102 resultados para Uruguay Round (1987-1994)
Most pavement contraction joint seals in Iowa, in general, have been performing in less than a satisfactory manner. The effective life of the seals, in maintaining a watertight joint, has been only from two to five years. In search of improvements, research was proposed to evaluate preformed neoprene joint seals. The performance of those seals was to be compared mainly with the hot poured rubberized asphalt sealants and cold applied silicone sealants or other sealants commonly used at the time this research began. Joint designs and methods of sawing were also investigated. All evaluations were done in new portland cement concrete (PCC) pavements. Three projects were initially selected and each included a research section of joint sealing. Some additional sites were later added for evaluation. Several joint sealants were evaluated at each research site. The various sites included high, medium and low levels of traffic. Evaluations were done over a five-year period. Neoprene joint seals provided better performance than hot or cold field formed joints.
Iowa's secondary roads contain nearly 15,000 bridges which are less than 40 ft (12.2 m) in length. Many of these bridges were built several decades ago and need to be replaced. Box culvert construction has proven to be an adequate bridge replacement technique. Recently a new bridge replacement alternative, called the Air-O-Form method, has emerged which has several potential advantages over box culvert construction. This new technique uses inflated balloons as the interior form in the construction of an arch culvert. Concrete was then shotcreted onto the balloon form. The objective of research project HR-313 was to construct an air formed arch culvert to determine the applicability of the Air-O-Form technique as a county bridge replacement alternative. The project had the following results: The Air-O-Form method can be used to construct a structurally sound arch culvert; and the method must become more economical if it is to compete with box culverts. Continued monitoring should be conducted in order to evaluate the long-term performance of the Air-O-Form method.
A study was made of the detrimental effects of trace amounts of calcium sulfate (occurring naturally in halite deposits used for deicing) on portland cement concrete pavements. It was found that sulfate introduced as gypsum with sodium chloride in deicing brines can have detrimental effects on portland cement mortar. Concentrations of sulfate as low as 0.5% of the solute rendered the brine destructive. Conditions of brine application were critical to specimen durability. The mechanisms of deterioration were found to be due to pore filling resulting from compound formation and deposition. A field evaluation of deteriorating joints suggests that the sulfate phenomena demonstrated in the laboratory also operates in the field. A preliminary evaluation was made of remedies: limits on sulfates, fly ash admixtures, treatment of existing pavement, and salt treatments. This report gives details of the research objectives, experimental design, field testing, and possible solutions. Recommendations for further study are presented.
Expansion joints increase both the initial cost and the maintenance cost of bridges. Integral abutment bridges provide an attractive design alternative because expansion joints are eliminated from the bridge itself. However, the piles in these bridges are subjected to horizontal movement as the bridge expands and contracts during temperature changes. The objective of this research was to develop a method of designing piles for these conditions. Separate field tests simulating a pile and a bridge girder were conducted for three loading cases: (1) vertical load only, (2) horizontal displacement of pile head only, and (3) combined horizontal displacement of pile head with subsequent vertical load. Both tests (1) and (3) reached the same ultimate vertical load, that is, the horizontal displacement had no effect on the vertical load capacity. Several model tests were conducted in sand with a scale factor of about 1:10. Experimental results from both the field and model tests were used to develop the vertical and horizontal load-displacement properties of the soil. These properties were input into the finite element computer program Integral Abutment Bridge Two-Dimensional (IAB2D), which was developed under a previous research contract. Experimental and analytical results compared well for the test cases. Two alternative design methods, both based upon the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Specification, were developed. Alternative One is quite conservative relative to IAB2D results and does not permit plastic redistribution of forces. Alternative Two is also conservative when compared to IAB2D, but plastic redistribution is permitted. To use Alternative Two, the pile cross section must have sufficient inelastic rotation capacity before local buckling occurs. A design example for a friction pile and an end-bearing pile illustrates both alternatives.
