70 resultados para reaction greenishness improvement


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This document describes planned investments in Iowa’s multimodal transportation system including aviation, transit, railroads, trails, and highways. A large part of funding available for highway programming comes from the federal government. Accurately estimating future federal funding levels is dependent on having a multiyear federal transportation authorization bill in place and having a sustainable and solvent federal Highway Trust Fund. The most recent federal authorization, Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century (MAP-21), will expire September 30, 2014. At the same time that MAP-21 expires and absent Congressional action, the federal Highway Trust Fund will no longer be able provide funding at current levels resulting in up to a 90 percent reduction in federal highway funding for federal fiscal year 2015. These two issues provide funding uncertainty with this program in fiscal years 2015 and beyond.


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Research is reported which attempted to identify construction procedures that will provide an improved centerline joint on asphalt concrete pavements. Various construction procedures and their evaluation are described. Core densities were made and visual inspections were made 3 years after construction. Center cracking was measured at 4, 5, and 6 years. The only procedure to rank the same when comparing cracking and density (delete the 1:1 slope shoe on the edge) is described. This procedure had the highest average density and also the least cracking through 1985. This method provided the best performance for 4 years after construction and involved the removal of the 1:1 slope shoe from the paver when placing the surface course. This method had 9.0% cracked after 4 years and 100% cracked after 6 years of service.


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This report presents results of research on ways to reduce the detrimental effects of sulfate-tainted rock salt deicers on portland cement concrete used for highway pavements. Repetitious experiments on the influence of fly ash on the mortar phase of concrete showed significant improvement in resistance to deicing brines is possible. Fifteen to twenty percent by weight of fly ash replacement for portland cement was found to provide optimum improvement. Fly ashes from five sources were evaluated and all were found to be equally beneficial. Preliminary results indicate the type of coarse aggregate also plays an important role in terms of concrete resistance to freeze-thaw in deicing brines. This was particularly true for a porous ferroan dolomite thought to be capable of reaction with the brine. In this case fly ash improved the concrete, but not enough for satisfactory performance. An intermediate response was with a porous limestone where undesirable results were observed without fly ash and adequate performance was realized when 15% fly ash was added. The best combination for making deicer-resistant concrete was found to be with a non-porous limestone. Performance in brines was found to be adequate without fly ash, but better when fly ash was included. Consideration was given to treating existing hardened concrete made with poor aggregate and no fly ash to extend pavement life in the presence of deicers, particularly at joints. Sodium silicate was found to improve freeze-thaw resistance of mortar and is a good candidate for field usage because of its low cost and ease of handling.


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Audit report on the Mid-Iowa School Improvement Consortium, Carlisle, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2013


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The interrelation of curing time, curing temperature, strength, and reactions in lime-bentonite-water mixtures was examined. Samples were molded at constant density and moisture content and then cured for periods of from 1 to 56 days at constant temperatures that ranged from 5C to 60C. After the appropriate curing time the samples were tested for unconfined compressive strength. The broken samples were then analyzed by x-ray diffractometer and spectrophotometer to determine the identity of the reaction products present after each curing period. It was found that the strength gain of lime-clay mixtures cured at different temperatures is due to different phases of the complex reaction, lime & clay to CSH(gel) to CSH(II) to CSH(I) to tobermorite. The farther the reaction proceeds, the higher the strength. There was also evidence of lattice substitutions in the structure of the calcium silicate hydrates at curing temperatures of 50C and higher. No consistent relationship between time, temperature, strength, and the S/A ration of reaction products existed, but in order to achieve high strengths the apparent C/S ration had to be less than two. The curing temperature had an effect on the strength developed by a given amount of reacted silica in the cured lime-clay mixture, but at a given curing temperature the cured sample that had the largest amount of reacted silica gave the highest strength. Evidence was found to indicate that during the clay reaction some calcium is indeed adsorbed onto the clay structure rather than entering into a pozzolanic reaction. Finally, it was determined that it is possible to determine the amount of silica and alumina in lime-clay reaction products by spectrophotometric analysis with sufficient accuracy for comparison purposes. The spectrophotometric analysis techniques used during the investigation were simple and were not time consuming.


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A highway base course may be defined as a layer of granular material which lies immediately below the wearing surface of a pavement and must possess high resistance to deformation in order to withstand pressures imposed by traffic. A material commonly used for base course construction is crushed limestone. Sources of limestone, acceptable for highway bases in the state of Iowa, occur almost entirely in the Pennsylvanian, Mississippian and Devonian strata. Performance records of the latter two have been quite good, while material from the Pennsylvanian stratum has failed on numerous occasions. The study reported herein is one segment of an extensive research program on compacted crushed limestone used for flexible highway base courses. The primary goals of the total study are: 1. Determination of a suitable and realistic laboratory method of compaction. 2. Effect of gradation, and mineralogy of the fines, on shearing strength. 3. Possible improvement of the shear strength with organic and inorganic chemical stabilization additives. Although the study reported herein deals primarily with the third goal, information gathered from work on the first two was required for this investigation. The primary goal of this study was the evaluation of various factors of stability of three crushed limestones when treated with small amounts of type I Portland cement. Investigation of the untreated materials has indicated that shear strength alone is not the controlling factor for stability of crushed stone bases. Thus the following observations were made in addition to shear strength parameters, to more adequately ascertain the stability of the cement treated materials: 1. Volume change during consolidation and shear testing. 2. Pore pressure during shear. The consolidated-undrained triaxial shear test was used for determination of the above factors.


