75 resultados para customer servide
House File 2196 required the Department of Transportation (DOT) to study the acceptance of electronic payments at its customer service sites and sites operated by county treasurers. Specifically the legislation requires the following: “The department of transportation shall review the current methods the department employs for the collection of fees and other revenues at sites operated by county treasurers under chapter 321M and at customer service sites operated by the department. In conducting its review, the department, in cooperation with the treasurer of state, shall consider providing an electronic payment option for all of its customers. The department shall report its findings and recommendations by December 31, 2008, to the senate and house standing committees on transportation regarding the advantages and disadvantages of implementing one or more electronic payment systems.” This review focused on estimating the costs of providing an electronic payment option for customers of the DOT driver’s license stations and those of the 81 county treasurers. Customers at these sites engage in three primary financial transactions for which acceptance of electronic payments was studied: paying for a driver’s license (DL), paying for a non-operator identification card (ID), and paying certain civil penalties. Both consumer credit cards and PIN-based debit cards were reviewed as electronic payment options. It was assumed that most transactions would be made using a consumer credit card. Credit card companies charge a fee for each transaction for which they are used. The amount of these fees varies among credit card companies. The estimates for credit card fees used in this study were based on the State Treasurer of Iowa’s current credit card contract, which is due to expire in September 2009. Since credit card companies adjust their fees each year, estimates were based on the 2008 fee schedule. There is also a fee for the use of PIN-based debit cards. The estimates for PIN-based debit card transactions were based on information provided by Wells Fargo Merchant Services for current fees charged by debit card networks. Credit and debit card transactions would be processed through vendor-provided hardware and software. The costs would be determined through the competitive bidding process since several vendors provide this function; therefore, these costs are not reflected in this document.
The Iowa Lottery has failed to adequately protect its customers from fraud and theft by retailers. That is the key conclusion of the Iowa Citizens’ Aide/Ombudsman in a critical report released today. The 210-page report, which makes 60 recommendations to the Lottery, is the culmination of a year-and-a-half-long investigation into how the Lottery polices and prevents retailer fraud and theft. In general, the Ombudsman found that the Lottery has maintained a weak, reactive enforcement system that fails to detect retailer dishonesty independently of customer complaints. This means that there likely have been instances of fraud – possibly largescale fraud – that have gone undetected. The Ombudsman’s examination marks the first time the Iowa Lottery’s investigative files have been audited by an outside authority. It also appears to be the first full-scale investigation of its kind in the United States.
The State of Iowa and the Hiring Practices Working Group commissioned this review of the State’s hiring practices in response to recent concerns about these practices involving racial discrimination claims against the Departments of Human Services, Transportation, and Iowa Workforce Development. The State of Iowa should be commended for undertaking this review. The State has a longstanding Affirmative Action Program and commitment to diversity – they instituted their Affirmative Action Program in 1973, and continue their commitment to its success by making the changes necessary to ensure the program is viable and sustainable. Iowa Department of Administrative Services In July 2003, the State created the Iowa Department of Administrative Services (DAS) as a way to manage and coordinate the major resources of state government. DAS provides human resource services through an entrepreneurial management model. Entrepreneurial management is a customer-focused approach to delivering services. The customer departments have input about what services and products they want from DAS and in turn DAS is funded by the customer departments through purchases of DAS services and products. DAS looks to offer new and additional services (for example recruitment support and coordination) to various customers on a fee-for-service basis. A customer council is charged with approving the DAS business plan, establishing the rate for services, and reviewing service delivery and complaints. Under this entrepreneurial model, human resource services are provided by DAS-HRE (Human Resources Enterprise) central staff, 12 DAS-HRE Personnel Officers located at the customer departments, and customer agency staff. The majority of the recruitment and hiring functions are done by the customer (hiring) departments and their staff. Applications for employment are submitted using the BrassRing system with applicants being qualified by DAS-HRE employees. Since the creation of Human Resources Enterprise, DAS-HRE has strived to provide human resource tools to the departments. The Screening Manual and the Supervisor’s Manual are just two examples of the resources created for the hiring departments. They also provide Supervisor Training for newly appointed supervisors. Larger departments have dedicated staff assigned to human resource activities. The staff at the departmental level may or may not have a human resources background. Iowa Population and Workforce The 2000 U.S. Census indicated that Iowa’s population was 2,926,324. According to this census, 92.6 percent of Iowa’s population identified their race as white (alone). The nonwhite alone or minority population (including Black or African American, Asian, Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander, Hispanic or Latino, American Indian or Alaska Native, two or more races, or some other race) was 7.4 percent.
The Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT), working closely with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), strives to ensure that Iowa’s system of public airports is positioned to meet the needs of businesses, residents, and visitors to our state. Airports must be accessible and positioned to safely meet different levels of aviation activity. In partnership with the FAA and various cities, counties, and airport authorities, the Iowa DOT helps to direct the systematic development of public airports. This report is a summary of a more comprehensive technical report that outlines a strategic plan for improving the performance of airports in Iowa over the next 20 years. More information on the technical report and on individual reports prepared for each of the public airports can be obtained from the Iowa DOT, Office of Aviation website at www.iawings.com. The Iowa Aviation System Plan provides the Iowa DOT with an important tool to monitor the ability of airports to meet customer needs. The plan also provides a means to measure the effects of investment on the performance of the Iowa Aviation System. Over the next 20 years, federal, state, local, and private funding will be needed to ensure that the aviation system meets goals established in this study. It is estimated that at least $821 million will be needed over the next 20 years if airports in Iowa are to respond to objectives set by the system plan. In future years, the plan will enable the Iowa DOT to measure system performance. By tracking key indicators for the airport system, it will be possible for the Iowa DOT and the FAA to formulate strategies for responding to Iowa’s air transportation needs. The Iowa Aviation System Plan provides a guide for the state and its communities to ensure that the vision established for the Iowa Aviation System can be achieved.
The Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT), working closely with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), strives to ensure that Iowa’s system of public airports is positioned to meet the needs of businesses, residents, and visitors to our state. Airports must be accessible and positioned to safely meet different levels of aviation activity. In partnership with the FAA and various cities, counties, and airport authorities, the Iowa DOT helps to direct the systematic development of public airports. This report is a summary of a more comprehensive technical report that outlines a strategic plan for improving the performance of airports in Iowa over the next 20 years. More information on the technical report and on individual reports prepared for each of the public airports can be obtained from the Iowa DOT, Office of Aviation website at www.iawings.com. The Iowa Aviation System Plan provides the Iowa DOT with an important tool to monitor the ability of airports to meet customer needs. The plan also provides a means to measure the effects of investment on the performance of the Iowa Aviation System. Over the next 20 years, federal, state, local, and private funding will be needed to ensure that the aviation system meets goals established in this study. It is estimated that at least $821 million will be needed over the next 20 years if airports in Iowa are to respond to objectives set by the system plan. In future years, the plan will enable the Iowa DOT to measure system performance. By tracking key indicators for the airport system, it will be possible for the Iowa DOT and the FAA to formulate strategies for responding to Iowa’s air transportation needs. The Iowa Aviation System Plan provides a guide for the state and its communities to ensure that the vision established for the Iowa Aviation System can be achieved.
The Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT), working closely with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), strives to ensure that Iowa’s system of public airports is positioned to meet the needs of businesses, residents, and visitors to our state. Airports must be accessible and positioned to safely meet different levels of aviation activity. In partnership with the FAA and various cities, counties, and airport authorities, the Iowa DOT helps to direct the systematic development of public airports. This report is a summary of a more comprehensive technical report that outlines a strategic plan for improving the performance of airports in Iowa over the next 20 years. More information on the technical report and on individual reports prepared for each of the public airports can be obtained from the Iowa DOT, Office of Aviation website at www.iawings.com. The Iowa Aviation System Plan provides the Iowa DOT with an important tool to monitor the ability of airports to meet customer needs. The plan also provides a means to measure the effects of investment on the performance of the Iowa Aviation System. Over the next 20 years, federal, state, local, and private funding will be needed to ensure that the aviation system meets goals established in this study. It is estimated that at least $821 million will be needed over the next 20 years if airports in Iowa are to respond to objectives set by the system plan. In future years, the plan will enable the Iowa DOT to measure system performance. By tracking key indicators for the airport system, it will be possible for the Iowa DOT and the FAA to formulate strategies for responding to Iowa’s air transportation needs. The Iowa Aviation System Plan provides a guide for the state and its communities to ensure that the vision established for the Iowa Aviation System can be achieved.
