568 resultados para January through July


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Special investigation of the City of Riverton for the period January 1, 2008 through February 28, 2015


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Special investigation of the City of Delhi for the period March 1, 2007 through January 31, 2015


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Agreed-upon procedures report on the City of Sidney, Iowa for the period July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016


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Agreed-upon procedures report on the City of Walcott, Iowa for the period July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016


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Agreed-upon procedures report on the City of Delmar, Iowa for the period July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016


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A summary of the 12 regularly scheduled lettings and three emergency/special lettings held by the Iowa Department of Transportation for construction and maintenance work during the period July 1, 2003, through June 30, 2004.


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This booklet has been prepared by the Division of Workers’ Compensation to provide information and guidelines in handling Iowa workers’ compensation claims. For more detailed information, reference should be made to Iowa Code chapters 85 through 87, 17A and chapter 876 of the Iowa Administrative Code.


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This booklet has been prepared by the Division of Workers’ Compensation to provide information and guidelines in handling Iowa workers’ compensation claims. For more detailed informaton, reference should be made to Iowa Code chapters 85 through 87, 17A and chapter 876 of the Iowa Administrative Code.


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This booklet has been prepared by the Division of Workers’ Compensation to provide information and guidelines in handling Iowa workers’ compensation claims. For more detailed informaton, reference should be made to Iowa Code chapters 85 through 87, 17A and chapter 876 of the Iowa Administrative Code.


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This booklet has been prepared by the Division of Workers’ Compensation to provide information and guidelines in handling Iowa workers’ compensation claims. For more detailed informaton, reference should be made to Iowa Code chapters 85 through 87, 17A and chapter 876 of the Iowa Administrative Code.


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This brochure answers questions injured workers commonly ask about workers’ compensation. You may check Iowa Code chapters 85 through 87 and 17A, as well as Iowa Administrative Code chapter 876, for detailed information. References to Iowa Code sections and Iowa Administrative Rules appear in parentheses.


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This brochure answers questions injured workers commonly ask about workers’ compensation. You may check Iowa Code chapters 85 through 87 and 17A, as well as Iowa Administrative Code chapter 876, for detailed information. References to Iowa Code sections and Iowa Administrative Rules appear in parentheses.


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This brochure answers questions injured workers commonly ask about workers’ compensation. You may check Iowa Code chapters 85 through 87 and 17A, as well as Iowa Administrative Code chapter 876, for detailed information. References to Iowa Code sections and Iowa Administrative Rules appear in parentheses.


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On-street parking has been considered problematic by engineers for many years. In fact, numerous studies have concluded that diagonal or angle parking in particular is potentially more of a safety concern than parallel or no parking at all. It is a common position of many states, including Iowa, to discourage or completely prohibit angle parking on primary road extensions in urban areas. However, with the acceptance of “context sensitive design” and traffic calming techniques, policies for on-street parking are receiving re -consideration in many agencies including the FHWA. This study was undertaken to analyze operational and safety histories in the state of Iowa where various types of on-street parking have existed for many years, concentrating in particular on smaller communities. Specifically of interest was a comparison of diagonal parking locations to other types with regard to related crash histories. If possible, it was intended to develop guidelines to assist Iowa Department of Transportation designers in the consideration of parking requirements for road improvements through small communities. In this regard, several criteria were analyzed to determine possible contribution to crash history including road width, clearance to parked vehicles, traffic volumes, community population, and length of parking area. None of these factors, with the possible exception of population, displayed a clearly definable relationship to crash history. However, when average crash rates for various parking types were compared for non-intersection crashes, differences in rates between areas with diagonal parking and those with parallel parking were almost negligible. In fact, those observed rates were less than sample locations with no parking at all. These results seem to indicate that indeed there may exist no compelling justification for blanket prohibition of angle parking along Iowa’s primary extensions in all urban areas. Rather, a case-by-case investigation with each project design of the most applicable parking type would seem appropriate in smaller communities.


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In the past century, public health has been credited with adding 25 years to life expectancy by contributing to the decline in illness and injury. Progress has been made, for example, in smoking reduction, infectious disease, and motor vehicle and workplace injuries. Besides its focus on traditional concerns such as clean water and safe food, public health is adapting to meet emerging health problems. Particular troublesome are health threats to youth: teenage pregnancies, violence, substance abuse, sexually transmitted diseases, and other conditions associated with high-risk behaviors. These threats add to burgeoning health care costs. A conservative estimate of $69 billion in medical spending could be averted through the impact of public health strategies aimed at heart disease, stroke, fatal and nonfatal occupational injuries, motor vehicle-related injuries, low birth weight, and violence. These strategies require the collaboration of many groups in the public and private sectors. Collaboration is the bedrock of public health and Healthy Iowans planning. At the core of Healthy Iowans 2000 and its successor, Healthy Iowans 2010, is the idea that all Iowans benefit when stakeholders decide on disease prevention and health promotion strategies and agree to work together on them. These strategies can improve the quality of life and hold down health care costs. The payoff for health promotion and disease prevention is not immediate, but it has long-lasting benefits. The Iowa plan is a companion to the national plan, Healthy People 2010. An initiative to improve the health of Americans, the national plan is the driving force for federal resource allocation for disease prevention and health promotion. The state plan is used in the same way. Both plans have received broad support from Republican and Democratic administrations. Community planners are using the state plan to help assess health needs and craft health improvement plans. Healthy Iowans 2010 was written at an unusual point in history – a new decade, a new century, a new millennium. The introduction was optimistic. “The 21st century,” it says, “promises to add life as well as years through improved health habits coupled with medical advances. Scientists have suggested that if these changes occur, the definition of adulthood will also change. An extraordinary number of people will live fuller, more active lives beyond that expected in the late 20th century.” At the same time, the country has spawned a new generation of health hazards. According to Dr. William Dietz of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), it has replaced “the diseases of deficiency with diseases of excess” (Newsweek, August 2, 1999). New threats, such as childhood overweight, can reverse progress made in the last century. This demands concerted action.