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This document describes planned investments in Iowa's multimodal transportation system including aviation, transit, railroads, trails, and highways. A large part of funding available for highway programming comes from the federal government. Accurately estimating future federal funding levels is dependent on having a multiyear federal transportation authorization bill in place and having a sustainable and solvent federal Highway Trust Fund. The most recent federal authorization, Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century (MAP-21), will expire September 30, 2014. At the same time that MAP-21 expires and absent Congressional action, the federal Highway Trust Fund will no longer be able to provide funding at current levels resulting in the full elimination of federal highway funding for new projects in federal fiscal year 2015. These two issues provide funding uncertainty with this program in fiscal years 2015 and beyond.


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Most non-grazed Iowa woodlands and surrounding openings are excellent habitat for a variety of birds and animals if there is a diversity of over story tree species and understory vegetation. As vegetative structures of woodlands change over time, the diversity of the woodland will change, and some species of birds and animals will benefit more then others. To optimize habitat development for the wildest range of bird and animal species, concentrate on maintaining as much vegetative diversity in the woodland as possible. To make improvement for individual species, the special needs of those species will have to be met by targeting precise woodland activities in specific areas.


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As of December 31, 1970 there were 57,270 miles of Local Secondary roads and 32,958 miles of Farm to Market roads in the Iowa secondary road system. The Local Secondary system carried a traffic load of 2,714,180 daily vehicle miles, accounting for 32% of all traffic in the secondary system. For all Local Secondary roads having some form of surfacing, 98% were surfaced with gravel or crushed stone. During the 1970 construction year 335 miles of surfaced roads were constructed in the Local Secondary system with 78% being surfaced with gravel or crushed stone. The total maintenance expenditure for all secondary roads in Iowa during 1970 amounted to $40,086,091. Of this, 42%, or $17,020,332, was spent for aggregate replacement on existing gravel or crushed stone roads with an additional 31% ($12,604,456) being spent on maintenance other than resurfacing. This amounts to 73% of the total maintenance budget and are the largest two maintenance expenditure items out of a list of 10 ranging from bridges to drainage assessments. The next largest item was 7%, for maintenance of existing flexible bases. Three concurrent phases of study were included in this project: (1) laboratory screenings studies of various additives thought to have potential for long-lasting dust palliation, soil additive strength, durability, and additive retention potential; (2) test road construction using those additives that indicated promise for performance-serviceability usage; and (3) observations and tests of constructed sections for evaluation of the additive's contribution to performance and serviceability as well as the relationship to initial costs.


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A combined study of dust control and low-cost surface improvements of soil and aggregate materials for immediate (and intermediate) use as a treated surface course is being conducted in three concurrent phases: (1) laboratory screening of various additives thought to have potential for long-lasting dust palliation, soil-additive strength, durability, and additive retention potential; (2) test road construction, using those additives from the screening studies that indicate promise for performance and serviceability; and (3) observation and tests of constructed sections for evaluation of the additive's contribution to performance and serviceability as well as relationship to initial costs. A brief review is presented of the problem, some methods of measuring it, previously adopted approaches to it, project field tests and a portion of the results thus far, and portions of the laboratory work accomplished in the screening studies.


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This final report to the Iowa Watershed Improvement Review Board by the City of Remsen Utilities consists of accomplishments made by the Remsen Utilities as per this agreement. The City of Remsen Utilities did in fact purchase approximately 27 acres of land lying upstream of the city’s water well field. The land was purchased from Mr. Larry Rodesch and Mr. Rich Harpenau for the purpose of removing nitrates from Remsen’s water source and establishing native prairie grasses to assist in this removal.


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Iowa’s Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) has been developed in conformance with the guidelines prescribed by 23 U.S.C. and 49 U.S.C. The STIP is generated to provide the Federal Highway Administration and Federal Transit Administration a listing of all projects that are candidates for federal aid from the FHWA and FTA for four federal fiscal years (FFY). The 2015-2018 STIP was approved by FHWA and FTA on September 16, 2014. Preceding the listings of federal-aid candidates are general comments concerning Iowa’s public participation process for selection of federal-aid projects and the basis for funding the proposed projects. Documents evidencing the Iowa Department of Transportation’s authority to act concerning matters related to transportation, federal-aid expenditures and approvals of metropolitan planning organizations’ (MPOs), transportation improvements programs (TIPs) have been provided in past STIPs and can be provided again upon request.


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Iowa’s Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) has been developed in conformance with the guidelines prescribed by 23 U.S.C. and 49 U.S.C. The STIP is generated to provide the Federal Highway Administration and Federal Transit Administration a listing of all projects that are candidates for federal aid from the FHWA and FTA for four federal fiscal years (FFY). The 2015-2018 STIP was approved by FHWA and FTA on September 16, 2014. Preceding the listings of federal-aid candidates are general comments concerning Iowa’s public participation process for selection of federal-aid projects and the basis for funding the proposed projects. Documents evidencing the Iowa Department of Transportation’s authority to act concerning matters related to transportation, federal-aid expenditures and approvals of metropolitan planning organizations’ (MPOs), transportation improvements programs (TIPs) have been provided in past STIPs and can be provided again upon request.


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Iowa’s Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) has been developed in conformance with the guidelines prescribed by 23 U.S.C. and 49 U.S.C. The STIP is generated to provide the Federal Highway Administration and Federal Transit Administration a listing of all projects that are candidates for federal aid from the FHWA and FTA for four federal fiscal years (FFY). Preceding the listings of federal-aid candidates are general comments concerning Iowa’s public participation process for selection of federal-aid projects and the basis for funding the proposed projects. Documents evidencing the Iowa Department of Transportation’s authority to act concerning matters related to transportation, federal-aid expenditures and approvals of metropolitan planning organizations’ (MPOs), transportation improvements programs (TIPs) have been provided in past STIPs and can be provided again upon request.


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Audit report on the Mid-Iowa School Improvement Consortium, Carlisle, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2014