The Legislative Council created the Energy Efficiency Plans and Programs Study Committee for the 2008 Legislative Interim pursuant to the passage of S.F. 2386 during the 2008 Legislative Session, which provided, in Section 8: The Legislative Council is requested to establish an interim study committee to examine the existence and effectiveness of energy efficiency plans and programs implemented by gas and electric public utilities, with an emphasis on results achieved by current plans and programs from the demand, or customer, perspective, and to make recommendations for additional requirements applicable to energy efficiency plans and programs that would improve such results. In conducting the study and developing recommendations, the Committee shall consider testimony from the Iowa Utilities Board, rate and nonrate-regulated gas and electric utilities, the Consumer Advocate, state agencies involved with energy efficiency program administration, environmental groups and associations, and consumers.
Highlights: * Iowa Workforce Development Director Elisabeth Buck and Deputy Director Joe Walsh recently visited a number of IowaWORKS offices in Eastern Iowa as part of a summer tour........................................pg. 2 * Amber Connolly was recently awarded the Iowa Association of Workplace Professionals (IAWP) individual award for Outstanding Specialized Customer Service...............pg. 2 * Iowa Workforce Development has partnered with Iowa’s Community Colleges to implement Iowa’s National Career Readiness Certificate (NCRC).................pg. 3 * O*NET is an occupational information network developed under the sponsorship of the U.S. Department of Labor/Employment and Training Administration.....................pg. 3
One of the leading complaints from drivers is the inability to see pavement markings under wet night conditions. This issue is a major source of dissatisfaction in state department of transportation (DOT) customer satisfaction surveys. Driving under wet night conditions is stressful and fatiguing for all drivers, but particularly so for the more vulnerable young and older driver age groups. This project focused on the development of a two-year, long-line test deck to allow for the evaluation and demonstration of a variety of wet-reflective pavement marking materials and treatments under wet night conditions. Having the opportunity to document the performance of these various products and treatments will assist the Iowa DOT and local agencies in determining when and where the use of these products might be most effective. Performance parameters included durability, presence, retroreflectivity, and wet night visibility. The test sections were located within Story County so that Iowa DOT management and staff, as well as local agencies, could drive these areas and provide input on the products and treatments.
As an expansion of SF2088, the Department of Administrative Services-Information Technology Enterprise (DAS-ITE) was asked to further analyze the potential costs and savings if the current practice of charging credit card and overhead fees (“value-added fees”) were to be eliminated. Value-added fees reflect the costs an agency incurs while providing online services, and those costs will always exist.. DAS-ITE researched these costs and identified ways of making the associated fees less burdensome to the citizens of Iowa. The three alternatives provide different ways in which agencies can recover those costs; they could be borne by either an annual appropriation or adjustment of the online service “price” to include the fees within the cost of the online transaction. An additional alternative is presented to leave the current value-added fee practices in place. Recognition must also be made of the fact that traditional forms of conducting business with the State of Iowa, face-to-face and paper-based transactions, are inherently more costly. These delivery channels are effectively subsidized by the agency as a “cost of doing business” and the associated expense of the transactions is not passed on to the customer.
Public agencies in Iowa are continually challenged with reduced staff levels, reduced budgets, and increased expectations for services provided. Responding to these demands requires a well-informed and coordinated team that includes professionals, supervisors, technicians, lead workers, and workers. Becoming a coordinated team requires the training and interaction to produce a common foundation to build upon. In 2007, a training program did not exist in the state to provide this level of training for existing or upcoming managers and leaders of public agencies. The Iowa Local Technical Assistance Program (LTAP), in conjunction with Iowa public agency representatives, set out to provide that foundation by developing the Iowa Public Employees Leadership Academy, which was renamed the Public Employees Leadership Institute in July 2011. The Institute is an on-demand, online training program designed to create better (or new) leaders and supervisors for Iowa’s public agencies. The Institute provides a curriculum to train the next generation of leaders, who will replace existing leaders when retirements occur. Through the Institute, Iowa LTAP will provide a coordinated, structured, non-credit educational program available for a modest fee. The techniques and skills offered through the Institute can apply to all who wish to develop or sharpen their leadership and management abilities. This will be true whether the participants are employed in the public or private sector. The 14 courses that were developed and are being offered are as follows: Supervisory Techniques and Skills, Team Development, Communications Skills, Leadership Skills, Community Service/Customer Orientation, Legal Understanding, Fundamentals of Government, Finance, Resource Management, Operations and Maintenance, Basic Management, Emergency Management, Project Management, and Winter Maintenance Management.
