69 resultados para Productivity improvement
The Watershed Improvement Fund and the Watershed Improvement Review Board (WIRB) were created in 2005. This statute is now codified in Iowa Code Chapter 466A. The purpose of the Watershed Improvement Fund is to enhance the water quality in the state through a variety of impairment-based, locally-directed watershed improvement projects. These projects are awarded grants through a competitive application process directed by the WIRB. Appropriations to the Fund do not revert except for the Capital Revenue Bonds II (RCB2) appropriation. Interest earned on the moneys on the Fund are also retained in the Fund and are used to fund projects or pay per diem and expenses of the WIRB members. Starting July 1, 2012, the Fund is also receiving Animal Agriculture Compliance Fund Penalties. In state fiscal years 2009 (SFY2009) and 2010 (SFY2010), the Watershed Improvement Fund was appropriated $5,000,000 from the Rebuild Iowa Infrastructure Fund (RIIF). In SFY2011, the Watershed Improvement Fund was appropriated $2,000,000 from the Revenue Bonds Capitals II Fund (RBC2). No appropriation was received in fiscal year 2012. In SFY 2013, the Watershed Improvement Fund was appropriated $1,000,000 from the RIIF.
This study examines the effectiveness of Iowa’s Driver Improvement Program (DIP), measured as the reduction in the number of driver convictions subsequent to the DIP. The analysis involved a random sample of 9,055 drivers who had been instructed to attend DIP and corresponding data on driver convictions, crashes, and driver education training history that were provided by the Iowa Motor Vehicle Division. The sample was divided into two groups based on DIP outcome: satisfactory or unsatisfactory completion. Two evaluation periods were considered: one year after the DIP date (probation period) and the period from the 13th to 18th month after the DIP date. The evaluation of Iowa’s DIP showed that there is evidence of effectiveness in terms of reducing driver convictions subsequent to attending the DIP. Among the 6,790 (75%) drivers who completed the course satisfactorily, 73% of drivers had no actions and 93% were not involved in a crash during the probation period. Statistical tests confirmed these numbers. However, the positive effect of satisfactory completion of DIP on survival time (that is, the time until the first conviction) was not statistically significant 13 months after the DIP date. Econometric model estimation results showed that, regardless of the DIP outcome, the likelihood of conviction occurrence and frequency of subsequent convictions depends on other factors, such as age, driver history, and DIP location, and interaction effects among these factors. Low-cost, early intervention measures are suggested to enhance the effectiveness of Iowa’s DIP. These measures can include advisory and warning letters (customized based on the driver’s age) sent within the first year after the DIP date and soon after the end of the probation period, as well as a closer examination of DIP instruction across the 17 community colleges that host the program. Given the large number of suspended drivers who continued to drive, consideration should also be given to measures to reduce driving while suspended offenses.
Two sections of the Yellow River have been named to the State of Iowa’s 303d list of impaired waters. The listing reflects streams with pollution problems linked to habitat alterations, in addition to those with potential disease causing bacteria, viruses and parasites. This fact, combined with local knowledge of water quality problems, shows the need for land treatment practices and habitat improvement measures. This project would target the Yellow River watershed, which totals approximately 49,800 acres. Areas that drain directly into the Yellow River mainstream will be targeted. Individually, these areas are too small to be considered sub-watersheds. This project will assess the drainage areas for active gullies and prioritize grade stabilization structures based upon severity and impact on the fishery. Funding would be utilized to target high priority grade stabilization structure sites and provide cost-share for those projects. A prerequisite for cost-share allocation is 75% of the land contributing to the drainage area must have some form of treatment in place. The Allamakee SWCD has received an EPA Region 7 Grant toward grade stabilization structures in the same area. Landowners have indicated that 75% cost-share is necessary to implement practices. To meet this request, the EPA funding would be used at a 15% cost-share rate if matched with 60% cost-share from WIRB funding. If matched with Federal EQIP funds, 25% of funds obtained from WIRB would be used. If other funds were depleted, WIRB funds would be utilized for the entire 75% cost-share.
