35 resultados para criminal negligence
Audit report on the Black Hawk County Criminal Justice Information System for the year ended June 30, 2015
The following report will initially provide a brief review of the criminal and juvenile justice system’s long-range and five-year goals established by CJJP. The report will then provide an overview of current initiatives helping to achieve these goals. Some initiatives have associated information which can be found on the CJJP website and are identified within this report.
Audit report on the Black Hawk County Criminal Justice Information System for the year ended June 30, 2016
This report is Iowa’s Three-Year Plan, which serves as the application for federal Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act formula grant funding (JJDP Act). The Division of Criminal and Juvenile Justice Planning (CJJP) wrote Iowa’s Three-Year Plan. CJJP is the state agency responsible for administering the JJDP Act in Iowa. Federal officials refer to state administering agencies as the state planning agency (SPA). The Plan was developed and approved by Iowa’s Juvenile Justice Advisory Council. That Council assists with administration of the JJDP Act, and also provides guidance and direction to the SPA, the Governor and the legislature regarding juvenile justice issues in Iowa. Federal officials refer to such state level groups as state advisory groups (SAG’s). The acronyms SPA and SAG are used through this report.
In 1974, the 65th Iowa General Assembly enacted a provision of Chapter 749 B of the Code of Iowa requiring law enforcement agencies to submit reports of crime and arrests to the Bureau of Criminal Investigation. The following language now is contained in section 692.15 Code of Iowa concerning Uniform Crime Reports: If it comes to the attention of a sheriff, police department or other law enforcement agency that a public offense has been committed in its jurisdiction, the law enforcement agency shall report information concerning such a public offense to the department on a form to be furnished by the department not more than thirty-five days from the time the public offense first comes to the attention of the law enforcement agency. The reports shall be used to generate crime statistics. The department shall submit statistics to the governor, the general assembly, and the division of criminal and juvenile justice planning of the department of human rights on a quarterly and yearly basis.