Highlights: * Iowa Workforce Development Director Elisabeth Buck and Deputy Director Joe Walsh recently visited a number of IowaWORKS offices in Eastern Iowa as part of a summer tour........................................pg. 2 * Amber Connolly was recently awarded the Iowa Association of Workplace Professionals (IAWP) individual award for Outstanding Specialized Customer Service...............pg. 2 * Iowa Workforce Development has partnered with Iowa’s Community Colleges to implement Iowa’s National Career Readiness Certificate (NCRC).................pg. 3 * O*NET is an occupational information network developed under the sponsorship of the U.S. Department of Labor/Employment and Training Administration.....................pg. 3
Highlights: * Iowa Workforce Development Director Elisabeth Buck and Deputy Director Joe Walsh recently visited a number of IowaWORKS offices in Eastern Iowa as part of a summer tour........................................pg. 2 * Amber Connolly was recently awarded the Iowa Association of Workplace Professionals (IAWP) individual award for Outstanding Specialized Customer Service...............pg. 2 * Iowa Workforce Development has partnered with Iowa’s Community Colleges to implement Iowa’s National Career Readiness Certificate (NCRC).................pg. 3 * O*NET is an occupational information network developed under the sponsorship of the U.S. Department of Labor/Employment and Training Administration.....................pg. 3
The work of the Department of Natural Resources impacts the lives of all Iowans. Iowans deserve a clean environment and quality natural areas for public use and enjoyment. This report reflects the progress made during fiscal year 2013 (FY13) toward our goals and provides information regarding the condition of our state’s natural resources and the effectiveness of our programs. In FY13, we continued to improve collaboration with other executive branch agencies. The DNR and DOT work very closely on the issuance of permits needed for road and bridge constructions, but recently we have also been working together to meet the administrative needs of the agencies. The DNR is working closely with the DOT to adopt an Electronic Records Management System used by the DOT. This system will improve accessibility to public documents and reduce the amount of paper files retained in storage. The DNR also continues to improve collaboration with other agencies, such as the Iowa Economic Development Authority as we work closely with them on business development in the state. The DNR strives to continually improve our customer service and how we can meet Iowan’s needs. As an example, the online reservation system for campground reservations has grown over the past eight years so that now 88% of the camping reservations are made online. The DNR continues to improve our online presence and accessibility. In FY13 the Iowa Legislature approved paying off the State’s bond debt used to construct Honey Creek Resort State Park. By removing this debt, the DNR will be able to focus more on the future of the Resort, rather than the past debt. Finally, in August of 2012, the DNR was faced with a tragic accident, where a seasonal parks employee died after rolling a mower into a lake. This incident has caused us to establish a Safety Program at the DNR and to review all of our departmental safety trainings, programs, and equipment. By focusing on our employee’s safety and well being, it is another way that we can demonstrate that at the DNR, our employees are our greatest asset.
This report presents the results of a number of detailed Iowa access management case studies. Case studies were selected to provide a cross-section of locations and community sizes in Iowa as well as a variety of project types. Generally, access management projects completed during the mid-1990s were chosen as case studies. Projects ranging from driveway consolidation to full raised medians were analyzed on a before and after basis in terms of traffic safety, traffic operations, and adjacent business vitality. Sources of information used for the case study analysis included: road project files; traffic accident records; state sales tax records; and personal interviews of business owners, business customers, and local officials. The case study results from Iowa essentially confirm results of previous access management research from around the nation. Recent access in Iowa had significant, positive impacts in terms of traffic safety. The average reduction of annual accidents and accident rates on improved roadways was approximately 40%. Improvements in access management also led to significantly better roadway operations for most case studies. Although a small number of individual businesses do report sales losses and/or customer complaints once projects have been completed, access management projects in Iowa have not had an adverse impact on the majority of businesses located along them. In fact, some access management projects in Iowa seem to have contributed to an improved business environment along the corridors that have been improved. The results from the Iowa case studies presented in this report will be used to develop access management education materials for Iowa transportation professionals and other audiences interested in the impacts of access management.