89 resultados para Final state Interaction


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Discarded tires have become a major disposal problem in the U.S. Different techniques of recycling these discarded tires have been tried. The state of Iowa has evaluated the use of discarded tires ground into crumb rubber and blending it with asphalt to make asphalt rubber cement (ARC). This was the sixth project using this process. The project is located on US 169 from the east junction of IA 175 west and north to US 20. Only the binder course was placed during this research with the surface course to be let at a later date. There were four test sections, two sections with conventional mixtures and two with ARC mixtures. There were no significant differences in placement or performance between the two mix types. The cost of the ARC mixture was significantly higher.


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Individuals with disabilities have civil rights protection similar to that provided to individuals on the basis of race, sex, national origin, and religion. The advent of the Americans with Disabilities Act has improved these protections and brought this issue into the forefront. This book is not intended to be a legal translation of state or federal laws. Its purpose is to assist people with disabilities in understanding their rights. Please consult the Code of Iowa, the appropriate federal laws or an attorney if you need a legal interpretation.


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In order to reduce obesity and associated costs, policymakers are considering various policies, including taxes, to change consumers high-calorie consumption habits. We investigate two tax policies aimed at reducing added sweetener consumption. Both a consumption tax on sweet goods and a sweetener input tax can reach the same policy target of reducing added sweetener consumption. Both tax instruments are regressive, but the associated surplus losses are limited. The tax on sweetener inputs targets sweeteners directly and causes about five times less surplus loss than the final consumption tax. Previous analyses have overlooked this important point.


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Mixture materials, mix design, and pavement construction are not isolated steps in the concrete paving process. Each affects the other in ways that determine overall pavement quality and long-term performance. However, equipment and procedures commonly used to test concrete materials and concrete pavements have not changed in decades, leaving gaps in our ability to understand and control the factors that determine concrete durability. The concrete paving community needs tests that will adequately characterize the materials, predict interactions, and monitor the properties of the concrete. The overall objectives of this study are (1) to evaluate conventional and new methods for testing concrete and concrete materials to prevent material and construction problems that could lead to premature concrete pavement distress and (2) to examine and refine a suite of tests that can accurately evaluate concrete pavement properties. The project included three phases. In Phase I, the research team contacted each of 16 participating states to gather information about concrete and concrete material tests. A preliminary suite of tests to ensure long-term pavement performance was developed. The tests were selected to provide useful and easy-to-interpret results that can be performed reasonably and routinely in terms of time, expertise, training, and cost. The tests examine concrete pavement properties in five focal areas critical to the long life and durability of concrete pavements: (1) workability, (2) strength development, (3) air system, (4) permeability, and (5) shrinkage. The tests were relevant at three stages in the concrete paving process: mix design, preconstruction verification, and construction quality control. In Phase II, the research team conducted field testing in each participating state to evaluate the preliminary suite of tests and demonstrate the testing technologies and procedures using local materials. A Mobile Concrete Research Lab was designed and equipped to facilitate the demonstrations. This report documents the results of the 16 state projects. Phase III refined and finalized lab and field tests based on state project test data. The results of the overall project are detailed herein. The final suite of tests is detailed in the accompanying testing guide.


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Williamson Pond is a 26-acre publicly owned lake located about 2 miles east of the town of Williamson, in Lucas County. It has a watershed area of 1,499 acres. It has been managed since 1976 by the Lucas County Conservation Board (while still under state ownership) for fishing, boating, hunting, picnicking and other passive uses. Designated uses are Class AI, primary contact, and Class B (LW) aquatic life. Williamson Pond is on the 2004 EPA 303(d) List of Impaired Waters. A Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) for turbidity and nutrients at Williamson Pond was prepared by IDNR in 2005 and approved by EPA in 2006. The TMDL set reduction targets for both suspended sediment and phosphorus. The Williamson Pond Watershed Management Plan has provided the local work group and partners with information to develop and implement strategies to improve and protect water quality. These strategies are based on a three phase approach that will ultimately lead the removal of Williamson Pond from the Impaired Waters List. The goals identified in this proposal (Phase I) will reduce sediment and phosphorus delivery by 453 tons and 589 pounds annually. The Lucas County SWCD has and will continue to provide leadership on the Williamson Pond Project and has secured the partnerships necessary to address water quality problems and hired a part-time project coordinator to manage, implement, and oversee all activities pertaining to this proposal.


