228 resultados para SNA research design


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This User’s Guide serves as a reference for field personnel using the sign inventory data collection software tool. This tool was developed to simplify and standardize the collection and updating of sign inventory information. The software and collection methodology was developed by the Iowa DOT Sign Management Task Force and the Center for Transportation Research and Education at Iowa State University. Required Equipment -The data collection process requires both a portable computer and a global positioning system (GPS) device (connected via USB cable). Since computer battery performance varies, a DC power converter is recommended. A check-in/out process has also been established which allows updates to sign information from the central database.


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Excessive daytime sleepiness underpins a large number of the reported motor vehicle crashes. Fair and accurate field measures are needed to identify at-risk drivers who have been identified as potentially driving in a sleep deprived state on the basis of erratic driving behavior. The purpose of this research study was to evaluate a set of cognitive tests that can assist Motor Vehicle Enforcement Officers on duty in identifying drivers who may be engaged in sleep impaired driving. Currently no gold standard test exists to judge sleepiness in the field. Previous research has shown that Psychomotor Vigilance Task (PVT) is sensitive to sleep deprivation. The first goal of the current study was to evaluate whether computerized tests of attention and memory, more brief than PVT, would be as sensitive to sleepiness effects. The second goal of the study was to evaluate whether objective and subjective indices of acute and cumulative sleepiness predicted cognitive performance. Findings showed that sleepiness effects were detected in three out of six tasks. Furthermore, PVT was the only task that showed a consistent slowing of both ‘best’, i.e. minimum, and ‘typical’ responses, median RT due to sleepiness. However, PVT failed to show significant associations with objective measures of sleep deprivation (number of hours awake). The findings indicate that sleepiness tests in the field have significant limitations. The findings clearly show that it will not be possible to set absolute performance thresholds to identify sleep-impaired drivers based on cognitive performance on any test. Cooperation with industry to adjust work and rest cycles, and incentives to comply with those regulations will be critical components of a broad policy to prevent sleepy truck drivers from getting on the road.


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This study aims to improve the accuracy and usability of Iowa Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD) data by incorporating significant enhancements into the fully-automated software system for rapid processing of the FWD data. These enhancements include: (1) refined prediction of backcalculated pavement layer modulus through deflection basin matching/optimization, (2) temperature correction of backcalculated Hot-Mix Asphalt (HMA) layer modulus, (3) computation of 1993 AASHTO design guide related effective SN (SNeff) and effective k-value (keff ), (4) computation of Iowa DOT asphalt concrete (AC) overlay design related Structural Rating (SR) and kvalue (k), and (5) enhancement of user-friendliness of input and output from the software tool. A high-quality, easy-to-use backcalculation software package, referred to as, I-BACK: the Iowa Pavement Backcalculation Software, was developed to achieve the project goals and requirements. This report presents theoretical background behind the incorporated enhancements as well as guidance on the use of I-BACK developed in this study. The developed tool, I-BACK, provides more fine-tuned ANN pavement backcalculation results by implementation of deflection basin matching optimizer for conventional flexible, full-depth, rigid, and composite pavements. Implementation of this tool within Iowa DOT will facilitate accurate pavement structural evaluation and rehabilitation designs for pavement/asset management purposes. This research has also set the framework for the development of a simplified FWD deflection based HMA overlay design procedure which is one of the recommended areas for future research.


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This study aims to improve the accuracy of AASHTO Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide (MEPDG) pavement performance predictions for Iowa pavement systems through local calibration of MEPDG prediction models. A total of 130 representative pavement sites across Iowa were selected. The selected pavement sites represent flexible, rigid, and composite pavement systems throughout Iowa. The required MEPDG inputs and the historical performance data for the selected sites were extracted from a variety of sources. The accuracy of the nationally-calibrated MEPDG prediction models for Iowa conditions was evaluated. The local calibration factors of MEPDG performance prediction models were identified to improve the accuracy of model predictions. The identified local calibration coefficients are presented with other significant findings and recommendations for use in MEPDG/DARWin-ME for Iowa pavement systems.


