54 resultados para Aquaculture--Research
Pavement marking technology is a continually evolving subject. There are numerous types of materials used in the field today, including (but not limited to) paint, epoxy, tape, and thermoplastic. Each material has its own set of unique characteristics related to durability, retro reflectivity, installation cost, and life-cycle cost. The Iowa Highway Research Board was interested in investigating the possibility of developing an ongoing program to evaluate the various products used in pavement marking. This potential program would maintain a database of performance and cost information to assist state and local agencies in determining which materials and placement methods are most appropriate for their use. The Center for Transportation Research and Education at Iowa State University has completed Phase I of this research: to identify the current practice and experiences from around the United States to recommend a further course of action for the State of Iowa. There has been a significant amount of research completed in the last several years. Research from Michigan, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Ohio, and Alaska all had some common findings: white markings are more retro reflective than yellow markings; paint is by-and-large the least expensive material; paint tends to degrade faster than other materials; thermoplastic and tapes had higher retro reflective characteristics. Perhaps the most significant program going on in the area of pavement markings is the National Transportation Product Evaluation Program (NTPEP). This is an ongoing research program jointly conducted by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials and its member states. Field and lab tests on numerous types of pavement marking materials are being conducted at sites representing four climatological areas. These results are published periodically for use by any jurisdiction interested in pavement marking materials performance.At this time, it is recommended that the State of Iowa not embark on a test deck evaluation program. Instead, close attention should be paid to the ongoing evaluations of the NTPEP program. Materials that fare well on the NTPEP test de cks should be considered for further field studies in Iowa.
Highway safety and pavement performance can be directly influenced by the type of shoulders that are constructed. Shoulder design alternatives have always been rather limited. Moreover, the use of some of the alternatives has always been restricted by funding limitations. This research project seeks to explore the use of modified macadam base construction for shoulders. This type of shoulder design could offer the designer another option when paved or stabilized shoulders are being considered. Macadam base construction has in the past been shown to be quite strong and free draining. Two macadam base shoulder designs were developed and constructed for this research project. A new roadway embankment and P.C.C. pavement were constructed on a section of US 6 east of Adel in Dallas County. The macadam base shoulders were constructed adjacent to the pavement as part of the project. The north shoulder was finished with a choke stone course and bituminous surface treatment and the south shoulder was finished with a two (2) inch layer of Type B Class I1 asphalt concrete. Macadam stone base shoulders can be built with relatively minor construction problems with comparable strength and less cost than asphalt treated base shoulders. The macadam stone base shoulders have performed well with very little maintenance necessary. The improved drainage substantially reduces deterioration of the pavement joints.
A survey of offenders supervised by the eight district departments of correctional services. This report was commissioned by the Iowa Department of Corrections Focus Group on Mental Health in Community-Based Corrections.
The Greene County, Iowa overlay project, completed in October 1973, was inspected on October 16 & 17, 1978 After five years of service The 33 fibrous concrete sections, four CRCP sections, two mesh reinforced and two plain concrete sections with doweled reinforcement were rated relative to each other on a scale of 0 t o 100. The rating was conducted by the original members of the Project Planning Committee, Iowa DOT, Iowa Counties, Federal Highway Administration, University of Illinois and industry representatives . In all , there were 23 representatives who rated this project . The 23 values were then averaged to provide a final rating number for each section. The highest panel rating (90) was assigned to the 5-inch thick , deformed barre in forced PCC sections ; an 86t o a 3-inch thick , 160 lbs. of fiber and 600 lbs . of cement on a partial bonded surface ; an 84 to the 4-inch CRC with elastic joints (bonded) and an 84 to a 4-inch mesh reinforce section. One of the major factors influencing performance appears t o be the thickness. In the fibrous concrete overlay, The greatest influences appears t o be the fiber content. Overlay Sections containing 160 1b/yd3 of Fiber are, in almost all cases , outperforming those c o n t a i n i n g 60 or 100. It is obvious at This time meth at the 3-inch thick fibrous concrete overlays are, in general, out performing the 2-inch thick sections. The performance of the fibrous concrete the overlay appears to be favorably influenced by: (1) The use of higher a spectra fiber (0.025 x 2.5 i n c h e s ) v e r s u s (0.010 x 0.022 x 1.0 inches) (2) The use of a lower cement c o n t e n t ( 600 versus 750 1b/yd3) However, The set less well defined and the improvements in overlay performance attributed to high aspect ratio fibers and low cement contents.
