47 resultados para tunnel reinforcement


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In recent years, ultra-thin whitetopping (UTW) has evolved as a viable rehabilitation technique for deteriorated asphalt cement concrete (ACC) pavement. Numerous UTW projects have been constructed and tested, enabling researchers to identify key elements contributing to their successful performance. These elements include foundation support, the interface bonding condition, portland cement concrete (PCC) overlay thickness, synthetic fiber reinforcement usage, joint spacing, and joint sealing. The interface bonding condition is the most important of these elements. It enables the pavement to act as a composite structure, thus reducing tensile stresses and allowing an ultra-thin PCC overlay to perform as intended. Although the main factors affecting UTW performance have been identified in previous research, neither the impact that external variables have on the elements nor the element interaction have been thoroughly investigated. The objective of this research was to investigate the interface bonding condition between an ultra-thin PCC overlay and an ACC base over time, considering the previously mentioned variables. Laboratory testing and full scale field testing were planned to accomplish the research objective. Laboratory testing involved monitoring interface strains in fabricated PCC/ACC composite test beams subjected to either static or dynamic flexural loading. Variables investigated included ACC surface preparation, PCC thickness, and synthetic fiber reinforcement usage. Field testing involved monitoring PCC/ACC interface stains and temperatures, falling weight deflectometer (FWD) deflection responses, direct shear strengths, and distresses on a 7.2 mile Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT) UTW project (HR-559). The project was located on Iowa Highway 21 between Iowa Highway 212 and U.S. Highway 6 in Iowa County, near Belle Plaine, Iowa. Variables investigated included ACC surface preparation, PCC thickness, synthetic fiber reinforcement usage, joint spacing, and joint sealing. This report documents the planning, equipment selection, and construction of the project built in 1994.


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Several primary techniques have been developed through which soil aggregate road material properties may be improved. Such techniques basically involve a mechanism of creating a continuous matrix system of soil and/or aggregate particles, interlocked through the use of some additive such as portland cement, lime, or bituminous products. Details by which soils are stabilized vary greatly, but they are dependent on the type of stabilizing agent and nature of the soil, though the overall approach to stabilization has the common feature that improvement is achieved by some mechanism(s) forcing individual particles to adhere to one another. This process creates a more rigid material, most often capable of resisting the influx of water during freezing, loss of strength due to high moisture content and particle dispersion during thawing, and loss of strength due to migration of fines and/or water by capillarity and pumping. The study reported herein, took a new and relatively different approach to strengthening of soils, i.e., improvement of roadway soils and/or soil-aggregate materials by structural reinforcement with randomly oriented fibers. The purpose of the study was to conduct a laboratory and field investigation into the potential of improving (a) soil-aggregate surfaced and subgrade materials, including those that are frost-prone and/or highly moisture susceptible, and (b) localized base course materials, by uniting such materials through fibrous reinforcement. The envisioned objective of the project was the development of a simple construction technique(s) that could be (a) applied on a selective basis to specific areas having a history of poor performance, or (b) used for improvement of potential base materials prior to surfacing. Little background information on such purpose and objective was available. Though the envisioned process had similarities to fibrous reinforced concrete, and to fibrous reinforced resin composites, the process was devoid of a cementitious binder matrix and thus highly dependent on the cohesive and frictional interlocking processes of a soil and/or aggregate with the fibrous reinforcement; a condition not unlike the introduction of reinforcing bars into a concrete sand/aggregate mixture without benefit of portland cement. Thus the study was also directed to answering some fundamental questions: (1) would the technique work; (2) what type or types of fibers are effective; (3) are workable fibers commercially available; and (4) can such fibers be effectively incorporated with conventional construction equipment, and employed in practical field applications? The approach to obtaining answers to these questions, was guided by the philosophy that an understanding of basic fundamentals was essential to developing a body of engineering knowledge, that would serve as the basis for eventual development of design procedures with fibrous products for the applications previously noted.