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This report is on state-of-the-art research efforts specific to infrastructure inventory/data collection with sign inventory as a case study. The development of an agency-wide sign inventory is based on feature inventory and location information. Specific to location, a quick and simple location acquisition tool is critical to tying assets to an accurate location-referencing system. This research effort provides a contrast between legacy referencing systems (route and milepost) and global positioning system- (GPS-) based techniques (latitude and longitude) integrated into a geographic information system (GIS) database. A summary comparison of field accuracies using a variety of consumer grade devices is also provided. This research, and the data collection tools developed, are critical in supporting the Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) Statewide Sign Management System development effort. For the last two years, a Task Force has embarked on a comprehensive effort to develop a sign management system to improve sign quality, as well as to manage all aspects of signage, from request, ordering, fabricating, installing, maintaining, and ultimately removing, and to provide the ability to budget for these key assets on a statewide basis. This effort supported the development of a sign inventory tool and is the beginning of the development of a sign management system to support the Iowa DOT efforts in the consistent, cost effective, and objective decision making process when it comes to signs and their maintenance.


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Browse through this guide and you’ll find the distinct flavor of what is available along each byway. Discover recreational, historic, cultural and scenic attractions using the maps and lists provided in the guide. You’ll find numbered attractions for each byway in or near the town listed. For a comprehensive list of byway features, visit www.iowabyways.org. Friendly local contacts are provided to help you along the way. Iowa Transportation Maps clearly tracking all the Iowa byways with red dotted lines are available at Iowa’s official welcome centers. Traveling Iowa’s byways you will experience small town America, while enjoying diverse landscapes and unique landforms that have been shaped over thousands of years. Iowa’s cultural heritage also plays a major role across all 11 byways, boasting hundreds of historic sites, national landmarks and interpretive centers, each telling Iowa’s stories from the first Native Americans through European immigrants to modern times. Glaciers once covered much of Iowa, shaping the broad flat plains of the prairie. These massive sheets of ice missed the northeast corner of the state, leaving the land along the Driftless Area Byway rugged and hilly with rock outcroppings, springs and cold water trout streams. Rivers coursed their way through the land, carving deep furrows in some places and leaving gently rolling hills in others. In western Iowa, wind has shaped fine sand into the impressive Loess Hills, a rare land form found in only one other place on earth. Iowa’s two national scenic byways and nine state byways offer unique varieties of scenic features, and more for you to see and do. View three states from atop a Mississippi River bluff, stop at a modern art museum and then tour a working farm. Explore a historic mill, visit a national aquarium, take a boat ride in a cave, purchase locally crafted pottery and wares from local artisans or trace the footsteps of Lewis and Clark. Experience the actual wagon ruts of the Mormon Trail, ride your bike 13 stories high, canoe a water trail, star gaze under Iowa’s darkest sky, and marvel at mounds built by prehistoric cultures. Agriculture wraps Iowa’s byways with an abundance of farmland vistas and fills Iowa lands with ever-changing crops and activities for you to “harvest.” You’ll see croplands on the vast flat plains and farmsteads sprinkled across rolling hills reminiscent of a Grant Wood painting. Along the way, you might wander in a corn maze, rest at a bed and breakfast, study farming in museums, discover the Iowa barn quilt collection or visit a working Amish farm. When you are ready to step outside your vehicle, you’ll find much more to do and see. Prairie, forests, rivers and public lands are abundant along Iowa’s byways; providing opportunities for you to stop and play in the outdoors with hiking, biking, kayaking and trout fishing. Classic hometowns with pride for their unique lore and offerings are found all along the byways. They invite you to taste local food, enjoy their architecture, and immerse yourself in the rich history and culture that defines them. Why not plan your next journey off the beaten path? No matter how you choose to make the most of every moment, we know that time spent along Iowa’s byways is sure to grow your love for Iowa’s diverse, beautiful vistas and authentic communities. Happy driving!


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The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) estimates that 58 percent of roadway fatalities are lane departures, while 40 percent of fatalities are single-vehicle run-off-road (SVROR) crashes. Addressing lane-departure crashes is therefore a priority for national, state, and local roadway agencies. Horizontal curves are of particular interest because they have been correlated with increased crash occurrence. This toolbox was developed to assist agencies address crashes at rural curves. The main objective of this toolbox is to summarize the effectiveness of various known curve countermeasures. While education, enforcement, and policy countermeasures should also be considered, they were not included given the toolbox focuses on roadway-based countermeasures. Furthermore, the toolbox is geared toward rural two-lane curves. The research team identified countermeasures based on their own research, through a survey of the literature, and through discussions with other professionals. Coverage of curve countermeasures in this toolbox is not necessarily comprehensive. For each countermeasure covered, this toolbox includes the following information: description, application, effectiveness, advantages, and disadvantages.


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This report is a culmination of the Location Referencing System (LRS) team. The team was charged with defining a system that coordinates the collection storage, and access to location referencing information by developing an LRS to be used throughout the Iowa DOT.


