the strategic plan for Iowa Department of Economic Development, goals and mission.
Audit report on the Cedar County Economic Development Commission for the year ended June 30, 2014
Agency Performance Plan, Iowa Department of Economic Development
On July 1, 2005, the State of Iowa implemented a 70 mile per hour (mph) speed limit on most rural Interstates. This document reports on a study of the safety effect of this change. Changes in speeds, traffic volume on and off the rural Interstate system (diversion), and safety (crashes) for on- and off-system roads were studied. After the change, mean and 85th percentile speeds increased by about 2 mph on rural Interstates, but speeding was reduced (the number of drivers exceeding the speed limit by 10 mph decreased from 20 per cent to about 8 per cent). Daytime and nighttime serious crashes were studied for a period of 14 and a half years prior to the change and 2 and a half years afterwards. Simple descriptive statistics reveal increases in all crash severity categories for the 2 and a half year period following the speed limit increase when compared to the most recent comparable 2 and a half year period prior to the increase. When compared to longer term trends, the increases were less pronounced in some severity levels and types, and for a few severity levels the average crash frequencies were observed to decrease. However, fatal and other serious cross-median crashes increased by relatively larger amounts as compared to expected random variation. The study also analyzed crash frequencies grouped into six-month periods, revealing similar findings.
Report on the Iowa Economic Development Authority for the year ended June 30, 2014
Iowa’s Re‐Envisioned Economic Development Roadmap includes a comprehensive and detailed assessment of Iowa’s economic position and strategic priorities. Embedded within this roadmap are several key themes of economic progress realized and potential economic success to be earned in the years to come.