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Recent reports have indicated that 23.5% of the nation's highway bridges are structurally deficient and 17.7% are functionally obsolete. A significant number of these bridges are on the Iowa secondary road system where over 86% of the rural bridge management responsibilities are assigned to the counties. Some of the bridges can be strengthened or otherwise rehabilitated, but many more are in need of immediate replacement. In a recent investigation (HR-365 "Evaluation of Bridge Replacement Alternatives for the County Bridge System") several types of replacement bridges that are currently being used on low volume roads were identified. It was also determined that a large number of counties (69%) have the ability and are interested in utilizing their own forces to design and construct short span bridges. After reviewing the results from HR-365, the research team developed one "new" bridge replacement concept and a modification of a replacement system currently being used. Both of these bridge replacement alternatives were investigated in this study, the results of which are presented in two volumes. This volume (Volume 2) presents the results of Concept 2 - Modification of the Beam-in-Slab Bridge. Concept 1 - Steel Beam Precast Units is presented in Volume 1. Concept 2 involves various laboratory tests of the Beam-in-Slab bridge (BISB) currently being used by Benton County and several other Iowa counties. In this investigation, the behavior and strength of the BISB were determined; a new method of obtaining composite action between the steel beams and concrete was also tested. Since the Concept 2 bridge is primarily intended for use on low-volume roads, the system can be constructed with new or used beams. In the experimental part of the investigation, there were three types of laboratory tests: push-out tests, service and ultimate load tests of models of the BISB, and composite beam tests utilizing the newly developed shear connection. In addition to the laboratory tests, there was a field test in which an existing BISB was service load tested. An equation was developed for predicting the strength of the shear connection investigated; in addition, a finite element model for analyzing the BISB was also developed. Push-out tests were completed to determine the strength of the recently developed shear connector. A total of 36 specimens were tested, with variables such as hole diameter, hole spacing, presence of reinforcement, etc. being investigated. In the model tests of the BISB, two and four beam specimens [L=9,140 mm (30 ft)] were service load tested for behavior and load distribution data. Upon completion of these tests, both specimens were loaded to failure. In the composite beam tests, four beams, one with standard shear studs and three using the shear connection developed, were tested. Upon completion of the service load tests, all four beams were loaded to failure. The strength and behavior of the beams with the new shear connection were found to be essentially the same as that of the specimen with standard shear studs.


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Concrete bridge decks subjected to corrosive environment because of the application of de-icing chemical could deteriorate at a rapid rate. In an effort to minimize corrosion of the reinforcement and the corresponding delaminations and spalls, the Iowa Department of Transportation started using epoxy-coated rebars (ECR) in the top mat of reinforcing around 1976 and in both mats 10 years later. The overall objective of this research was to determine the impact of deck cracking on durability and estimate the remaining functional service life of a bridge deck. This was accomplished by conducting a literature review, visually inspecting several bridge decks, collecting and sampling test cores from cracked and uncracked areas of bridge decks, determining the extent to which epoxy-coated rebars deteriorate at the site of cracks, and evaluating the impact of cracking on service life.


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In recent years, ultra-thin whitetopping (UTW) has evolved as a viable rehabilitation technique for deteriorated asphalt cement concrete (ACC) pavement. Numerous UTW projects have been constructed and tested, enabling researchers to identify key elements contributing to their successful performance. These elements include foundation support, interface bonding condition, portland cement concrete (PCC) overlay thickness, synthetic fiber reinforcement usage, joint spacing, and joint sealing. The interface bonding condition is the most important of these elements. It enables the pavement to act as a composite structure, thus reducing tensile stresses and allowing an ultra-thin PCC overlay to perform as intended. The Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT) UTW project (HR-559) initiated UTW in Iowa. The project is located on Iowa Highway 21 between Iowa Highway 212 and U.S. Highway 6 in Iowa County, near Belle Plaine, Iowa. The objective of this research was to investigate the interface bonding condition between an ultra-thin PCC overlay and an ACC base over time, considering the previously mentioned variables. This research lasted for five years, at which time it was extended an additional five years. The new phase of the project was initiated by removing cracked panels existing in the 2-inch thick PCC sections and replacing them with three inches of PCC. The project extension (TR 432) will provide an increased understanding of slab bonding conditions over a longer period, as well as knowledge regarding the behavior of the newly rehabilitated areas. In order to accomplish the goals of the project extension, Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD) testing will continue to be conducted. Laboratory testing, field strain gage implementation, and coring will no longer be conducted. This report documents the planning and construction of the rehabilitation of HR 559 and the beginning of TR 432 during August of 1999.