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Silver Lake is located in an 18,053-acre watershed. The watershed is intensively farmed with almost all of the wetlands being previously drained or degraded over the last 50 years. Silver Lake is listed on the State of Iowa’s impaired water bodies list due to sediment and high nutrient level. Silver Lake is also known be in the bottom 25 percentile of Iowa’s lakes due Secchi disk readings and Chlorophyll a level. Farming in the watershed is the principle concern and cause for many of the problems occurring in Silver Lake currently with 78% of the watershed being intensively farmed. There are two major drainage ditches that have been used to drain the major wetlands and sloughs that, at one time, filtered the water and slowed it down before it reached Silver Lake. With these two major drainage ditches, water is able to reach the lake much faster and unfiltered than it once did historically. The loss of 255 restorable wetland basins to row crop production has caused serious problems in Silver Lake. These wetland basins once slowed and filtered water as it moved through the watershed. With their loss over the last 50 years that traditional drainage no longer occurs. We propose to create a Wetland Reserve Program incentive project to make WRP a more attractive option to landowners within the watershed. The incentive will be based on the amount of sediment delivery reduction to the lake, therefore paying a greater payment for a greater benefit to the lake. The expected result of this project is the restoration of over 250 acres of wetland basins with an associated 650 acres of upland buffers. The benefit for these wetlands and buffers would be reduced sediment, reduced nutrients, and slowed waters to the lake.


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In 2004, Walnut Creek was placed on the 303d list of Impaired Waters due to a low biotic index (lack of aquatic life) during IDNR stream sampling events. Sediment originating from agriculture, streambank erosion, and channelization were listed as the most likely sources impacting aquatic life. In an effort to address these concerns, a preliminary study was completed of the multi-county watershed to identify priority areas. A Watershed Development & Planning Assistance Grant was then funded by the IDALS-DSC to conduct a detailed assessment of these prioritized sub-watersheds. The impending assessment of the watershed and the stream corridor revealed ample opportunities to address gully, sheet and rill erosion while addressing in-stream water velocity issues that plagued the riparian corridor. A comprehensive plan was developed comprised of a variety of best management practices to address the identified concerns. In 2009, this plan was submitted to the WIRB Board by the East Pottawattamie and Montgomery SWCDs and $489,455 was awarded to address concerns identified during watershed assessment inquiries. Despite adverse weather conditions, which has hampered conservation construction recently, this project has held fast to pre-project goals due to the fortitude of the project sponsors and the overwhelming participation by the watershed landowners. Unfortunately, state budget shortfalls are bringing project progress to a halt. As specified in the original WIRB funding request, practice funding for Year 3 was to come from the Division of Soil Conservation’s Watershed Protection Fund (WSPF). Due to Iowa’s budgetary restraints, the Walnut Creek WSPF application, which was submitted this spring, was not funded since no new applications in the state were funded. If funded again, this grant will serve as the critical step in continuing what is destined to be a true watershed success story.


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The Central Park Lake Watershed Assessment and Management Plan identified four categories where improvements are needed to remove the 23 acre lake from the impaired waters list. These include the wastewater system, runoff from surrounding lands, in-lake nutrient re-suspension and runoff from hard surfaces within the park. The lake is currently impaired for bacteria, algae and pH. Through outcomes of the Watershed Assessment and Management Plan, this proposal includes for abandonment and reclamation of the single cell wastewater lagoon site, replacement with three conventional septic systems and construction of two wetlands. One of the wetlands is located on the same site as the reclaimed lagoon and the other is located to intercept sediment and trap nutrients transported by tile lines. The prescribed wastewater system improvements are based on assessment by grab samples test by the State Hygienic Lab, development of a Preliminary Engineering Report, soil analysis and communication with IDNR wastewater officials. The two wetland sites were assessed by officials from IDALS and the Jones County SWCD. This project is part of $1.7 million lake restoration effort to reclaim the 47 year old lake. The lake has a positive economic impact of more than $7.6 million annually and supports an average annual visitation of 58,145, according to the Iowa Lakes Valuation Project, conducted by Iowa State University.