Research has shown that one of the major contributing factors in early joint deterioration of portland cement concrete (PCC) pavement is the quality of the coarse aggregate. Conventional physical and freeze/thaw tests are slow and not satisfactory in evaluating aggregate quality. In the last ten years the Iowa DOT has been evaluating X-ray analysis and other new technologies to predict aggregate durability in PCC pavement. The objective of this research is to evaluate thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) of carbonate aggregate. The TGA testing has been conducted with a TA 2950 Thermogravimetric Analyzer. The equipment is controlled by an IBM compatible computer. A "TA Hi-RES" (trademark) software package allows for rapid testing while retaining high resolution. The carbon dioxide is driven off the dolomite fraction between 705 deg C and 745 deg C and off the calcite fraction between 905 deg C and 940 deg C. The graphical plot of the temperature and weight loss using the same sample size and test procedure demonstrates that the test is very accurate and repeatable. A substantial number of both dolomites and limestones (calcites) have been subjected to TGA testing. The slopes of the weight loss plot prior to the dolomite and calcite transitions does correlate with field performance. The noncarbonate fraction, which correlates to the acid insolubles, can be determined by TGA for most calcites and some dolomites. TGA has provided information that can be used to help predict the quality of carbonate aggregate.
The objective of this research project was to evaluate field application results and determine whether the Earth-Gard mat made from recycled material would successfully control erosion and allow vegetation to establish in ditch bottoms and steep slopes. The research would also help determine how steep a grade in the ditch bottoms can be protected from rill and gully erosion and how steep and long a backslope or foreslope can be protected from sheet and rill erosion by the recycled material and allow establishment of vegetation. The Earth-Gard gave satisfactory performance on areas with limited drainage and gradual slopes. Earth-Gard had a longevity of only six months. It was eroded away when used on areas with greater flow or steeper slopes.
Stream channel erosion in the deep loess soils region of western Iowa causes severe damage along hundreds of miles of streams in twenty-two counties. The goal of this project was to develop information, systems, and procedures for use in making resource allocation decisions related to the protection of transportation facilities and farmland from damages caused by stream channel erosion. Section one of this report provides an introduction. Section two presents an assessment of stream channel conditions from aerial and field reconnaissance conducted in 1993 and 1994 and a classification of the streams based on a six stage model of stream channel evolution. A Geographic Information System is discussed that has been developed to store and analyze data on the stream conditions and affected infrastructure and assist in the planning of stabilization measures. Section three presents an evaluation of two methods for predicting the extent of channel degradation. Section four presents an estimate of costs associated with damages from stream channel erosion since the time of channelization until 1992. Damage to highway bridges represent the highest costs associated with channel erosion, followed by railroad bridges and right-of-way; loss of agricultural land represents the third highest cost. An estimate of costs associated with future channel erosion on western Iowa streams is also presented in section four. Section four also presents a procedure to estimate the benefits and costs of implementing stream stabilization measures. The final section of this report, section five, presents information on the development of the organizational structure and administrative procedures which are being used to plan, coordinate, and implement stream stabilization projects and programs in western Iowa.
Research is reported which attempted to identify construction procedures that will provide an improved centerline joint on asphalt concrete pavements. Various construction procedures and their evaluation are described. Core densities were made and visual inspections were made 3 years after construction. Center cracking was measured at 4, 5, and 6 years. The only procedure to rank the same when comparing cracking and density (delete the 1:1 slope shoe on the edge) is described. This procedure had the highest average density and also the least cracking through 1985. This method provided the best performance for 4 years after construction and involved the removal of the 1:1 slope shoe from the paver when placing the surface course. This method had 9.0% cracked after 4 years and 100% cracked after 6 years of service.
Stream degradation due to steep stream gradients and large deposits of loess soil is a serious problem in western Iowa. One solution to this problem is to construct grade stabilization structures at critical points along the length of the stream. Iowa Highway Research Board project HR-236, "Pottawattamie County Evaluation of Control Structures for Stabilizing Degrading Stream Channels", was initiated in order to study the effectiveness of such structures in preventing stream degradation. This report describes the construction and 4-year performance of a gabion drop structure constructed along Keg Creek during the winter of 1982-83.