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When referenced, the 2012 edition of the Iowa Department of Transportation’s (Iowa DOT) Standard Specifications for Highway and Bridge Construction shall be used for contract work awarded by the Iowa DOT. They may also be incorporated by reference in other contract work on secondary, urban, local systems, or other contract work in which the Iowa DOT has an interest. As modified by the General Supplemental Specifications, these Standard Specifications represent the minimum requirements and may be modified by Supplemental Specifications, Developmental Specifications, and Special Provisions on specific contracts. These Standard Specifications have been written so the Contractor’s responsibilities are indicated by plain language using the Imperative Mood and Active Voice form. Sentences are of the form: Construct isolation joints at all points where driveways meet other walks, curbs, or fixtures in the surface. Ensure finished members are true to detailed dimensions and free from twists, bends, open joints, or other defects resulting from faulty fabrication or defective work. Personnel preparing the JMF shall be Iowa DOT certified in bituminous mix design. The Contracting Authority’s responsibilities are (with some exceptions) indicated by the use of the modal verb “will”. Sentences are of the form: The Engineer will obtain and test density samples for each lot according to Materials I.M. 204. Payment will be the contract unit price for Fabric Reinforcement per square yard (square meter). These standard specifications contain dual units of measure: the United States Standard measure (English units) and the International System of Units (SI or “metric” units). The English units are expressed first then followed by the metric units in parentheses. The measurements expressed in the two systems are not necessarily equal. In some cases the measurements in metric units is a “hard” conversion of the English measurement; i.e. the metric unit has been approximated with a rounded, rationalized metric measurement that is easy to work with and remember. The proposal form will identify whether the work was designed and shall be constructed in English or metric units.


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The deterioration of bridge decks due to steel corrosion is a problem encountered several years ago. This project, using galvanized reinforcement, began over twenty years ago. Since that time, epoxy coated reinforcement has become the specified material used in bridge decks. The decks researched in this project are located on 1-35 in Story County. They were constructed in 1967. The results from the testing done on this project show that galvanizing protects steel from corrosion due to deicing salts, resulting in less/no concrete deterioration.


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The Greene County, Iowa, overlay project, completed in October 1973, was evaluated in October 1978, after five years in October 1983, after ten years and most recently in October 1988 after fifteen years of service. The 33 fibrous concrete sections, four CRCP sections, two mesh reinforced and two plain concrete sections with doweled reinforcement were rated relative to each other on a scale of 0 to 100. The rating was conducted by original members of the Project Planning Committee, Iowa DOT, Iowa County, Federal Highway Administration and industry representatives. In all, there were 23, 25 and 17 representatives who rated the project in 1978, 1983 and 1988 respectively. The 23, 25 or 17 values were then averaged to provide a final rating number for each section or variable. All experimental overlay sections had performed quite well in the period from five through 15 years, experiencing only limited additional deterioration.


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The Greene County, Iowa, overlay project, completed in October, 1973, was evaluated in October, 1978, after five years of service and most recently in October, 1983, after ten years of service. The 33 fibrous concrete sections, four CRCP sections, two mesh reinforced and two plain concrete sections with doweled reinforcement were rated relative to each other on a scale of 0 to 100. The rating was conducted by original members of the Project Planning Committee, Iowa DOT, Iowa County, Federal Highway Administration, University of Illinois and industry representatives. In all, there were 23 and 24 representatives who rated the project in 1978 and 1983 respectively. The 23 or 24 values were then averaged to provide a final rating number for each section or variable. All experimental overlay sections had performed quite well in the period from five through 10 years, experiencing only limited additional deterioration. Based upon this relatively good performance through 10 years, the sections will be maintained for further research with another evaluation at 15 years. The 4" thick nonfibrous mesh reinforced continuous reinforced concrete pavement overlay sections provided the best performance in this research project. Another nonfibrous 5" thick bar reinforced overlay section performed almost as well. The best performance of a fibrous reinforced concrete section was obtained with 160 pounds of fiber per cubic yard.


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In 1994 the Iowa Department of Transportation constructed a 7.2-mile Portland Cement Concrete overlay project in Iowa County on Iowa Highway 21. The research work was conducted in cooperation with the Department of Civil Engineering and the Federal Highway Administration under the Iowa Highway Research Board project HR-559. The project was constructed to evaluate the performance of an ultrathin concrete overlay during a 5-year period. The experiment included variables of base surface preparation, overlay depth, joint spacing, fiber reinforcement, and the sealed or non-sealed joints. The project was instrumented to measure overlay/base interface temperatures and strains. Visual distress surveys and deflection testing were also used to monitor performance. Coring and direct shear testing was accomplished 3 times during the research period. Results of the testing and monitoring are identified in the report. The experiment was very successful and the results provide an insight into construction and design needs to be considered in tailoring a portland cement concrete overlay to a performance need. The results also indicate a method to monitor bond with nondestructive methods.


