272 resultados para living condition
Monthly newsletter for people in Iowa that live on Acreages, produced by Iowa State University Copperative Extension.
Monthly newsletter for people in Iowa that live on Acreages, produced by Iowa State University Copperative Extension.
Monthly newsletter for people in Iowa that live on Acreages, produced by Iowa State University Copperative Extension.
Monthly newsletter for people in Iowa that live on Acreages, produced by Iowa State University Copperative Extension.
Monthly newsletter for people in Iowa that live on Acreages, produced by Iowa State University Copperative Extension.
Monthly newsletter for people in Iowa that live on Acreages, produced by Iowa State University Copperative Extension.
Monthly newsletter for people in Iowa that live on Acreages, produced by Iowa State University Copperative Extension.
Statistics about public education in the state of Iowa including graduation rates and No Child Left Behind Act.
An easy-living home requires a full-sized bathroom on the main level. Family members will appreciate the extra space and guests of all ages and abilities will feel more welcome. At a minimum, you’ll need a five foot circle of open floor space for maneuvering a wheelchair between bathroom fixtures. A small powder room won’t work for guests who use walkers or wheelchairs. A shower stall—with no curb to step over—is more convenient than a tub for most guests. Make sure the doorway opening for the bathroom is at least 32 inches wide (preferably 36 inches). Universal design features, such as these, make homes better for everyone.
If they don’t carry the item, ask them to order it for you. Look at discount stores, such as Target, Wal-Mart, K-Mart, or Menard’s (they are more likely to carry items with universal design features). Look at the “Gadgets and Gizmos” section of the Iowa State University Extension Web site on “Universal Design & Home Accessibility.”
A Day in the Life of Agnes.
Iowa's Visually-Impaired and Blind Seniors Gain Confidence and Independence!
The Iowa Department for the Blind partnered with The Lodge of Ashworth retirement community in West Des Moines to bring information to visually impaired residents, friends and family. The Lodge furnished refreshments, and the Department furnished the programming.
LENORE'S STORY Lenore Barnes began losing vision in her early eighties due to macular degeneration. In her mid-eighties she quit driving and purchased a CCTV. Her vision continued to decrease, and while the CCTV remained helpful it was of diminishing benefit.
The Iowa Department for the Blind is the state agency that serves Iowans with vision loss. Services are free, confidential and available statewide. "There are no limitations to what you can do with training and a positive attitude." (All quotes in this newsletter are from former training participants). At the Iowa Department for the Blind, we believe in a positive approach to blindness. Vision loss alone should not prevent anyone from being independent. For this reason, we offer a wide variety of opportunities to obtain the skills necessary for independence.