39 resultados para Tensile test
All noncomplying penetration and absolute viscosity results must be verified before being reported. This verification of test results is done by reheating and retesting the identical sample that is suspect. The District Laboratories are required to submit penetration and absolute viscosity correlation samples to the Central Laboratory. These samples are the identical ones tested by the District Laboratories. When the Central laboratory tests these correlation samples they are also considered to be reheated and retested. Reheating a sample will harden the asphalt to some degree and possibly cause a change in the test results. This investigation was conducted to determine how much change in penetration and absolute viscosity could be expected by reheating and retesting asphalt samples.
Dr. Gilbert Y. Baladi of Michigan State University has developed a new device intended for reliable determination of asphalt concrete mechanical properties such as Poisson's ratio, resilient modulus, and indirect tensile strength. The device is the result of an effort to improve upon procedures and equipment currently available for evaluation of mechanical properties. A duplicate of this device was fabricated in the Iowa Department of Transportation, Materials Lab Machine Shop in 1989. This report details the results of an evaluation of the effectiveness of the device in testing Marshall specimens for indirect tensile strength as compared to results obtained with standard equipment described in AASHTO T-283. Conclusions of the report are: l. Results obtained with the Baladi device average 6 to 8 percent higher than those obtained with the standard device. 2. The standard device exhibited a slightly greater degree of precision than did the Baladi device. 3. The Baladi device is easier and quicker to use than the standard apparatus. 4. It may be possible to estimate indirect tensile strength from the stability/flow ratio by dividing by factors of 1.8 and 1.5 for 50 blow and 75 blow mixes respectively.
Early stiffening of cement has been noted as contributing to workability problems with concrete placed in the field. Early stiffening, normally attributed to cements whose gypsum is reduced to hemi⋅hydrate or anhydrate because of high finish mill temperatures, is referred to as false setting. Stiffening attributed to uncontrolled reaction of C3A is referred to as flash set. False setting may be overcame by extended mix period, while flash setting is usually more serious and workability is usually diminished with extended mixing. ASTM C 359 has been used to detect early stiffening with mixed results. The mini slump cone test was developed by Construction Technology Laboratories (CTL), Inc., as an alternative method of determining early stiffening. This research examined the mini slump cone test procedure to determine the repeatability of the results obtained from two different testing procedures, effect of w/c ratio, lifting rate of the cone, and accuracy of the test using a standard sample.
Pavements are subjected to different stresses during their design lives. A properly designed pavement will perform adequately during its design life, and the distresses will not exceed the allowable limits; however, there are several factors that can lead to premature pavement failure. One such factor is moisture sensitivity. AASHTO T 283 is the standard test used in the moisture susceptibility evaluation of asphalt mixtures, but the results of the test are not very representative of the expected behavior of asphalt mixtures. The dynamic modulus test measures a fundamental property of the mixture. The results of the dynamic modulus test can be used directly in the Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide (MEPDG) and are considered a very good representation of the expected field performance of the mixture. Further research is still needed to study how the dynamic modulus results are affected by moisture. The flow number test was studied in previous research as a candidate test for moisture-susceptibility evaluation, but the results of that research were not favorable. This research has four main objectives. The first objective of this research is to evaluate the usefulness of the dynamic modulus and flow number tests in moisture-susceptibility evaluation. The second objective is to compare the results to those achieved using the AASHTO T 283 test. The third objective is to study the effect of different methods of sample conditioning and testing conditions. The fourth objective of the research is to study the variability in the test results.
Currently, no standard mix design procedure is available for CIR-emulsion in Iowa. The CIR-foam mix design process developed during the previous phase is applied for CIR-emulsion mixtures with varying emulsified asphalt contents. Dynamic modulus test, dynamic creep test, static creep test and raveling test were conducted to evaluate the short- and long-term performance of CIR-emulsion mixtures at various testing temperatures and loading conditions. A potential benefit of this research is a better understanding of CIR-emulsion material properties in comparison with those of CIR-foam material that would allow for the selection of the most appropriate CIR technology and the type and amount of the optimum stabilization material. Dynamic modulus, flow number and flow time of CIR-emulsion mixtures using CSS- 1h were generally higher than those of HFMS-2p. Flow number and flow time of CIR-emulsion using RAP materials from Story County was higher than those from Clayton County. Flow number and flow time of CIR-emulsion with 0.5% emulsified asphalt was higher than CIR-emulsion with 1.0% or 1.5%. Raveling loss of CIR-emulsion with 1.5% emulsified was significantly less than those with 0.5% and 1.0%. Test results in terms of dynamic modulus, flow number, flow time and raveling loss of CIR-foam mixtures are generally better than those of CIR-emulsion mixtures. Given the limited RAP sources used for this study, it is recommended that the CIR-emulsion mix design procedure should be validated against several RAP sources and emulsion types.
