77 resultados para Psychoanalysis and culture.
This is a reprint for the Iowa Centennial Committee of an article orginally published in the Morell magazine, Dec. 1946, by William J. Peterson. It is the history of Iowa, leading up to and including the first 100 years of becoming a state.
Goals and strategies for the strategic plan.
Information brochure on Cedar Rock, Lowell Walter House, designed by Frank Lloyd Wright.
Information brochure on the American Gothic House made famous by Iowan Grant Wood
Information brochure on the Abbie Gardner Cabin, one of the sites of the "Spirit Lake Massacre"
Information brochure on the State of Iowa Historical Building
Information brochure on the Matthew Edel blacksmith shop
In 1938, the Iowa State Library consisted of four departments: the general library, the library of sociology and economics, the law library, and the medical library. The south end of the law library was being used for the library of sociology and economics.
Dr. Dan Elbert Clark compiled and Benjamin F. Shambaugh edited this edition of a list of Iowa history topics, which originally was suggested by Miss Alice Tyler, Secretary of the Iowa Library Commission in 1907. It is also called Bulletin of Information Series, no. 7 published by the State Historical Society of Iowa. The subjects presented will give the reader a general knowledge of the more important facts and phases of Iowa's commonwealth history. Also included in this document are lists of authors of the articles sited, suggested courses of study or reading in Iowa history, the Governor's of Iowa, United State Senators from Iowa and a list of some of the important dates in early Iowa history.
George O. Hurley is the author and Ben J. Shambaugh is the editor of this document, which is also called Bulletin of Information Series No.10 published by the State Historical Society of Iowa. The purpose of this bulletin is to offer a practical discussion of some of the problems involved in the writing, organization and production of a community pageant which is defined as a community institution, such as churches, schools, chambers of commerce, woman's clubs, lodges and other organizations may us pageantry to advantage and profit. A bibliography is included.
Journal of Iowa Territorial Governor Robert Lucas on the Hall campaign which was to march to Detroit and commence a conquest of Canada. This journal is edited by John c. Parish.
This document contains detailed information on Dolliver Memorial State Park, a publication of Park Booklet Series No. 3. It describes in detail the history, location, landscape, rivers, photos, terrain, vegetation, wildlife and maps of the park and nearby ares in Webster County.
This is the story of the Spirit Lake Massacre of 1857, written by Thomas Teakle. The massacre came as the culminating episode of incidents intimately connected with the settlement of northern and western Iowa.
In recent years historical research seems to be the State Historical Society's main function, although it was formed with the principal functions of collection, preservation and exhibition. Now, instead of simply attempting to make the largest possible collection of historical materials in one place, this society will now endeavor to compile, publish and distribute accurate and scientific historical literature. The book also lists publications, information on the library and on membership.