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The Yellow River Headwaters Watershed (YRHW) drains 26,730 acres of rural land within Winneshiek and Allamakee Counties. While portions of the river have been designated as a High Quality Resource by the State of Iowa, other portions appear on the State's 303(d) List of Impaired Waters due to excessive nutrients, sediment and other water quality issues. The Winneshiek SWCD was fortunate enough to secure WSPF/WPF funds for FY2009 to begin addressing many of the sources of the identified problems, especially along the all-to-critical stream corridor. Initial landowner I producer interest has exceeded expectations and several key BMPs have been installed within the identified critical areas. Yet due to the current budget constraints in the WSPF/WPF programs, we currently have greater landowner I producer interest than we do funds, which is why the District is applying for WIRB funding, to provide supplemental incentives to continue the installation of needed Grade Stabilization Structures, Terraces and Manure Management Systems in identified critical areas. Other funding, currently available to the District, will cover the remaining portions of the project's budget, including staff and our outreach efforts.


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Storm Lake, the state's fourth largest natural lake, has been the centerpiece of significant economic development, including a resort, water park, and state marina. While there have been considerable improvements to the lake's water quality through a major on-going lake restoration program and watershed project, the Little Storm Lake area still needs to be addressed. Little Storm Lake is a 190 acre area on the nmihwest side of Storm Lake. The water level in both areas is based on the dam height located on the southeast corner of Storm Lake. Approximately 70% of the water from the watershed flows through Little Storm Lake. Little Storm Lake originally had the ability to remove much of the sediment and nutrients from incoming waters. However, due to degradation, proper wetland function has been compromised. Under normal hydrologic conditions Little Storm Lake has the potential to function as a sediment trap for Storm Lake, but tllis capacity is overwhelmed during high flows. Little Storm Lake is at or near its sediment trapping capacity, which results in higher sediment transport into Storm Lake. Resuspension of sediments due to wind and other in-lake dynamics, such as rough fish, further exacerbate the total turbidity from suspended sediment and results in movement of sediment from Little Storm Lake into Storm Lake. This project includes a fish barrier and water retention structure between Little Storm Lake and Storm Lake and the construction of a pumping station and associated equipment. The project involves periodic dewatering of Little Storm Lake during years of favorable climatological conditions to consolidate the sediments and revegetate the area. Construction of the fish banier would aid restoration efforts by preventing rough fish from destroying the vegetation and would decrease recruitment of rough fish by limiting their spawning area. In the future, if the diminished trapping capacity of Little Storm Lake still results in sediment moving into Storm Lake, a dredging project would be initiated to deepen Little Storm Lake.


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The Competine Creek watershed is a 24,956 acre sub-watershed of Cedar Creek. The creek traverses portions of three counties, slicing through rich and highly productive Southern lowa Drift Plain soils. The watershed is suffering from excessive sediment delivery and frequent flash floods that have been exacerbated by recent high rainfall events. Assessment data reveals soil erosion estimated to be 38,435 tons/year and sediment delivery to the creek at 15,847 tons/year. The Competine Creek Partnership Project is seeking WIRB funds to merge with IDALS-DSC funds and local funds, all targeted for structural Best Management Practices (BMPs) within the 2,760 acres of High Priority Areas (HPAs) identified by the assessment process. The BMPs will include grade stabilization structures, water and sediment basins, tile-outlet terraces, CRP, and urban storm water conservation practices. In addition, Iowa State University Extension-Iowa Learning Farm is investing in the project by facilitating a crop sampling program utilizing fall stalk nitrate, phosphorous index, and soil conditioning index testing. These tests will be used by producers as measures of performance to refine nutrient and soil loss management and to determine effective alternatives to reduce sediment and nutrient delivery to Competine Creek.


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With this application, the College Creek sub-watershed in Ames represents both regional collaboration and locally directed action to improve an Iowa watershed. Already completed watershed assessment identified more than 4000 tons/yr of sediment delivered from within the Ames city limits due to degraded stream conditions. The water quality enhancement goal of this project is reducing sediment delivery specifically from unstable streambanks and degrading stream channels on College Creek, one of 4 Ames tributaries to Squaw Creek. The project will also redirect urban storm water runoff into engineered infiltration systems, intercepting it from storm drains entering College Creek. This application builds on storm water runoff demonstration projects and research already funded in the College Creek sub-watershed by EPA Region 7 and Iowa DNR. Public outreach, one of the key elements of this project, is built into every phase from engineering design feedback to construction. Innovative neighborhood learning circles are utilized to educate residents and share public feedback with project engineers to ensure that project elements are both technically appropriate and socially acceptable. All practices proposed in this project -stream stabilization, storm water infiltration, and neighborhood learning circle techniques-have already been successfully demonstrated in the College Creek sub-watershed by the City of Ames in partnership with Iowa State University.


