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This brochures has information on the celebration of the American Revolution and describes the duties of the Bicentennial Commission and State Heritage '76 committees. It tells how a person can help with the celebration and lists the members of the Iowa American Revolution Bicentennial Commission.
Written by William Rufus Perkins this book is the history of the Trappist Abbey of New Melleray in Dubuque County, Iowa. New Melleray is a Cistercian (Trappist) monastery located in the rolling farmland south of Dubuque
This book is a reprint from the handwritten notes of Robert Lucas, first Governor of Iowa Territory from 1838 to 1841, written while he was in camp and on the march in the War of 1812 from the dates of April to September 1812.
This book is a detailed account of the Battle of Shiloh, written by Joseph W. Rich with an introduction by Benjamin F. Shambaugh. Eleven Iowa Regiments took part in this Civil War engagement that took place on April 6-7, 1862 in Tennessee. Iowa had more men in the conflict, in proportion to is population than any other state.
In June of 1974 Governor Robert Ray approved Senate File 1325, an Act passed by the Sixty-fifth General Assembly which directed the State Historical Society of Iowa to utilize the sum of $2,500 "For the planning and study of a memorial to Ansel Briggs, the first governor of Iowa." This is the final report on all of the information that was compiled during the intense research done on the Governor. This report includes information on his ancestry and personal life, photos, governorship, correspondence, documents, monuments and much more.
This is a second report, submitted by Benjamin F. Shaughbum, on the Public Archives for the time period of September 18, 1906 to May 11, 1907. As a "program for immediate action" six recommendations were submitted to the Trustees of the State Library and Historical Department of Iowa under the date of September 18, 1906.
This is a guide for tourists visiting Iowa with colored photographs and brief descriptions.
A pocket sized brochure containing brief information on Iowa's history, industry, agriculture, tourism, quality of life, transportation, exports for the world market, people, education and basic facts.
This reference guide was designed to facilitate the study of Iowa history and includes useful lists of references on many topics. It was compiled by William J. Petersen and is part of the Bulletin of Information: no. 17, edited by John Ely. It was published by the State Historical Society of Iowa
The papers presented in this volume were delivered at a conference held on April 2, 1980, in Iowa City under the sponsorship of the Center for the Study of the Recent History of the United States, a cooperative undertaking involving the State Historical Society of Iowa, the Herbert Hoover Presidential Library, and the University of Iowa. The institutions were working together to make a larger contribution to the study of the history of the United States in the 20th century.
The Historical Society of Iowa presents a series of lectures written by early professional men and women of the Iowa territorial days in this book. Lectures of pioneer physicians, teaches, lawyers, and clergymen are included.
This book is for students to learn about the history of Iowa through cartoons and drawings with questions to answer at the end of each of the 75 chapters. The author and artist is Herb V. Hake.
This book is the address delivered at Iowa City, Iowa, before the State Historical Society of Iowa on May 25, 1910 by Laenas Gifford Weld. His speech covers the history and the discovery of the territory of the Mississippi Valley and Iowa. He talks about early pioneers and explorers, the routes they took and how they navigated into this newly discovered territory.
Executive Order 17, signed by Governor Chester J. Culver on September 25, 2009, emphasizes revitalization of historic properties and cultural and entertainment districts and also supports safe and healthy work places, sustainable design and cost effective use of state resources. Specifically, the Executive Order requires that State entities managing or leasing real estate on behalf of the State shall give priority to the needs of public entities and the populations they serve consistent with the cost effective use of state revenues. It also indicates that existing resources and facilities shall be used where adequate, cost competitive and appropriate for efficient and effective current state operations.
This book was written by Edith Wasson McElroy and published by the Iowa Civil War Centennial Commission. It follows the Meigs, a fictitious family from the late 1680's in England to 1865 in Iowa. The Meigs personify the way of life, in a typical Iowa home during this period. Their experiences are those of many early Iowa pioneers and brings to life and into reality, early Iowa life and the Civil War in its climax.