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Heat straightening of steel beams on bridges struck by over height trucks has become common practice in recent years in Iowa. A study of the effects of this heat straightening on the steel beams thus straightened is needed. Appropriate samples for mechanical and metallurgical tests were cut from the same rolled beam from the end which was heated and the end which was not heated and the test results were compared. The test results showed beyond doubt that the steel was being heated beyond the permitted temperature and that the impact properties are being drastically reduced by the current method of heat straightening.


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Freezing and thawing action induces damage to unbound gravel roads in Iowa resulting in maintenance costs for secondary road departments. Some approaches currently used by County Engineers to deal with this problem include temporarily spreading rock on the affected areas, lowering or improving drainage ditches, tiling, bridging the area with stone and geosynthetic covered by a top course of aggregate or gravel, coring boreholes and filling them with calcium chloride to melt lenses and provide drainage, and re-grading the crown to a slope of 4% to 6% to maximize spring drainage. However, most of these maintenance solutions are aimed at dealing with conditions after they occur. This study was tasked with identifying alternative approaches in the literature to mitigate the problem. An annotated bibliographic record of literature on the topic of frost-heave and thaw-weakening of gravel roads was generated and organized by topic, and all documents were assessed in terms of a suitable rating for mitigating the problem in Iowa. Over 300 technical articles were collected and selected down to about 150 relevant articles for a full assessment. The documents collected have been organized in an electronic database, which can be used as a tool by practitioners to search for information regarding the various repair and mitigation solutions, measurement technologies, and experiences that have been documented by selected domestic and international researchers and practitioners. Out of the 150+ articles, 71 articles were ranked as highly applicable to conditions in Iowa. The primary mitigation methods identified in this study included chemical and mechanical stabilization; scarification, blending, and recompaction; removal and replacement; separation, and reinforcement; geogrids and cellular confinement; drainage control and capillary barriers, and use of alternative materials. It is recommended that demonstration research projects be established to examine a range of construction methods and materials for treating granular surfaced roadways to mitigate frost-heave and thaw-weakening problems. Preliminary frost-susceptibility test results from ASTM D5916 are included for a range of Iowa materials.


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A significant amount of waste limestone screenings is produced during aggregate production. This waste material cannot be used in highway construction because it does not meet current highway specifications. The purpose of this research was to determine if a waste limestone screenings/emulsion mix could be used to construct a base capable of supporting local traffic. A 1.27 mile (2.04 km) section of roadway in Linn County was selected for this research. The road was divided into seven sections. Six of the sections were used to test 4 in. (100 mm) and 6 in. (150 mm) compacted base thicknesses containing 2.5%, 3.5%, and 4.5% residual asphalt contents. The seventh section was a control section containing untreated waste limestone screenings. This research on emulsion stabilized limestone screenings supports the following conclusions: (1) A low maintenance roadway can be produced using a seal coat surface on 6 in. (150 mm) of stabilized limestone screenings with 4.5% asphalt cement; (2) A 6 in. (150 mm) emulsion stabilized base with less than 3.5% asphalt cement does not produce a satisfactory low cost maintenance roadway; (3) A 4 in. (100 mm) emulsion stabilized base does not produce a satisfactory low cost maintenance roadway; and (4) A 2 in. (50 mm) asphalt concrete surface would be necessary on many roads to provide a low maintenance roadway using emulsion stabilized limestone screenings.


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This report describes the field application of the tilt sensing method for monitoring movement of the Black Hawk and Karl King Bridges. The study objectives were: to design a data acquisition system for tilt sensing equipment utilizing a telephone telemetry system; to monitor possible movement of the main span pier, Pier No. 2, on the Black Hawk Bridge in Lansing and the possible long-term movement of Pier No. 4 on the Karl King Bridge in Fort Dodge; and to assess the feasibility, reliability, and accuracy of the instrumentation system used in this study.


