117 resultados para Rural Planning


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In Iowa, there are currently no uniform design standards for rural and suburban subdivision development roadways. Without uniform design standards, many counties are unable to provide adequate guidance for public facilities, particularly roadways, to be constructed as part of a rural subdivision development. If a developer is not required to install appropriate public improvements or does not do so properly, significant liability and maintenance expenses can be expected, along with the potential for major project costs to correct the situation. Not having uniform design standards for rural and suburban subdivision development improvements in Iowa creates situations where there is potential for inconsistency and confusion. Differences in the way development standards are applied also create incentives or disincentives for developers to initiate subdivision platting in a particular county. With the wide range of standards or lack of standards for local roads in development areas, it is critical that some level of uniformity is created to address equity in development across jurisdictional lines. The standards must be effective in addressing the problem, but they must not be so excessive as to curtail development activities within a local jurisdiction. In order to address the concerns, cities and counties have to work together to identify where growth is going to be focused. Within that long-term growth area, the roadways should be constructed to urban standards to provide an easier transition to traditional urban facilities as the area is developed. Developments outside of the designated growth area should utilize a rural cross section since it is less likely to have concentrated urban development. The developers should be required to develop roadways that are designed for a minimum life of 40 years, and the county should accept dedication of the roadway and be responsible for its maintenance.


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Audit report on the Xenia Rural Water District for the year ended December 31, 2011


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Iowa Code Section 216A.135 requires the Criminal and Juvenile Justice Planning Advisory Council (CJJPAC) to submit a long-range plan for Iowa's justice system to the Governor and General Assembly every five years. The Criminal and Juvenile Justice Advisory Council directed that the 2005 plan be developed with input from the public. A public hearing was held in September 2004, utilizing the Iowa Communications Network at five sites across Iowa. Using the information gained, the Council developed new goals and strategies and modified others from the 2000 plan. The 2005 Long Range Goals for Iowa’s Criminal and Juvenile Justice Systems, organized as follows, are meant to facilitate analyses and directions for justice system issues and concerns in Iowa.


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This 2012 Annual Report further summarizes the work of the Commission during the last year and provides planning recommendations for the future of the Capitol Complex. Please note that Iowa Code Chapter 8A.373 provides that before any physical changes are made to the state capitol complex "it shall be the duty of the officers, commissions, and councils charged by law with the duty of determining such questions to call upon" the Capitol Planning Commission for advice. The Capitol Planning Commission members, as well as DAS Staff, welcome the opportunity to discuss future projects at the request of any legislator.


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Audit report on the Chariton Valley Planning & Development Council of Governments in Centerville, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2012


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Audit report on the Xenia Rural Water District for the year ended December 31, 2012


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As technology evolves, vital resources shift, and the state’s population diversifies, Public Safety will have a unique opportunity to show our integrity, values, and worth to the citizens of Iowa. To take advantage of this unique moment in history, and will remain committed to, proactive and on-going strategic mapping. This strategic work will always be guided by Public Safety’s mission and core values, as well as by our responsibility to support local Police Departments and Sheriff’s Offices.


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The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) estimates that 58 percent of roadway fatalities are lane departures, while 40 percent of fatalities are single-vehicle run-off-road (SVROR) crashes. Addressing lane-departure crashes is therefore a priority for national, state, and local roadway agencies. Horizontal curves are of particular interest because they have been correlated with increased crash occurrence. This toolbox was developed to assist agencies address crashes at rural curves. The main objective of this toolbox is to summarize the effectiveness of various known curve countermeasures. While education, enforcement, and policy countermeasures should also be considered, they were not included given the toolbox focuses on roadway-based countermeasures. Furthermore, the toolbox is geared toward rural two-lane curves. The research team identified countermeasures based on their own research, through a survey of the literature, and through discussions with other professionals. Coverage of curve countermeasures in this toolbox is not necessarily comprehensive. For each countermeasure covered, this toolbox includes the following information: description, application, effectiveness, advantages, and disadvantages.


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The main goal of the research described in this report was to evaluate countermeasures that agencies can use to reduce speeds as drivers enter rural communities located on high-speed roadways. The objectives of this study were as follows: * Identify and summarize countermeasures used to manage speeds in transition zones * Demonstrate the effectiveness of countermeasures that are practical for high- to low-speed transition zones * Acquire additional information about countermeasures that may show promise but lack sufficient evidence of effectiveness * Develop an application toolbox to assist small communities in selecting appropriate transition zones and effective countermeasures for entrances to small rural communities The team solicited small communities that were interested in participating in the Phase II study and several communities were also recommended. The treatments evaluated were selected by carefully considering traffic-calming treatments that have been used effectively in other countries for small rural communities, as well as the information gained from the first phase of the project. The treatments evaluated are as follows: * Transverse speed bars * Colored entrance treatment * Temporary island * Radar-activated speed limit sign * Speed feedback sign The toolbox publication and four focused tech briefs also cover the results of this work.