Safety i s a very important aspect o f the highway program. The Iowa DOT initiated an inventory o f the friction values of all paved primary roadways i n 1969. This inventory, with an ASTM E-274 test unit, has continued to the present time. The t e s t i n g frequency varies based upon traffic volume and the previous friction value. Historically , the state o f Iowa constructed a substantial amount o f pcc pavement during the 1928-30 period t o "get Iowa out o f the mud". Some of that pavement has never been resurfaced and has been subjected to more than 50 years o f wear. The textured surface has been worn away and has subsequently polished. Even though some pavements from 15 t o 50 years old continue t o function structurally , because of the loss of friction , they do not provide the desired level o f safety to the driver. As a temporary measure, "Sl ippery -When -Wet " signs have been posted on many older pcc roads due to friction numbers below t h e desirable level. These signs warn the motorist of the current conditions. An economical method of restoring the high quality frictional properties i s needed.
With the spiraling cost of construction, coupled with inflation, engineers must develop and research new techniques to better utilize the public's dollar. One area i n which these new technologies must be researched is in the field of highway construction; more specifically, asphalt products. There are areas within the state of Iowa which do not have Class I aggregate readily available for asphalt concrete road construction. The cost of transporting higher quality aggregate specified in the "Standard Specifications for Highway and Bridge construction"' for construction projects is escalating on a yearly basis. Many counties will be squeezed out of the construction of new roadways if an alternative to the high costs is not identified. The same high costs will curtail adequate upkeep on the existing paved system and will result in decreased serviceability. For this reason, a product is needed to better utilize the local aggregates for road construction and maintenance. There i s a product on the market which the promoters claim will improve the prer?nt asphalt to such a degree as to "upgrade deficient aggregates" to the level they can be used in today's standard construction techniques. This product is "Chem-Crete Bitumen," a'kpecially refined asphalt" that was promoted by Chem-Crete Corporation of Menlo Park, California. Chemkrete Technologies, Inc. of Wickliffe, Ohio; a wholly owned subsidiary of the Lubrizol Corporation has since purchased the U.S.
Load Rating: . , :Evaluation of the capacity of a bridge to carry vehicle Inventory Rating: Lbad level which can safely utilize the bridge for an indefinite period of time Operating Rating: Absolute maximum permissible load level for the bridge A load rating states the load in tons which a vehicle can impose on a bridge. Changes in guidelines, standards, and customary uses of bridges require analyses of bridges to be updated and re-evaluated. In this report, twenty-two secondary bridge standards for three types of bridges are rated for the AASHTO HS20-44 vehicle configuration and three typical Iowa legal vehicles
Sign vandalism has traditionally been a vexing problem for Iowa counties. The extent of the cost and incidence of these acts have never been fully ascertained, but a 1990 survey indicated that they cost Iowa counties more than 1.5 million dollars annually. In 1990, the Iowa Legislature recognized the seriousness of the problem and strengthened the existing sign vandalism law by increasing the penalty for illegal possession of a traffic control device from a simple to a serious misdemeanor. However, the courts must be willing to prosecute vandals to the magnitude provided in the Iowa Code. An educational campaign begun in 1987 involving over 200 Iowa school districts to educate students on the seriousness of the problem evidently did not have the effect of dramatically reducing the overall cost of sign vandalism in Iowa. This study sought to define the scope of the problem and possibly offer some effective countermeasures to combat sign vandalism and theft in Iowa.
This report, entitled ―Iowa Highway Research Board Research and Development Activities FY2012‖ is submitted in compliance with Sections 310.36 and 312.3A, Code of Iowa, which direct the submission of a report of the Secondary Road Research Fund and the Street Research Fund, respectively. It is a report of the status of research and development projects in progress on June 30, 2012. It is also a report on projects completed during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2011 and ending June 30, 2012. Detailed information on each of the research and development projects mentioned in this report is available from the Office of Research and Analytics, Performance and Technology Division, Iowa Department of Transportation. All approved reports are also online for viewing at: www.iowadot.gov/operationsresearch/reports.aspx.