An overall effort has been initiated to improve the quality of the Yellow River in Northeast Iowa by reducing the amount of sediment and bacteria entering the stream. Funding for this project will be utilized to improve stream quality to the level of fully supporting game fish such as brown, rainbow and brook trout, walleye, northern pike and smallmouth bass. The Yellow River has the potential to be one of the top trout streams, not only in Iowa, but in the entire Upper Midwest. This project will greatly enhance recreational activities such as fishing, canoeing and inner tubing and will greatly increase tourism dollars to the state. The project will specifically address two sources of impairment: stream bank erosion and coliform bacteria from both livestock and inadequate human septic systems.
The Watershed Improvement Fund and the Iowa Watershed Improvement Review Board (WIRB) were created in 2005. This statute is now codified in Iowa Code Chapter 466A. The fifteen-member Board conducted seven meetings throughout the year in-person or via teleconference. Meetings were held January 23, February 27, April 17, June 18, July 24, September 25 and December 17. Attachment 1 lists the board members and their organization affiliation. The Board completed one Request For Applications (RFA) for the Watershed Improvement Fund. The RFA was announced November 6, 2014 and closed December 29, 2014. December 29, 2014 Closing Date Request For Applications: The Board received 16 applications in response to this RFA. These applications requested $2.8 million in Watershed Improvement Funds and leveraged an additional $9.1 million for a total of $11.9 million of watershed project activity proposed. After reviewing and ranking the applications individually from this RFA, the Board met and selected eight applications for funding. The eight applications were approved for $1,249,861 of Watershed Improvement Funds. Data on the eight selected projects in this RFA include the following: • These projects included portions of 12 counties. • The $1.2 million requested of Watershed Improvement Funds leveraged an additional $4.2 million for a total of $5.4 million in watershed improvements. • Approved projects ranged in funding from $41,980 to $250,000. Attachment 2 lists the approved projects’ name, applicant name, project length, county or counties where located, and funding amount for the RFA. Attachment 3 is a map showing the status of all projects funded since inception of the program. At the end of 2015 there are 111 completed projects and 39 active projects. In cooperation with the Treasurer of State, the WIRB submitted the 2015 year-end report for the Rebuild Iowa Infrastructure Fund to the Legislative Services Agency and the Department of Management. Attachment 4 contains the 2015 annual progress reports submitted from active projects or projects finished in 2015.
This is the annual appropriations report submitted on behalf of the Watershed Improvement Review Board (WIRB).
2013 yea end summary for the Watershed Improvement Fund.
The goal of this research was to recommend specific changes relating to service by intercity buses and third level air carriers to propose an appropriate state role in the implementation of changes. Changes contemplated in this research were to be directed to the increased use of intercity buses and third level air carriers in such manner as to exert a benefit to user as well as the general public. Specific objectives of the project included: (1) to analyze the potential for a system of express intercity bus routes in Iowa; (2) to estimate the demand for third level air carrier services in cities having populations under 50,000; (3) to forecast the relationship between economic costs and benefits from an intercity bus system emphasizing express routes between major population centers and supporting a subsystem of local and intraregional public transportation; (4) to estimate the economic feasibility of expanded third level air carrier service with emphasis upon those routes proposed as worth of further evaluation; and (5) to provide guidance for establishing the need for state and local subsidies to institute a system of express intercity buses and to expand third level air carrier services. In addition to passenger movements, enhancing package freight shipments was also to be considered in the evaluation of proposed improvements.
In August of 2012 the Iowa State Office of Rural Health (SORH) conducted a survey to determine the value of the Small Rural Hospital Improvement Program (SHIP) in Iowa. This survey was distributed to the 84 participating hospitals however, because some hospitals network their SHIP funds we only asked the contract administrators of the contracts to complete the survey. 58 of the 78 SHIP contract administrators completed the survey (74%). Background: SHIP brings in roughly $750,000.00 annually to Iowa to assist small Iowa hospitals. Average distribution of approximately $7,500 per hospital. Seventy three of ninety nine Iowa counties are represented.