225 resultados para Florida. Office of Secretary of State
The report of adulterated anhydrous ammonia did not completely prevent the manufacture of methamphetamine. The amount of the methamphetamine manufactured using the adulterated ammonia was consistently very low. Although clandestine laboratory "field-like" reaction conditions were mimicked for purposes of these tests it should be noted that no attempts were made to distill the adulterated anhydrous ammonia.
Report on the Office of the Treasurer of State for the year ended June 30, 2011
Audit report on the Office of Treasurer of State, Iowa Educational Savings Plan Trust for the year ended June 30, 2012
This year was one of transition for the Office of the State Long-Term Care Ombudsman. In December 2011, Deanna Clingan-Fischer, JD, was appointed as the new State Long-Term Care Ombudsman assuming the role from Jeanne Yordi. This report timeframe covers portions of the tenure of each State Long-Term Care Ombudsman. Through the transition, the Office continued to be an effective advocate and resource for persons residing in long-term care facilities, assisted living programs and elder group homes.
Report on a special investigation of the State Public Defender’s Office for the period August 31, 2007 through March 31, 2011
Audit report of the Office of the Treasurer of State for the year ended June 30, 2012
Report on recommendations to the Office of Treasurer of State for the year ended June 30
Audit report on the Office of Treasurer of State, Iowa Educational Savings Plan Trust for the year ended June 30, 2013
This report reflects the efforts of the Long-Term Care Ombudsmen by sharing program highlights, discussing issues encountered and making recommendations by the Office in carrying out its federal mandate to act as an advocate for the residents of long-term care facilities.
Annual report for the Iowa Ombudsman Office.
This book, published jointly by the American Society of Agronomy, Soil Science Society of American and Iowa State University presents the papers that were given at a symposium held in Ames, Iowa, on Nov. 30 and Dec. 1, 1965 on the general topic of plant environment and efficient water use.
Audit report on the Office of Treasurer of State, Iowa Educational Savings Plan Trust for the year ended June 30, 2014
This report outlines the strategic plan for Office of the State Public Defender, goals and mission.
Office of the State Public Defender Agency Performance Plan.
This issue review analyzes the duties and responsibilities of troopers in the Iowa State Patrol, or ISP, and Motor Vehicle Enforcement, MVE, officers in the Department of Transportation, or DOT, as well as the differences such as funding, pay and pension. In addition, this issue review discusses the proposal for a potential integration of the offices under one system.