119 resultados para Substance misuse services


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State Audit Reports


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Division of Deaf Services Biennal Report for Fiscal Years 2005 and 2006, part of Department of Human Rights.


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The attached annual report is submitted in satisfaction of Chapter 80E.1 of the Code of Iowa which directs the Drug Policy Coordinator to monitor and coordinate all drug prevention, enforcement and treatment activities in the state. Further, it requires the Coordinator to submit an annual report to the Governor and Legislature concerning the activities and programs of the Coordinator, the Governor’s Office of Drug Control Policy and all other state departments with drug enforcement, substance abuse treatment, and prevention programs. Chapter 80E.2 establishes the Drug Policy Advisory Council (DPAC), chaired by the Coordinator, and consisting of a prosecuting attorney, substance abuse treatment specialists, law enforcement officers, a prevention specialist, a judge and representatives from the departments of corrections, education, public health, human services, public safety and human rights. This report and strategy were in developed in consultation with the DPAC.


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The Legislative Council established the Emergency Services Interim Study Committee in 2006 and authorized the Committee to meet for two days during the 2006 Legislative Interim. Upon request by the Committee, the Legislative Council subsequently approved a third meeting. The Committee was charged to study the governance, structure, and funding of the state's emergency services and available training for emergency services providers, and receive input from the Department of Public Defense's Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management; Departments of Human Services, Public Health, and Public Safety, including the State Fire Marshal; and representatives of emergency services providers, including the Iowa Firemen's Association, Iowa Fire Chiefs' Association, Iowa Association of Professional Fire Chiefs, Iowa Professional Fire Fighters, Iowa Emergency Medical Services Association, and emergency room physicians.


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A report that Mary Wegner gave Iowa's congressmen and senators during this year's ALA Legislative Day in Washington, DC. The report reflects the important ways the State Library uses LSTA funds to help Iowa libraries provide the best service possible to their customers. LSTA funds also pay the salaries of Library Development staff.


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Agency Performance Plan


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Annual Report, Agency Performance Plan


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The Iowa Department of Corrections faces a growing prison population expected to quickly exceed current capacities. Additionally, nine out of every ten offenders have a history of alcohol or drug problems often both. Research suggests that alcohol and drugs lead to criminal behavior, which lead offenders right back to prison creating a vicious circle and placing a financial and societal burden on the state. However, research also shows that substance abuse treatment can minimize criminal behavior, and offers a way to shut the revolving prison door. Substance abuse programming attempts to change offender thinking patterns and behavior in order to facilitate re-entry back into the community, lessen substance abuse relapse and reduce recidivism. Yet nearly 60% of offenders with identified needs are not treated, and many lacking treatment are high risk. Additionally, the percentage of offenders returning to prison varies significantly from program to program and some programs can not show they have reduced recidivism when compared to offender groups with substance abuse problems and receiving no treatment at all. All of which minimize the effect substance Abuse programming has in curbing prison population growth and reducing crime.


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Audit report on the Iowa Department of Human Services – Central Distribution Center for the year ended June 30, 2006


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Audit report on the Iowa Department of Human Services for the year ended June 30, 2006