558 resultados para Fiscal harmonization
This issue review provides updated information on an issue review published in December 2010, concerning the full-time-equivalent, or FTE, positions in state government. The background information provides a general explanation and understanding of the various aspects of FTE positions. This issue review includes year-end FTE and salary data for fiscal year 2011 and compares the data to prior years.
During the 2010 legislative session, House File 2531, Fiscal Year 2011 Standing Appropriations Act, was enacted and required school districts to report the specific use of sales tax dollars for school infrastructure purposes to the Department of Education. The Department published SAVE SILO annual report reflecting data for fiscal year 2011. This issue review provides a summary and additional analysis of that information.
Legislatively Mandated Report. Iowa Code §8A.224 – “The department shall submit an annual report not later than January 31 to the members of the General Assembly and the Legislative Services Agency of the activities funded by and expenditures made from the revolving fund during the preceding fiscal year.
Legislatively Mandated Report. Iowa Code §8A.224 – “The department shall submit an annual report not later than January 31 to the members of the General Assembly and the Legislative Services Agency of the activities funded by and expenditures made from the revolving fund during the preceding fiscal year.
ICN’s Annual Report for Fiscal Year 2015
Governor Terry E. Branstad's FY2016-17 budget in brief
This document summarizes Governor Terry E. Branstad's Program and Budget Recommendations for the General Assembly
This document from Governor Terry E. Branstad's Budget Report for the General Assembly
This report highlights the services the IUB provided to Iowans, along with results achieved to ensure reliability, and to improve and expand utility service infrastructure in Iowa. This information is provided in accordance with the State of Iowa Accountable Government Act, Iowa Code chapter 8E. The two basic business functions of the IUB are utility regulation and compliance, and resource management. This report covers performance information for both of these areas.
The plan is prepared in compliance with Executive Order Number Nine, issued September 14, 1999. Section IV of that order defines a “regulatory action” as a potential rule that is currently under active consideration or development with the agency that the agency reasonably expects to issue in proposed or final form.
Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) for the State of Iowa for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2015
Annual report produced by Iowa Board of Parole
Annual report produced by Iowa Board of Parole
Annual report produced by Iowa Board of Parole
Annual report produced by Iowa Board of Parole