The field testing of the noncorrosive alternative deicing agent, calcium magnesium acetate is described. Seventy three tons were produced of one part CMA and three parts sand deicer which was field tested on I-280 from I-80 to the Mississippi River (7,000 ADT with 50% trucks). A comparative application was made with one part sand and one part sodium chloride. The study found that CMA deicer required a longer time for the pavement to reach normal conditions, and 20-25% more CMA deicer to provide the desired deicing. It was concluded that the CMA deicer was not as dependable as the sodium chloride deicing agent, and it was more difficult to clean up the equipment for spreading the CMA deicer.
Seal coat and chip seal treatments are commonly used as an economical treatment to provide a new surface to an old asphalt roadway. To be successful, the aggregate or chips must be held in place on the roadway by the asphalt binder over a long period of time. It is common, over time, that the binder becomes aged and brittle and loses its ability to be flexible and hold the aggregate in place. Modifiers have been introduced to extend the life and adhesion characteristics of asphaltic binders.
This report is a supplement to one issued in late summer 1986 which covered construction on U.S. 71, in Buena Vista County Iowa. The work involved rehabilitation of an older 20 feet wide pavement by placing a four inch thick bonded concrete overlay monolithically with two feet of widening on each side. The work was performed on one lane at a time while construction traffic and limited public traffic used the adjacent traffic lane. When work on the first lane was complete traffic was moved onto it and rehabilitation was completed on the second lane. This report covers the condition of the rehabilitated roadway in May 1987 after the first winter. The condition is described by visual observations, core conditions, and various test results including core compressive strength, direct shear tests on cores for bond strength, profilometer results and delamtect test results.
Some asphalt roadways tend to develop wheelpath ruts over time when exposed to heavy traffic. As the rutting increases in depth, the travel comfort and levels of safety decrease. A variety of remedies involving major or minor operations can be applied to eliminate ruts and renew the roadway surface. One of the simple remedies, called Ralumac microsurfacing, involves only a longitudinal band over the rut. For better coverage, ruts are filled initially and followed by a complete thin surface wearing cover over the roadway.
This project was initiated in 1988 to study the effectiveness of four different construction techniques for establishing a stable base on a granular surfaced roadway. After base stabilization, the roadway was then seal coated, eliminating dust problems associated with granular surfaced roads. When monies become available, the roadway can be surfaced with a more permanent structure. A 2.8 mi (4.5 km) section of the Horseshoe Road in Dubuque County was divided into four divisions for this study. This report discusses the procedures used during construction of these different divisions. Problems and possible solutions have been analyzed to better understand the capabilities of the materials and construction techniques used on the project. The project had the following results: High structural ratings and soil K factors for the BIO CAT and Consolid bases did not translate to good roadway performance; the macadam base had the best overall performance; the tensar fabric had no noticeable effect on the macadam base; and the HFE-300 performed acceptably.
In 1980, a Vanguard High Pressure Water Blaster capable of providing 10 gallons of water per minute at 2000 psi was purchased to evaluate water blasting as a crack cleaning method prior to crack filling on asphalt concrete pavements. Afer some iniital trials demonstrated its effectiveness of removing dirt, debris and vegetation, it was included in joint and crack maintenance research on Iowa 7 in Webster County. The objective of the research was to evaluate six crack preparation methods and seven "sealant" materials. The cleaning and sealing was performed in the spring of 1983. Visual evaluations of the performance were made in the fall of 1983 and spring of 1985. Compressed air and/or high pressure water did not adequately prepare cracks less than 3/8 inch wide. Routing or sawing was necessary to provide a sealant reservoir. The water blaster was more effective than compressed air in removing dirt, debris and vegetation but this did not yield significant improvement in sealant adhesion or longevity. Periodic crack filling is necessary on ACC surfaces throughout the remaining life of the pavement.