662 resultados para Chess Playing Program
Report on the Iowa Medical Assistance Disproportionate Share Hospital Payments Program for the Iowa Department of Human Services for the year ended June 30, 2009
The Food Assistance Monthly Participation Report is a monthly summary of Food Assistance program participation, statewide and for each Iowa county. Breakouts are reported for participants also in the FIP program, those only receiving Food Assistance, and those that are receiving economic assistance under other programs (primarily Medicaid). This report may also be known as the F-1 Report.
A-1 - Monthly Public Assistance Statistical Report Family Investment Program
The Food Assistance Monthly Participation Report is a monthly summary of Food Assistance program participation, statewide and for each Iowa county. Breakouts are reported for participants also in the FIP program, those only receiving Food Assistance, and those that are receiving economic assistance under other programs (primarily Medicaid). This report may also be known as the F-1 Report.
A-1 - Monthly Public Assistance Statistical Report Family Investment Program
This report describes the highway construction program, actual expenditures of the program and contractual obligations of the program for FY 2012.
This document summarizes Governor Terry E. Branstad's Program and Budget Recommendations for the Second Session of the Iowa 85th General Assembly
The increasing incidence of children identified and diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) and other developmental disabilities (DD) poses a major challenge to Title V and other programs as they try to meet the diverse and sometimes complex needs of these children. However, those state that have initiated coordinated efforts to meet the needs of these children cross systems have had the opportunity to form and/or strengthen relationships with new partners. In addition, these coordinated efforts will allow states to develop new policies, programs and financing mechanisms addressing the health of children with ASD, which may also strengthen the system of care for all Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs.
More than 2,200 Iowans each year experience a traumatic brain injury that requires hospitalization. Of those, more than 750 will experience long-term disability as a result. According to a 2000 CDC report, there are an estimated 50,000 such individuals living in Iowa – a number similar to the population of Ames.
More than 2,200 Iowans each year experience a traumatic brain injury that requires hospitalization. Of those, more than 750 will experience long-term disability as a result. According to a 2000 CDC report, there are an estimated 50,000 such individuals living in Iowa – a number similar to the population of Ames.
The Food Assistance Monthly Participation Report is a monthly summary of Food Assistance program participation, statewide and for each Iowa county. Breakouts are reported for participants also in the FIP program, those only receiving Food Assistance, and those that are receiving economic assistance under other programs (primarily Medicaid). This report may also be known as the F-1 Report.
A-1 - Monthly Public Assistance Statistical Report Family Investment Program
Audit report on the Community Development Block Grants program for the City of Brooklyn, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2012
Report on the IowaCare program administered by the Iowa Medicaid Enterprise, a division of the Department of Human Services, for the period July 1, 2009 through June 30, 2012
More than 2,200 Iowans each year experience a traumatic brain injury that requires hospitalization. Of those, more than 750 will experience long-term disability as a result. According to a 2000 CDC report, there are an estimated 50,000 such individuals living in Iowa – a number similar to the population of Ames. As part of an enterprise-wide effort to ensure that all Iowans, including those with brain injuries, have access to quality healthcare, Governor Tom Vilsack signed the Brain Injury Services program bill on May 23. The bill will allow the Iowa Department of Public Health (IDPH) to implement a one-of-a-kind program to help those with brain injuries and their families in navigating and maximizing the Iowa community-based service system.