462 resultados para Rangel, Emídio, 1948-2014
This newsletter from The Department of Public Health about perinatal health care and statistics.
The ABD Promos Newsletter is produced monthly and details Division announcements, holiday schedules, broker promotions and a newly listed codes clipout section, which is formatted to be stapled into the Iowa Liquor Quarterly Spirits Price Book.
Iowa Spirits Price Book is produced monthly details of the current prices of liquors in Iowa. Formerly titled Iowa Liquor Quarterly Spirits Price Book.
A bi-weekly newsletter for those involved in the fields of homeland security and/or emergency management
This report summarizes the purchasing activity for soy based inks and recycled content trash bags for the Iowa DOT.
Pursuant to Iowa Code section 307.20, the biodiesel fuel revolving fund (Fund) was created and is to be used to purchase biodiesel fuel for use in the Department of Transportation's vehicles. The act directed that the Fund receive money from the sale of EPAct credits banked by the DOT on the effective date of the act, moneys appropriated by the General Assembly, and any other moneys obtained or accepted by the DOT for deposit in the Fund. This report is of the expenditures made from the Fund during FY 2013.
This report provides the status of the Passenger Rail Service Revolving Fund and the development and operation of the midwest regional rail system and the state's passenger rail service.
Iowa’s adult correctional system carries out its legal mandate of protecting the public and promoting offender rehabilitation through a continuum of institution and community evidence based services and interventions. This continuum is designed with recognition that for most offenders, reentry planning starts upon admission to the corrections system. The effective and efficient management of offenders in accordance with their risk and criminogenic needs (those needs that contribute to criminality) is accomplished through targeted programming, release preparation, and transition services. Success in these endeavors assists offenders to become productive members of the community and makes it less likely that they will re-offend, resulting in lowered recidivism rates. In 1990 the Department’s prison recidivism rate was 44.7% and today it is 30.3%. Our overall desired outcome is to reduce the prison recidivism rate to 25% during the next five years by focusing resources toward our highest risk offenders.
In 2013, released offenders with a mental illness were made eligible to obtain a free 60-day supply of behavioral health medications in addition to the 30-day supply already provided by the Department of Corrections. The Iowa Medication Voucher Program provided the funding, which allowed the DOC Central Pharmacy to dispense the approved medications to participating pharmacies in 95 counties.
Bureau of Nutrition and Health Promotion part of the Iowa Department of Public Health produces of weekly newsletter about the Iowa WIC Program for the State of Iowa citizen.
The Attorney General’s Consumer Protection Division receives hundreds of calls and consumer complaints every year. Follow these tips to avoid unexpected expense and disappointments. This record is about: Foreclosure Rescue Scams
The Fiscal Division newsletter, published weekly during session and periodically during the interim.
Weekly letting report.
Fiscal update is a report by the Legislative Services Agency stating information about what is going on with the fiscal issues in the state of Iowa.
Quarterly update for Iowa Library Services/State Library patrons.