178 resultados para North Branch (Mich.)
Audit report on the North Iowa Juvenile Detention Services Commission for the year ended June 30, 2012
Report on the Iowa Judicial Branch for the year ended June 30, 2012
Report on the Iowa Judicial Branch – County Clerks of District Courts, a part of the State of Iowa, for the year ended June 30, 2012
Reaudit report on the North Central Iowa Regional Solid Waste Agency for the period July 1, 2011 through June 30, 2012
Audit report on the City of West Branch, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2013
Audit report on the North Iowa Juvenile Detention Services Commission for the year ended June 30, 2013
Audit report on the North Central Iowa Regional Solid Waste Agency for the year ended June 30, 2013
Audit report on the Iowa Judicial Branch for the year ended June 30, 2013
Report on the Iowa Judicial Branch – County Clerks of District Courts, a part of the State of Iowa, for the year ended June 30, 2013
Audit report on the North Iowa Juvenile Detention Services Commission for the year ended June 30, 2014
The North Fork Maquoketa River Headwaters (NFMRH) has been identified as impaired by nutrients, episodic slugs of ammonia and sediment. The NFMRH TMDL plan calls for a "phasing approach" to managing water quality when the origin is non-point source contaminants. This project will address phase 1 using a performance reward program for targeted cooperators to improve environmental index scores using cost-share, EQIP practices and flexible management alternatives. Pre-project assessments suggest that rewards should target refined management of erosion-prone fields and farms with livestock populations, which contribute to the P and N loads responsible for fertilizing filamentous algae blooms that depress dissolved oxygen concentrations in the NFMRH. The Phosphorus Index, Soil Conditioning Index and cornstalk nitrate test will be used by producers to determine effective alternatives, such as no-till planting, to reduce nutrient and sediment delivery. These evironmental indexes will be especially useful for livestock producers in the livestock dense watershed. This project will extend a NRCS-sponsored Conservation Innovation Grant currently offered to producers in the Coffee Creek sub-watershed to a three-year, watershed-wide effort that will be necessary to make significant improvements in environmental management.
This issue review analyzes recent activity related to the Judicial Branch budget. The Judicial Branch budget is 3 percent of the total state general fund budget and consists of 95 percent personnel costs and 5 percent non-personnel costs. As of August 31, 2010, 29 clerks-of-court offices are operating on a part-time basis with reduced public hours. The remaining 70 offices are closed for two hours a day, two days a week. From February 2009 through June 2010, there were 15 court closure days.
This issue review examines the change in the number of executive branch employees, supervisors and payroll between January 2011 and August 2012. In recent years, a variety of factors have encouraged a reduction in the number of state employees, salary adjustment that pays for contract-related salary and benefits increases has not been funded, limited departments' ability to pay increasing personnel costs. Early retirement packages have been offered, encouraging higher-paid employees to retire. Beginning in January 2011, the Governor set a goal of reducing the cost of state government by 15 percent, which could impact the number of employees.
Audit report on the City of West Branch, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2014
Audit report on the North Central Iowa Regional Solid Waste Agency for the year ended June 30, 2014