118 resultados para service industries


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Audit report on the South Central Iowa Regional E-911 Service Board for the year ended June 30, 2009


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Special investigation of the Newell Ambulance Service for the period August 1, 2004 through September 30, 2009


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Report on a special investigation of the Food Service Department of the Springville Community School District for the period July 1, 2005 through March 31, 2009


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Audit report on the South Central Iowa Regional E-911 Service Board for the year ended June 30, 2010


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The Standards and Accreditation program exists to encourage the ongoing development of high quality public library services in Iowa. In Service to Iowa: Public Library Standards is the manual for the State Library of Iowa’s standards program. It was first published in 1985 and was updated in 1989, 1997, 2004, and now in 2010. Iowa’s voluntary public library standards program was established to give public libraries a tool to identify strengths and areas for improvement. It is also used to document the condition of public library service in Iowa, to distribute Direct State Aid funding, and to meet statutory requirements. In 2010, the Iowa Commission of Libraries appointed the Public Library Standards Advisory Task Force to revise In Service to Iowa. The Task Force included members representing libraries from different size categories, the Iowa Commission of Libraries, Library Service Area staff, and State Library staff. All members support and stress the importance of the accreditation process and thank the Iowa public library community for its assistance.


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This report fulfills the requirements of the following Code of Iowa sections: Section 327J.3(1): “The director may expend moneys from the fund to pay the costs associated with the initiation, operation, and maintenance of rail passenger service. The director shall report by February 1 of each year to the legislative services agency concerning the status of the fund including anticipated expenditures for the following fiscal year.” Section 327J.3(5): "The director shall report annually to the general assembly concerning the development and operation of the midwest regional rail system and the state's passenger rail service."


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Audit report of the Iowa State Prison Industries for the year ended June 30, 2010


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Report on the Iowa State Prison Industries – Farms for the year ended June 30, 2010


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Iowa’s investment in the Chicago to Iowa City passenger rail service will produce more ongoing benefits than costs for Iowa residents and taxpayers over the next 30 years. An Iowa investment of $20.6 million will match a federal investment of $86.8 million for the capital costs of the Iowa segment of the Chicago to Iowa City service. Iowa’s share of the expected gap between revenues and operating and maintenance expense is estimated at $3 million annually. The economic analysis included in this document demonstrates the cost-effectiveness of the Iowa investments in the Chicago to Iowa City service and details the benefits that Iowa can expect from Iowa’s expenditures.


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Annual report of the Department of Corrections, Iowa Prison Industries.


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Annual report of the Department of Corrections, Iowa Prison Industries.


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Annual report of the Department of Corrections, Iowa Prison Industries.


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Annual report of the Department of Corrections, Iowa Prison Industries.


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IPI is comprised of three divisions. Private Sector funds are handed over to the General Fund. Traditional Industries and Farms funds are managed by IPI. The auditor of the state provides oversight on policies, procedures, and compliance with state law. Each year, the auditor is responsible for providing the Governor, legislature, Director of Corrections, and the public the findings of their comprehensive audits. IPI has received a clean bill of health and has not been cited for any violations in ten (10) years. IPI operates under the guidance of an advisory board, comprised of seven members. The advisory board meets at least four (4) times per year at a location of the board‟s choice, generally at a different prison each quarter. The board reviews the financials, policies, approves any new private sector ventures and offers comprehensive guidance on issues that will impact correctional industries as well as the public and local businesses. Each member serves for two (2) years and may be re-appointed. IPI has found that retaining board members has helped immensely with the continuity of transition and has afforded IPI with superb leadership and guidance. IPI is 100% self-funding. We receive no appropriations from the general fund. We hire our staff, pay their salaries, and pay the stipend of the offenders. We pay for our raw materials, equipment, and construct our buildings all from the proceeds of our sales. We operate with a revolving fund and retain any earnings at year-ends. The retained earnings are used for expansion of our work programs.


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Using a matched sample of 1091 inmates released between April 1,1999 and June 30, 2001, Prison Industries Enhancement Certification Program (PIECP) participants re-enter society more successfully than Traditional Industries (TI) or other than work (OTW) releasees in terms of employment. The primary findings of this research are that Iowa state prison inmates who worked in open-market jobs in PIECP were found to be significantly more successful in post-release employment. That is to say, they became tax-paying citizens quicker and remain in that status longer than TI and OTW releasees. Additionally, PIECP releasees were incarcerated post release at a slower rate than OTW releasees.