Cold In-Place Recycling (CIR) has been used widely in rehabilitating the rural highways because it improves a long-term pavement performance. A CIR layer is normally covered by a hot mix asphalt (HMA) overlay in order to protect it from water ingress and traffic abrasion and obtain the required pavement structure and texture. Curing is the term currently used for the period of time that a CIR layer should remain exposed to drying conditions before an HMA overlay is placed. The industry standard for curing time is 10 days to 14 days or a maximum moisture content of 1.5 percent, which appear to be very conservative. When the exposed CIR layer is required to carry traffic for many weeks before the wearing surface is placed, it increases the risk of a premature failure in both CIR layer and overlay. This study was performed to explore technically sound ways to identify minimum in-place CIR properties necessary to permit placement of the HMA overlay. To represent the curing process of CIR pavement in the field construction, three different laboratory curing procedures were examined: 1) uncovered, 2) semi-covered and 3) covered specimens. The indirect tensile strength of specimens in all three curing conditions did not increase during an early stage of curing but increased during a later stage of curing usually when the moisture content falls below 1.5%. Dynamic modulus and flow number increased as curing time increased and moisture contents decreased. For the same curing time, CIR-foam specimens exhibited the higher tensile strength and less moisture content than CIR-emulsion. The laboratory test results concluded that the method of curing temperature and length of the curing period significantly affect the properties of the CIR mixtures. The moisture loss index was developed to predict the moisture condition in the field and, in the future, this index be calibrated with the measurements of temperature and moisture of a CIR layer in the field.
Many state, county, and local agencies are faced with deteriorating bridge infrastructure composed of a large percentage of relatively short to medium span bridges. In many cases, these older structures are rolled or welded longitudinal steel stringers acting compositely with a reinforced concrete deck. Most of these bridges, although still in service, need some level of strengthening due to increases in legal live loads or loss of capacity due to deterioration. Although these bridges are overstressed in most instances, they do not warrant replacement; thus, structurally efficient but cost-effective means of strengthening needs to be employed. In the past, the use of bolted steel cover plates or angles was a common retrofit option for strengthening such bridges. However, the time and labor involved to attach such a strengthening system can sometimes be prohibitive. This project was funded through the Federal Highway Administration’s Innovative Bridge Research and Construction program. The goal is to retrofit an existing structurally deficient, three-span continuous steel stringer bridge using an innovative technique that involves the application of post-tensioning forces; the post-tensioning forces were applied using fiber reinforced polymer post-tensioning bars. When compared to other strengthening methods, the use of carbon fiber reinforced polymer composite materials is very appealing in that they are highly resistant to corrosion, have a low weight, and have a high tensile strength. Before the post-tensioning system was installed, a diagnostic load test was conducted on the subject bridge to establish a baseline behavior of the unstrengthened bridge. During the process of installing the post-tensioning hardware and stressing the system, both the bridge and the post-tensioning system were monitored. The installation of the hardware was followed by a follow-up diagnostic load test to assess the effectiveness of the post-tensioning strengthening system. Additional load tests were performed over a period of two years to identify any changes in the strengthening system with time. Laboratory testing of several typical carbon fiber reinforced polymer bar specimens was also conducted to more thoroughly understand their behavior. This report documents the design, installation, and field testing of the strengthening system and bridge.
As a result of Chang's studies, Calderon's developments, and the need for a new test procedure to determine specific physical properties of an asphalt concrete, the Iowa Highway Research Board sponsored a research project to investigate the correlation of results of the Calderon Test with the Iowa Stability Test and the Marshall and Hveem stability tests using Iowa Type A asphaltic concrete. The project was assigned to the Bituminous. Research Laboratory of Iowa State University as Project HR 80, the. Iowa Highway Research Board, and Project 442-S of the Engineering Experiment Station.
This report addresses the field testing and analysis of those results to establish the behavior of the original Clive Road Bridge that carried highway traffic over Interstate 80 (I-80) in the northwest region of Des Moines, Iowa. The bridge was load tested in 1959, shortly after its construction and in 1993, just prior to its demolition. This report presents some of the results from both field tests, finite element predictions of the behavior of aluminum bridge girders, and load distribution studies.