528 resultados para Kröger, Tarja: Työsopimuslaki 2001


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State general fund revenue estimates are generated by the Iowa Revenue Estimating Conference (REC). The REC is comprised of the Governor or their designee, the Director of the Legislative Services Agency, and a third person agreed upon by the other two members. The REC meets periodically, generally in October, December, and March/April. The Governor and the Legislature are required to use the REC estimates in preparing the state budget.


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State general fund revenue estimates are generated by the Iowa Revenue Estimating Conference (REC). The REC is comprised of the Governor or their designee, the Director of the Legislative Services Agency, and a third person agreed upon by the other two members. The REC meets periodically, generally in October, December, and March/April. The Governor and the Legislature are required to use the REC estimates in preparing the state budget.


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To facilitate equity and maximize the use of available human resources, all policies, practices, and procedures of the Division of Banking are designed to ensure that recruitment, hiring selection, promotions, transfers, compensation, benefits, and training will be administered in a fair and nondiscriminatory manner.


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Requested claim data from insurance companies in order to provide a snapshot portrayal of Iowa's malpractice insurance market.


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CIRAS professionals, the equipment they use to do their jobs, and the latest in technical support equipment. With these investments, CIRAS continues to meet the needs of Iowa manufacturers, whether in doing routine problem solving, long-range planning, or transferring newer technologies. In all of its services, but most notably in product development projects, one of the strengths of CIRAS lies in bringing ISU students into the picture, both to help reach project goals and as real-job learning experiences for the students.


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CIRAS professionals, the equipment they use to do their jobs, and the latest in technical support equipment. With these investments, CIRAS continues to meet the needs of Iowa manufacturers, whether in doing routine problem solving, long-range planning, or transferring newer technologies. In all of its services, but most notably in product development projects, one of the strengths of CIRAS lies in bringing ISU students into the picture, both to help reach project goals and as real-job learning experiences for the students.


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CIRAS professionals, the equipment they use to do their jobs, and the latest in technical support equipment. With these investments, CIRAS continues to meet the needs of Iowa manufacturers, whether in doing routine problem solving, long-range planning, or transferring newer technologies. In all of its services, but most notably in product development projects, one of the strengths of CIRAS lies in bringing ISU students into the picture, both to help reach project goals and as real-job learning experiences for the students.


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Summary of IOWATER which is the Iowa Department of Natural Resources volunteer water monitoring program.


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Summary of biological monitoring of Iowa's streams and rivers.


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A report by the Iowa Department of Natural Resources on the trends of Iowa wildlife populations and harvest.


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This summary of legislation enacted by the General Assembly has been prepared for the use of legislators and other interested parties. The summary of each legislative enactment has been assigned to a major subject category. This compilation provides interested persons with quick reference to legislation enacted in specific areas and generally informs persons of the contents and effective date of the legislation. NOTE: This is a large file and may take a few minutes to load.


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This report documents Phase III of a four-phase project. The goals of the project are to study the feasibility of using advanced technology from other industries to improve he efficiency and safety of winter highway maintenance vehicle operations, and to provide travelers with the level of service defined by policy during the winter season at the least cost to the taxpayers. The results of the first phase of the research were documented in the Concept Highway Maintenance Vehicle Final Report: Phase One dated April 1997, which describes the desirable functions of a concept maintenance vehicle and evaluates its feasibility. Phase I concluded by establishing the technologies that would be assembled and tested on the prototype vehicles in Phase II. The primary goals of phase II were to install the selected technologies on the prototype winter maintenance vehicles and to conduct proof of concept in advance of field evaluations planned for Phase III. This Phase III final report documents the work completed since the end of Phase II. During this time period, the Phase III work plan was completed and the redesigned friction meter was field tested. A vendor meeting was held to discuss future private sector participation and the new design for the Iowa vehicle. In addition, weather and roadway condition data were collected from the roadway weather information systems at selected sites in Iowa and Minnesota, for comparison to the vehicles' onboard temperature sensors. Furthermore, the team received new technology, such as the mobile Frensor unit, for bench testing and later installation.


