202 resultados para Iowa Supreme Court


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The IUB Annual Report contains summaries for IUB dockets that were active during the calendar year as well as IUB background information, IUB work section highlights, descriptions of IUB court cases and participation in federal proceedings, listings of IUB assessments to jurisdictional utilities, and the IUB fiscal year budget.


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Executive Summary I. Survey The Task Force conducted a wide-ranging survey of more than 9,000 licensed Iowa attorneys and judges to obtain their input on a variety of civil justice system topics. The survey results helped inform the Task Force of problem areas in Iowa’s civil justice system. II. Two-Tier Justice System The Task Force recommends a pilot program based on a two-tier civil justice system. A two-tier system would streamline litigation processes—including rules of evidence and discovery disclosures—and reduce litigation costs of certain cases falling below a threshold dollar value. III. One Judge/One Case and Date Certain for Trial Some jurisdictions in Iowa have adopted one judge/one case and date certain for trial in certain cases. The assignment of one judge to each case for the life of the matter and the establishment of dates certain for civil trials could enhance Iowans’ access to the courts, improve judicial management, promote consistency and adherence to deadlines, and reduce discovery excesses. IV. Discovery Processes Reforms addressing inefficient discovery processes will reduce delays in and costs of litigation. Such measures include adopting an aspirational purpose for discovery rules to “secure the just, speedy, and inexpensive determination of every action,” holding discovery proportional to the size and nature of the case, requiring initial disclosures, limiting the number of expert witnesses, and enforcing existing rules. V. Expert Witness Fees The Task Force acknowledges the probable need to revisit the statutory additional daily compensation limit for expert witness fees. Leaving the compensation level to the discretion of the trial court is one potential solution. VI. Jurors Additions to the standard juror questionnaire would provide a better understanding of the potential jurors’ backgrounds and suitability for jury service. The Task Force encourages adoption of more modern juror educational materials and video. Rehabilitation of prospective jurors who express an unwillingness or inability to be fair should include a presumption of dismissal. VII. Video and Teleconferencing Options When court resources are constrained both by limited numbers of personnel and budget cuts, it is logical to look to video and teleconferencing technology to streamline the court process and reduce costs. The judicial branch should embrace technological developments in ways that will not compromise the fairness, dignity, solemnity, and decorum of judicial proceedings. VIII. Court-Annexed Alternative Dispute Resolution(ADR) Litigants and practitioners in Iowa are generally satisfied with the current use of private, voluntary ADR for civil cases. There is concern, however, that maintaining the status quo may have steep future costs. Court-annexed ADR is an important aspect of any justice system reform effort, and the Task Force perceives benefits and detriments to reforming this aspect of the Iowa civil justice system. IX. Relaxed Requirement of Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law A rule authorizing parties to waive findings of fact and conclusions of law could expedite resolution of nonjury civil cases. X. Business (Specialty) Courts Specialty business courts have achieved widespread support across the country. In addition, specialty courts provide excellent vehicles for implementing or piloting other court innovations that may be useful in a broader court system context. A business specialty court should be and could be piloted in Iowa within the existing court system framework of the Iowa Judicial Branch. Appendix included as a separate document, is 176 pages.


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Welcome to the first issue of the ICON Data Download, a periodic report intended to communicate findings relevant to those who work directly with offenders, as well as those involved in planning, policy and budgeting. This issue highlights work conducted by research partner Christopher Lowenkamp, Ph.D., of the University of Cincinnati and his research associate, Kristin Bechtel, M.S. Data for this analysis was provided from the Iowa Justice Data Warehouse – and takes advantage of the link between ICON and ICIS (the court database) to readily track offender recidivism.


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The IUB Annual Report contains summaries for IUB dockets that were active during the calendar year as well as IUB background information, IUB work section highlights, descriptions of IUB court cases and participation in federal proceedings, listings of IUB assessments to jurisdictional utilities, and the IUB fiscal year budget.


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Prepared by the Division of Criminal and Juvenile Justice Planning, Iowa Department of Human Rights


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Prepared by the Division of Criminal and Juvenile Justice Planning, Iowa Department of Human Rights


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Data are provided to CJJP through statistical summary forms completed by the JCSLs. Because forms are completed only when meaningful contact between a student and a liaison takes place, only a portion of the total population served is reported. Meaningful contact is defined as having at least five contacts within a 60-day period (at any point during the academic year) regarding at least one of the referral reasons supplied on the form. Data are entered into a web-based application by the liaisons and retrieved electronically by CJJP via the internet. Service information is submitted and uploaded only at the end of the academic year.


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The IUB Annual Report contains summaries for IUB dockets that were active during the calendar year as well as IUB background information, IUB work section highlights, descriptions of IUB court cases and participation in federal proceedings, listings of IUB assessments to jurisdictional utilities, and the IUB fiscal year budget.


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The Iowa Consortium for Substance Abuse Research and Evaluation conducted a process evaluation in 2007 on the seven adult and juvenile drug courts existing in Iowa in 2003. (A list of adult and juvenile drug courts established in Iowa from 2004 through 2007 appears in the appendix.) The drug courts evaluated in this study differ on several important factors, including the judicial supervision model used, resources available, and the severity level of clients served. The divergent resources and clients should be considered when comparing outcomes across courts. Section 1 provides an overview of each drug court included in this study.


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A statewide evaluation of the six adult and three juvenile drug courts in operation during calendar year 2003 was conducted. Completion rates, recidivism, substance abuse treatment, and supervision and placement (juveniles only) costs were examined by model (Judge and Community Panel) and by Judicial District. In addition, adult drug court participants were compared with a group of offenders who were screened and declined or were rejected by drug court in 2003 (referred) and a sample of offenders starting probation in 2003 (probationer). The adult participant and comparison groups were tracked from their entry into drug court, or the study, through December 31, 2007. This yielded an average post-program follow-up time of almost 3 years (2.9) for drug court participants. For the juvenile portion, drug court participants were compared with a group matched on several demographic and offense variables (Matched Comparison group) and juveniles referred to drug court who did not enter the program (Referred Comparison group). The juvenile participant and comparison groups were tracked from their entry into drug court, or the study, through approximately 16 quarters after program discharge with an end date of December 31, 2007.


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Delinquency services programming (also referred to as graduated sanctions) is available to youth across Iowa who have been adjudicated delinquent and/or placed into such programming by the Courts. Programming is provided through Juvenile Court Services across eight Judicial Districts.


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The IUB Annual Report contains summaries for IUB dockets that were active during the calendar year as well as IUB background information, IUB work section highlights, descriptions of IUB court cases and participation in federal proceedings, listings of IUB assessments to jurisdictional utilities, and the IUB fiscal year budget.


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This is the final report on the Meskwaki Tribal Court Study Committee that was charged with continuing the work from previous legislative sessions to determine the proper manner for the Iowa Court system to recognize civil judgements, decrees, and orders issued by the Meskwaki Tribal Court.


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This issue review provides background regarding the collection of outstanding court debt and highlights changes made in Senate File 2428, Delinquent Debt Collection Act, beginning in fiscal year 2009.