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As a result of forensic investigations of problems across Iowa, a research study was developed aimed at providing solutions to identified problems through better management and optimization of the available pavement geotechnical materials and through ground improvement, soil reinforcement, and other soil treatment techniques. The overall goal was worked out through simple laboratory experiments, such as particle size analysis, plasticity tests, compaction tests, permeability tests, and strength tests. A review of the problems suggested three areas of study: pavement cracking due to improper management of pavement geotechnical materials, permeability of mixed-subgrade soils, and settlement of soil above the pipe due to improper compaction of the backfill. This resulted in the following three areas of study: (1) The optimization and management of earthwork materials through general soil mixing of various select and unsuitable soils and a specific example of optimization of materials in earthwork construction by soil mixing; (2) An investigation of the saturated permeability of compacted glacial till in relation to validation and prediction with the Enhanced Integrated Climatic Model (EICM); and (3) A field investigation and numerical modeling of culvert settlement. For each area of study, a literature review was conducted, research data were collected and analyzed, and important findings and conclusions were drawn. It was found that optimum mixtures of select and unsuitable soils can be defined that allow the use of unsuitable materials in embankment and subgrade locations. An improved model of saturated hydraulic conductivity was proposed for use with glacial soils from Iowa. The use of proper trench backfill compaction or the use of flowable mortar will reduce the potential for developing a bump above culverts.


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In jointed portland cement concrete pavements, dowel bars are typically used to transfer loads between adjacent slabs. A common practice is for designers to place dowel bars at a certain, consistent spacing such that a sufficient number of dowels are available to effectively transfer anticipated loads. In many cases, however, the standards developed today for new highway construction simply do not reflect the design needs of low traffic volume, rural roads. The objective of this research was to evaluate the impact of the number of dowel bars and dowel location on joint performance and ultimately on pavement performance. For this research, test sections were designed, constructed, and tested in actual field service pavement. Test sections were developed to include areas with load transfer assemblies having three and four dowels in the outer wheel path only, areas with no joint reinforcement whatsoever, and full lane dowel basket assemblies as the control. Two adjacent paving projects provided both rural and urban settings and differing base materials. This report documents the approach to implementing the study and provides discussion and suggestions based on the results of the research. The research results indicate that the use of single three or four dowel basket assemblies in the outer wheel path is acceptable for use in low truck volume roads. In the case of roadways with relatively stiff bases such as asphalt treated or stabilized bases, the use of the three dowel bar pattern in the outside wheel path is expected to provide adequate performance over the design life of the pavement. In the case of untreated or granular bases, the results indicate that the use of the three or four dowel bar basket in both wheel paths provides the best long-term solution to load transfer and faulting measurements.


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Recent data compiled by the National Bridge Inventory revealed 29% of Iowa's approximate 24,600 bridges were either structurally deficient or functionally obsolete. This large number of deficient bridges and the high cost of needed repairs create unique problems for Iowa and many other states. The research objective of this project was to determine the load capacity of a particular type of deteriorating bridge – the precast concrete deck bridge – which is commonly found on Iowa's secondary roads. The number of these precast concrete structures requiring load postings and/or replacement can be significantly reduced if the deteriorated structures are found to have adequate load capacity or can be reliably evaluated. Approximately 600 precast concrete deck bridges (PCDBs) exist in Iowa. A typical PCDB span is 19 to 36 ft long and consists of eight to ten simply supported precast panels. Bolts and either a pipe shear key or a grouted shear key are used to join adjacent panels. The panels resemble a steel channel in cross-section; the web is orientated horizontally and forms the roadway deck and the legs act as shallow beams. The primary longitudinal reinforcing steel bundled in each of the legs frequently corrodes and causes longitudinal cracks in the concrete and spalling. The research team performed service load tests on four deteriorated PCDBs; two with shear keys in place and two without. Conventional strain gages were used to measure strains in both the steel and concrete, and transducers were used to measure vertical deflections. Based on the field results, it was determined that these bridges have sufficient lateral load distribution and adequate strength when shear keys are properly installed between adjacent panels. The measured lateral load distribution factors are larger than AASHTO values when shear keys were not installed. Since some of the reinforcement had hooks, deterioration of the reinforcement has a minimal affect on the service level performance of the bridges when there is minimal loss of cross-sectional area. Laboratory tests were performed on the PCDB panels obtained from three bridge replacement projects. Twelve deteriorated panels were loaded to failure in a four point bending arrangement. Although the panels had significant deflections prior to failure, the experimental capacity of eleven panels exceeded the theoretical capacity. Experimental capacity of the twelfth panel, an extremely distressed panel, was only slightly below the theoretical capacity. Service tests and an ultimate strength test were performed on a laboratory bridge model consisting of four joined panels to determine the effect of various shear connection configurations. These data were used to validate a PCDB finite element model that can provide more accurate live load distribution factors for use in rating calculations. Finally, a strengthening system was developed and tested for use in situations where one or more panels of an existing PCDB need strengthening.


