101 resultados para Business translation
The first commercial quantities of a soybean oil with about three percent linolenic acid oil were produced in Iowa in 1994 through a collaboration with Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc. Continued to breed new soybean varieties with a focus on a even lower linolenic acid content of one percent. I was interested in understanding whether the oil would be stable enough to eliminate the need for chemical hydrogenation. During the process of increasing one percent linolenic acid seed varieties to obtain oil for testing, the Food and Drug Administration announced it would require labeling for trans fat beginning in 2006. Instead of using the seed of the new varieties to obtain oil for testing, it was used for further seed production so that commercial quantities of the one percent linolenic acid oil could be available as quickly as possible.
Wind power is the fastest growing source of energy in the nation. New installations have expanded total U.S. generating capacity by 45 percent and injected over $9 billion in new investments into the economy in 2007. These new wind projects accounted for about 30 percent of the entire new power-producing capacity added nationally in 2007. According to our figures at the American Wind Energy Association, installed wind power capacity in the U.S. is now over 16,800 megawatts, and the future looks bright. With every wind turbine that goes up, America’s dependence on fossil fuels for power generation goes down. Wind energy represents a tremendous opportunity to use a non-polluting, inexhaustible source to meet our electric power needs.
Ethanol, the clean-burning, high octane fuel distilled from Iowa’s corn fields, has the potential to free the U.S. from its foreign oil dependence. Transforming corn into ethanol, however, takes energy, usually in the form of natural gas or coal. Ames-based Frontline BioEnergy is developing biomass-to-energy conversion methods that reduce an ethanol plant’s consumption of fossil fuels, making ethanol an even greener product. As Iowa’s ethanol industry continues to grow, developing energy from biomass could result in huge savings for the state’s production facilities.
Information technology is a strong and important sector of the Iowa economy employing 30,000 Iowans at more than 2,000 companies, according to a new analysis from Battelle Institute consultants. The strength of Iowa’s IT industry is based in the service-segment. Internet and data services, communications network services, and software and computer services constitute 81 percent of all IT employment. Slightly ahead of U.S. trends, these service sectors compose the backbone of Iowa’s IT industry,
These are exciting days in Iowa and the Upper Midwest—the preferred location for developing the green economy and the renewable energy industry. Forward looking policies of Governor Chet Culver, who has set a goal of making our state energy independent, and a ready response to new opportunities are moving Iowa forward in the vanguard of energy transformation. The adoption and consumption of alternative energy will continue to increase. We have succeeded where others are just beginning because we have the grain and crop residues that have made Iowa first in biofuels, sustained winds to get more of our electricity from wind than any other state, and research universities that are hotbeds of renewable energy innovation.
Food products are a specialization, an industry of excellence, and thelargest sector of manufacturing employment in the state of Iowa. All ofthe top five food companies have operations in Iowa. According to Harris Info Source, manufacturing of foods and ingredients in Iowa employs 58,826 people at 775 plants. Processing and value adding enterprises are fed by nation-leading agriculture. Iowa is the top producer of corn, soybeans, hogs and eggs in the United States.
Targeted Small Business News from the Business Development Division of the Iowa Department of Economic Development
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Вам нужна работа. И вы знаете, что где-то кто-то располагает работой, которую вы очень хотите—которая полностью использует ваши знания и умения, а также предоставит пути профессионального развития и возможности профессионального роста. Чтобы найти такую работу, вам нужно провести хорошо подготовленную операцию её поиска. У вас есть товар на продажу—ваши знания, умения, и навыки—то есть, вы сами! Вам нужно знать как продать себя наиболее выгодно. И не важно, свежий ли вы школьный выпускник и готовы начать рабочую карьеру, или же вы ищите новую работу после 20-летнего трудового опыта, потому что некоторые подсказки в данной брошюре пригодятся каждому. Наша брошюра подскажет вам: - Где вы сможете больше узнать о видах работ вашей квалификации. - Как преподать ваш предыдущий рабочий опыт в резюме, и убедить работодателя, что вы самый подходящий кандидат на данную работу. - Как написать письмо-заявление о приеме на работу, которое вызывает интерес работодателя, и призывает потенциального работодателя встретиться с вами. - Где найти информацию о вакансиях по вашей специальности. - Как преподнести свою квалификацию с пользой для себя во время интервью. Вы также узнаете, как планировать свое время, сдавать проверочные тесты, и набираться опыта после проведенных интервью. NOTE: Russian Translation
Usted quiere trabajar, y piensa que en alguna parta habrá un patrono que tiene precisamente el empleo que usted quiere — uno que usará todo su conocimiento y habilidad y le dará desafíos y oportunidades de avance. Para encontrar ese empleo necesita una búsqueda bien planeada. Tiene algo que vender — su conocimiento, habilidad y experiencia. Lo que necesita saber es cómo venderlos efectivamente. Sea que terminó justo de estudiar ahora y quiere empezar su carrera, o está buscando un puesto después de 20 años de experiencia, algunas de las técnicas presentadas en este libreto podrán ayudarle. NOTE: Spanish Translation
Baïn muoán coù moät vieäc laøm. Vaø baïn cuõng coù caoem giaùctin raèng ôoe moät nôi naøo ñoù coù moätngöôøi chuoechuû nhaân ñang caàn moät ngöôøi laømchính xaùc coâng vieäc baïn muoán - moät coâng vieäcñoøi hooei ñuùng kieán thöùc vaø caùc khaoe naêng cuoea baïn, cuõng nhö ñöa ra nhöõng thaùch thöùc vaø côhoäi thaêng tieán. Ñeå tìm ñöôïc coâng vieäc aáy, baïn caàn phaoei laäpkeá hoaïch tìm vieäc moät caùch kyõ caøng vaø thöïc hieän ñuùng keá hoaïch ñoù. Baïn coù theå baùn ñi moätthöù - ñoù laøcoi nhöõng kieán thöùc, kyõ naêng, vaøkinh nghieäm cuoea baïn - töùc - laø chính baïn! - nhölaø moät saûn phaåm caàn “baùn” cho caùc chuû nhaân!.Ñieàu baïn caàn bieát laø laøm theá naøo ñeå chöùng tooenaêng löïc cuoea mình moät caùch coù hieäu quaoe nhaát. Cho duø baïn môùi ra tröôøng hay vaø ñang chuaånbò baét ñaàu moätböôùc ñaàu trong söï nghieäp cuûa mình hay ñang tìm moät coâng vieäc môùi sau 20naêm kinh nghieäm, moät soá phöông phaùp ñöôïctrình baøy trong taäp thoâng tin naøy coù theå giuùpích cho baïn. NOTE: Vietnamese Translation
Small Business News from the Iowa Department of Economic Development
Targeted Small Business News from the Iowa Department of Economic Development
During the 2010 session, the Iowa Legislature created per House File 2422 a Business Disaster Case Management Task Force. The purpose of the Task Force is to research disaster recovery case management assistance needed for businesses following a major disaster and to recommend steps for providing such assistance following disasters. The Task Force was duly constituted. Its recommendations are contained in this report.
Review of targeted small business procurement activities for the year ended June 30, 2010