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Recent reports have indicated that 23.5% of the nation's highway bridges are structurally deficient and 17.7% are functionally obsolete. A significant number of these bridges are on the Iowa secondary road system where over 86% of the rural bridge management responsibilities are assigned to the counties. Some of the bridges can be strengthened or otherwise rehabilitated, but many more are in need of immediate replacement. In a recent investigation (HR-365 "Evaluation of Bridge Replacement Alternatives for the County Bridge System") several types of replacement bridges that are currently being used on low volume roads were identified. It was also determined that a large number of counties (69%) have the ability and are interested in utilizing their own forces to design and construct short span bridges. In reviewing the results from HR-365, the research team developed one "new" bridge replacement concept and a modification of a replacement system currently being used. Both of these bridge replacement alternatives were investigated in this study, the results of which are presented in two volumes. This volume (Volume 1) presents the results of Concept 1 - Steel Beam Precast Units. Concept 2 - Modification of the Beam-in-Slab Bridge is presented in Volume 2. Concept 1, involves the fabrication of precast units (two steel beams connected by a concrete slab) by county work forces. Deck thickness is limited so that the units can be fabricated at one site and then transported to the bridge site where they are connected and the remaining portion of the deck placed. Since Concept 1 bridge is primarily intended for use on low-volume roads, the precast units can be constructed with new or used beams. In the experimental part of the investigation, there were three types of static load tests: small scale connector tests, "handling strength" tests, and service and overload tests of a model bridge. Three finite element models for analyzing the bridge in various states of construction were also developed. Small scale connector tests were completed to determine the best method of connecting the precast double-T (PCDT) units. "Handling strength" tests on an individual PCDT unit were performed to determine the strength and behavior of the precast unit in this configuration. The majority of the testing was completed on the model bridge [L=9,750 mm (32 ft), W=6,400 mm (21 ft)] which was fabricated using the precast units developed. Some of the variables investigated in the model bridge tests were number of connectors required to connect adjacent precast units, contribution of diaphragms to load distribution, influence of position of diaphragms on bridge strength and load distribution, and effect of cast-in-place portion of deck on load distribution. In addition to the service load tests, the bridge was also subjected to overload conditions. Using the finite element models developed, one can predict the behavior and strength of bridges similar to the laboratory model as well as design them. Concept 1 has successfully passed all laboratory testing; the next step is to field test it.


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Phase I was initiated as a result of internal Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT) studies that raised concerns about the quality of embankments being constructed. Some large embankments have recently developed slope stability problems. In addition, pavement roughness has been noted shortly after roads were opened to traffic. This raised the question as to whether the current Iowa DOT embankment construction specifications are adequate. The primary objective of Phase I was to evaluate the quality of embankments being constructed under the current Iowa DOT specifications. The project was initiated in May 1997 with a tour of several embankment projects being constructed around the state. At each of these projects the resident construction engineer, field inspector, and contractor were interviewed with respect to their opinion of the current specifications. From construction observations and discussion during these visits it became obvious that there were problems with the current embankment construction specifications. Six embankment projects were selected for in-depth analysis and to represent the full range of soil types being used across the state. The results of Phase I field and laboratory construction testing and observations and post construction testing are presented in this report. Overall evaluation of the results of Phase I indicate that Iowa is not consistently obtaining a quality embankment constructed under the current Iowa DOT specifications. Based on these results, recommendations are made for Phase II to evaluate alternative specifications and develop rapid field methods for compaction control and soil identification.


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This project continues the research which addresses the numerous bridge problems on the Iowa secondary road system. It is a continuation (Phase 2) of Project HR-382, in which two replacement alternatives (Concept 1: Steel Beam Precast Units and Concept 2: Modification of the Benton County Beam-in-Slab Bridge) were investigated. In previous research for concept 1, a precast unit bridge was developed through laboratory testing. The steel-beam precast unit bridge requires the fabrication of precast double-tee (PCDT) units, each consisting of two steel beams connected by a reinforced concrete deck. The weight of each PCDT unit is minimized by limiting the deck thickness to 4 in., which permits the units to be constructed off-site and then transported to the bridge site. The number of units required is a function of the width of bridge desired. Once the PCDT units are connected, a cast-in-place reinforced concrete deck is cast over the PCDT units and the bridge railing attached. Since the steel beam PCDT unit bridge design is intended primarily for use on low-volume roads, used steel beams can be utilized for a significant cost savings. In previous research for concept 2, an alternate shear connector (ASC) was developed and subjected to static loading. In this investigation, the ASC was subjected to cyclic loading in both pushout specimens and composite beam tests. Based on these tests, the fatigue strength of the ASC was determined to be significantly greater than that required in typical low volume road single span bridges. Based upon the construction and service load testing, the steel-beam precast unit bridge was successfully shown to be a viable low volume road bridge alternative. The construction process utilized standard methods resulting in a simple system that can be completed with a limited staff. Results from the service load tests indicated adequate strength for all legal loads. An inspection of the bridge one year after its construction revealed no change in the bridge's performance. Each of the systems previously described are relatively easy to construct. Use of the ASC rather than the welded studs significantly simplified the work, equipment, and materials required to develop composite action between the steel beams and the concrete deck.