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This report describes a study to evaluate Geopier® soil reinforcement technology in transportation construction. Three projects requiring settlement control were chosen for evaluation—an embankment foundation, a box culvert, and a bridge approach fill. For each project, construction observations, in situ soil testing, laboratory material characterization, and performance monitoring were carried out. For the embankment foundation project, Geopier elements were installed within and around an abutment footprint for the new I-35 overpass at the US Highway 5/Interstate 35 interchange in Des Moines, Iowa. Although the main focus of this investigation was to evaluate embankment foundation reinforcement using Geopier elements, a stone column reinforced soil provided an opportunity to compare systems. In situ testing included cone penetration tests (CPTs), pressuremeter tests (PMTs), Ko stepped blade tests, and borehole shear tests (BSTs), as well as laboratory material testing. Comparative stiffness and densities of Geopier elements and stone columns were evaluated based on full-scale modulus load tests and standard penetration tests. Vibrating wire settlement cells and total stress cells were installed to monitor settlement and stress concentration on the reinforcing elements and matrix soil. Settlement plates were also monitored by conventional optical survey methods. Results show that the Geopier system and the stone columns performed their intended functions. The second project involved settlement monitoring of a 4.2 m wide x 3.6 m high x 50 m long box culvert constructed beneath a bridge on Iowa Highway 191 south of Neola, Iowa. Geopier elements were installed to reduce total and differential settlement while ensuring the stability of the existing bridge pier foundations. Benefits of the box culvert and embankment fill included (1) ease of future roadway expansion and (2) continual service of the roadway throughout construction. Site investigations consisted of in situ testing including CPTs, PMTs, BSTs, and dilatometer tests. Consolidated drained triaxial compression tests, unconsolidated undrained triaxial compression test, oedometer tests, and Atterberg limit tests were conducted to define strength and consolidation parameters and soil index properties for classification. Vibrating wire settlement cells, total stress cells, and piezometers were installed for continuous monitoring during and after box culvert construction and fill placement. This project was successful at controlling settlement of the box culvert and preventing downdrag of the bridge foundations, but could have been enhanced by reducing the length of Geopier elements at the ends of the box culvert. This would have increased localized settlement while reducing overall differential settlement. The third project involved settlement monitoring of bridge approach fill sections reinforced with Geopier elements. Thirty Geopier elements, spaced 1.8 m apart in six rows of varying length, were installed on both sides of a new bridge on US Highway 18/218 near Charles City, Iowa. Based on the results of this project, it was determined that future applications of Geopier soil reinforcement should consider extending the elements deeper into the embankment foundation fill, not just the fill itself.


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The main objective of the proposed study is to use Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) tools to determine the wind loads by accurate numerical simulations of air flow characteristics around large highway sign structures under severe wind speeds conditions. Fully three-dimensional Reynolds- Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) simulations are used to estimate the total force on different panels, as well as the actual pressure distribution on the front and back faces of the panels. In particular, the present study investigates the effects of aspect ratio and sign spacing for regular panels, the effect of sign depth for the dynamic message signs that are now being used on Iowa highways, the effect induced by the presence of back-to-back signs, the effect of the presence of add-on exit signs, and the effect of the presence of trucks underneath the signs potentially creating “wind tunnel” effect.