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The Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) continuously assesses the likely causes of crashes at high-crash locations throughout the Iowa roadway network and designs solutions to reduce the incidences of crashes. This research analyzed approximately 100 safety projects constructed in the past 10 years to see what affect they had on highway safety. The projects are grouped into seven categories as defined by their scope of work: (1) install new traffic signal, (2) add turn lane(s), (3) install new signal and turn lane(s), (4) add left-turn phasing, (5) add left-turn phasing and turn lane(s), (6) replace pedestal mount signals with mast arm signals, and (7) other geometric improvements. The project makes use of an extensive statewide crash database. The results of the project will evaluate the assumed reduction factors and benefit/cost (B/C) analysis, determine the actual cost effectiveness of the Iowa DOT's safety programs, and allow the Iowa DOT to better prioritize future improvements.


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Global positioning systems (GPS) offer a cost-effective and efficient method to input and update transportation data. The spatial location of objects provided by GPS is easily integrated into geographic information systems (GIS). The storage, manipulation, and analysis of spatial data are also relatively simple in a GIS. However, many data storage and reporting methods at transportation agencies rely on linear referencing methods (LRMs); consequently, GPS data must be able to link with linear referencing. Unfortunately, the two systems are fundamentally incompatible in the way data are collected, integrated, and manipulated. In order for the spatial data collected using GPS to be integrated into a linear referencing system or shared among LRMs, a number of issues need to be addressed. This report documents and evaluates several of those issues and offers recommendations. In order to evaluate the issues associated with integrating GPS data with a LRM, a pilot study was created. To perform the pilot study, point features, a linear datum, and a spatial representation of a LRM were created for six test roadway segments that were located within the boundaries of the pilot study conducted by the Iowa Department of Transportation linear referencing system project team. Various issues in integrating point features with a LRM or between LRMs are discussed and recommendations provided. The accuracy of the GPS is discussed, including issues such as point features mapping to the wrong segment. Another topic is the loss of spatial information that occurs when a three-dimensional or two-dimensional spatial point feature is converted to a one-dimensional representation on a LRM. Recommendations such as storing point features as spatial objects if necessary or preserving information such as coordinates and elevation are suggested. The lack of spatial accuracy characteristic of most cartography, on which LRM are often based, is another topic discussed. The associated issues include linear and horizontal offset error. The final topic discussed is some of the issues in transferring point feature data between LRMs.


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The Center for Transportation Research and Education performed a traffic signal inventory study for the Iowa Department of Transportation. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of compliance with the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) and other industry standards of traffic signals on the state highway system. Signals were randomly selected throughout the State of Iowa. Only signals in cities with a population less than 5,000 were considered. Several intersections need to be addressed immediately to correct clearance timing settings. Red clearance intervals were frequently too short. A handful of intersections had inadequate pedestrian clearance times. Six intersections had at least one yellow clearance interval that did not meet Institute of Transportation Engineers standards. Some of the intersections likely would not meet traffic signal warrants and should be investigated for possible removal. The most common problem found with traffic signals was a lack of maintenance. Many of the signals had at least one of the following problems: burned out lights (signals and/or pedestrian heads), pedestrian lenses in need of replacement, dirty cabinet/missing or poor filter, missing visors, or inoperative pedestrian push buttons. Timing sheets were frequently missing or out of date. Another frequent noncompliance issue was the use of backplates. The MUTCD states that backplates should be used on signals viewed against a bright sky. The majority of signals inventoried did not have backplates on the mast-arm mounted signals. The timing at some intersections could likely be improved by reducing the cycle length. Where there were multiple signals in close proximity rarely was there any attempt at signal coordination. Finally, a number of intersections had equipment that by today’s standards would be considered obsolete.