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The Institute for Transportation (InTrans) at Iowa State University completed work on an in-depth study of crash history on lowvolume, rural roads in Iowa in December 2010. Results indicated that unpaved roads with traffic volumes greater than 100 vehicles per day (vpd) exhibit significantly higher crash frequencies, rates, and densities than any other class of low-volume road examined, paved or unpaved. The total mileage for this class of roadway in Iowa is only about 4,400 miles, spread over 99 counties in the state, which is certainly a manageable number of miles for individual rural agencies. The purpose of this study was to identify and examine several unpaved, local road segments with higher than average crash frequencies, select and undertake potentially-beneficial mitigation, and evaluate the results as time allowed. A variety of low-cost options were considered, including engineering improvements, enhanced efforts by law enforcement, and educational initiatives. Using input, active support, and participation from local agencies and state and Federal safety advocates, the study afforded a unique opportunity to examine useful tools for local rural agencies to utilize in addressing safety on this particular type of roadway.


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The Institute for Transportation (InTrans) at Iowa State University completed work on an in-depth study of crash history on lowvolume, rural roads in Iowa in December 2010. Results indicated that unpaved roads with traffic volumes greater than 100 vehicles per day (vpd) exhibit significantly higher crash frequencies, rates, and densities than any other class of low-volume road examined, paved or unpaved. The total mileage for this class of roadway in Iowa is only about 4,400 miles, spread over 99 counties in the state, which is certainly a manageable number of miles for individual rural agencies. The purpose of this study was to identify and examine several unpaved, local road segments with higher than average crash frequencies, select and undertake potentially-beneficial mitigation, and evaluate the results as time allowed. A variety of low-cost options were considered, including engineering improvements, enhanced efforts by law enforcement, and educational initiatives. Using input, active support, and participation from local agencies and state and Federal safety advocates, the study afforded a unique opportunity to examine useful tools for local rural agencies to utilize in addressing safety on this particular type of roadway.


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The primary objective of this toolbox is to summarize various known traffic-calming treatments and their effectiveness. This toolbox focuses on roadway-based treatments for speed management, particularly for rural communities with transition zones. Education, enforcement, and policy strategies should also be considered, but are not the focus of this toolbox. The research team identified treatments based on their own research, a review of the literature, and discussion with other professionals. This toolbox describes each treatment and summarizes placement, advantages, disadvantages, effectiveness, appropriateness, and cost for each treatment. The categories of treatments covered in this toolbox are as follows: horizontal physical displacement, vertical physical displacement, narrowing, surroundings, pavement markings, traffic control signs, and other strategies. Separate 3- to 4-page Tech Briefs for various aspects of this toolbox are attached to this record: Center Islands with Raised Curbing for Rural Traffic Calming, Colored Entrance Treatments for Rural Traffic Calming, Dynamic Speed Feedback Signs for Rural Traffic Calming, Transverse Speed Bars for Rural Traffic Calming. This toolbox and the tech briefs are related to the report Evaluation of Low Cost Traffic Calming for Rural Communities – Phase II, which is also included in this record or can be found at http://publications.iowa.gov/id/eprint/14769


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The main goal of the research described in this report was to evaluate countermeasures that agencies can use to reduce speeds as drivers enter rural communities located on high-speed roadways. The objectives of this study were as follows: * Identify and summarize countermeasures used to manage speeds in transition zones * Demonstrate the effectiveness of countermeasures that are practical for high- to low-speed transition zones * Acquire additional information about countermeasures that may show promise but lack sufficient evidence of effectiveness * Develop an application toolbox to assist small communities in selecting appropriate transition zones and effective countermeasures for entrances to small rural communities The team solicited small communities that were interested in participating in the Phase II study and several communities were also recommended. The treatments evaluated were selected by carefully considering traffic-calming treatments that have been used effectively in other countries for small rural communities, as well as the information gained from the first phase of the project. The treatments evaluated are as follows: * Transverse speed bars * Colored entrance treatment * Temporary island * Radar-activated speed limit sign * Speed feedback sign The toolbox publication and four focused tech briefs also cover the results of this work.


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The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) estimates that 58 percent of roadway fatalities are lane departures, while 40 percent of fatalities are single-vehicle run-off-road (SVROR) crashes. Addressing lane-departure crashes is therefore a priority for national, state, and local roadway agencies. Horizontal curves are of particular interest because they have been correlated with increased crash occurrence. This toolbox was developed to assist agencies address crashes at rural curves. The main objective of this toolbox is to summarize the effectiveness of various known curve countermeasures. While education, enforcement, and policy countermeasures should also be considered, they were not included given the toolbox focuses on roadway-based countermeasures. Furthermore, the toolbox is geared toward rural two-lane curves. The research team identified countermeasures based on their own research, through a survey of the literature, and through discussions with other professionals. Coverage of curve countermeasures in this toolbox is not necessarily comprehensive. For each countermeasure covered, this toolbox includes the following information: description, application, effectiveness, advantages, and disadvantages.


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Agency Performance Plan, Iowa Public Television