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The Lost Island Lake watershed is located in the prairie pothole region, a region dotted with glacial wetlands and shallow lakes. At 1,180 acres, Lost Island Lake is the state's fifth largest natural lake and its watershed is comprised of nearly 1,000 acres of wetland habitat, including Iowa 's largest natural wetland – Barringer Slough. Unfortunately, Lost Island and its associated wetlands are not functioning to their fullest ecological and water quality potential. In 2002 and 2004, Lost Island Lake was categorized as '·impaired'" on Iowa's Impaired Waters List. Frequent algal blooms and suspended solids drastically increase turbidity levels resulting in its impairment. To investigate these concerns, a two-year study and resulting Water Quality Improvement Plan were completed. The water quality study identified an overabundance of non-native common carp (Cyprinus carpio) in the lake and its surrounding wetlands as a primary cause of impairment. The goal of the Lost Island Lake Watershed Enhancement Project is to restore ecological health to Lost Island Lake and its intricate watershed resulting in improved water quality and a diverse native plant and wildlife community. The purpose of this grant is to obtain funding for the construction of two combination fish barriers and water control structures placed at key locations in the watershed within the Blue Wing Marsh complex. Construction of the fish barriers and water control structures would aid restoration efforts by preventing spawning common carp from entering wetlands in the watershed and establishing the ability to manage water levels in large wetland areas. Water level management is crucial in wetland health and exotic fish control. These two structures are part of a larger construction project that involves a total of four combination fish barriers and water control structures and one additional fish barrier. The entire Lost Island Lake Watershed Enhancement Project is a multi-year project, but the construction phase for the fish barriers and water control structures will be completed before December 31, 2011.


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Brushy Creek is a tributary of the Raccoon River, which is a regular source of drinking water for over 400,000 Iowans. Regular monitoring by Des Moines Water Works (DMWW) and Agriculture’s Clean Water Alliance (ACWA) over the last eight years has shown the stream to be highly impaired for coliform bacteria and nitrate. Both Brushy Creek and the Raccoon River are on the 303(d) impaired waterbody list. A December 2005 fish kill in Brushy Creek resulted in administrative actions against seven livestock producers. Several open feed lots exist in the watershed. The community of Roselle (in the Brushy Creek watershed) has been identified by IDNR as unsewered, and many dwellings throughout the watershed discharge untreated human waste. No Watershed Improvement Association (WIA) exists in this sparsely-populated area. This outcome-based project will: • Enhance nutrient and manure management to reduce agricultural inputs to the stream. • Assess the amount of human waste reaching the stream from Roselle. • Engage and inform local residents so a WIA can be formed. • Monitor performance through a rigorous water and soil testing program. This project embraces a concept of participation from all levels of government, commodity organizations, and the private sector. The largest drinking water utility in the state will lead and administer this effort. The participating parties will work to establish a functioning WIA so that progress achieved through this project will be robust and long-lasting. The participants believe this will be the most effective approach to correct the situation, and will serve as a model for other problem watersheds throughout the state.


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The City of Remsen is proactively addressing an increase of nitrates in their public water supply before it becomes a financial catastrophe for them. An intensive assessment was conducted by the Iowa DNR Source Water Protection program as one of four pilot projects in the state. This assessment far surpassed standard desktop assessments and gathered monitoring information in-the-field led by a local watershed group. This was incorporated into a computer modeling program to help the local watershed group discuss alternatives. This comprehensive approach clearly identified the source of nitrate infiltration as a cropland area adjacent to the City well field. Many options were evaluated but only one option provided an economical, viable and secure answer to the water supply needs of Remsen for generations to come. The watershed planning group chose to seek the purchase of this critical area of cropland and convert it to a deep rooted mixture of native grasses. This WIRB funding is intended to be used to acquire a small area totaling 21.1 acres. It represents about 22% of the total local project effort. This will be added to the existing City well field of 40.2 acres and another piece of adjacent property, 35.34 acres, that the City recently acquired as part of an overall aggressive program to protect the community water supply. The City has a signed purchase agreement for 14.4 acres of the 21.1 and a strong verbal commitment to obtain the remaining 5.7 acres. This project has been very active for almost 2 years and is ready to implement immediately upon funding notification. The establishment of native grasses, funded by the local chapter of Pheasants Forever, will take approximately the next three years of operation & maintenance.