56 resultados para Pipe joint
Iowa's first portland cement concrete pavement was constructed in 1904 in the City of LeMars. A portion of that pavement served traffic until 1974 at which time it was resurfaced. The first rural Iowa pee pavement (16' wide, 6" to 7" thick) was constructed under the direction of the Iowa State Highway Commission in 1913. Some of Iowa's early pavements had transverse joints at 25-foot spacings. At that time, joint spacings across the nation ranged from 24 to 100 ft. There have been many changes in joint design over the years with some pavements being constructed without transverse joints. Joint spacing on Iowa primary pavements has generally remained around 20 feet with this spacing having been adopted as an Iowa standard in 1954. Until 1978 it was common to specify a 40-foot joint spacing on secondary pavements. The performance of the pavements with joint spacings greater than 20 feet, and in some cases no contraction joints, generated a 1955 research project on joint spacing. This project was 16 miles long containing sections without contraction joints and sections with joints sawed at intervals of 20, 50 and 80 feet. Approximately half of the sawed joints were left unsealed. The results of this research supported the 20-foot spacing, but were inconclusive regarding the benefits of sealing. One of the desired characteristics of joint sealing material is that it should act as a moisture barrier and prevent the intrusion of surface water. It was generally accepted from past experience that the hot poured type joint seals did not provide this effective moisture barrier.
Concern about premature joint sealant failures occurring in portland cement concrete (PCC) pavements gave impetus to initiating this research project. Eight sealants, including three silicone sealants, were evaluated and tested in the lab as well as incorporated in approximately 700 joints in the field and evaluated over a six-year period. The preliminary data show that among the silicone sealants, Dow Corning 888 rated the highest. However, this was rated third overall behind the W. R. Meadows cold-applied Sof Seal and Crafco #231 hot pour sealants. The W. R. Meadows and Crafco sealants cost approximately 30 percent and 50 percent less to furnish and place than the Dow Corning product. All joint sealants will continue to be evaluated.
This study was precipitated by several failures of flexible pipe culverts due to apparent inlet floatation. A survey of Iowa County Engineers revealed 31 culvert failures on pipes greater than 72" diameter in eight Iowa counties within the past five years. No special hydrologic, topography, and geotechnical environments appeared to be more susceptible to failure. However, most failures seemed to be on pipes flowing in inlet control. Geographically, most of the failures were in the southern and western sections of Iowa. The forces acting on a culvert pipe are quantified. A worst case scenario, where the pipe is completely plugged, is evaluated to determine the magnitude of forces that must be resisted by a tie down or headwall. Concrete headwalls or slope collars are recommended for most pipes over 4 feet in diameter.
Questionnaires were sent to transportation agencies in all 50 states in the U.S., to Puerto Rico, and all provinces in Canada asking about their experiences with uplift problems of - corrugated metal pipe (CMP). Responses were received from 52 agencies who reported 9 failures within the last 5 years. Some agencies also provided design standards for tiedowns to resist uplift. There was a wide variety in restraining forces used; for example for a pipe 6 feet in diameter, the resisting force ranged from 10 kips to 66 kips. These responses verified the earlier conclusion based on responses from Iowa county engineers that a potential uplift danger exists.when end restraint is not provided for CMP and that existing designs have an unclear theoretical or experimental basis. In an effort to develop more rational design standards, the longitudinal stiffness of three CMP ranging from 4 to 8 feet in diameter were measured in the laboratory. Because only three tests were conducted, a theoretical model to evaluate the stiffness of pipes of a variety of gages and corrugation geometries was also developed. The experimental results indicated a "stiffness" EI in the range of 9.11 x 10^5 k-in^2 to 34.43 x 10^5 k-in^2 for the three pipes with the larger diameter pipes having greater stiffness. The theoretical model developed conservatively estimates these stiffnesses.
This investigation is the final phase of a three part study whose overall objectives were to determine if a restraining force is required to prevent inlet uplift failures in corrugated metal pipe (CMP) installations, and to develop a procedure for calculating the required force when restraint is required. In the initial phase of the study (HR-306), the extent of the uplift problem in Iowa was determined and the forces acting on a CMP were quantified. In the second phase of the study (HR- 332), laboratory and field tests were conducted. Laboratory tests measured the longitudinal stiffness ofCMP and a full scale field test on a 3.05 m (10 ft) diameter CMP with 0.612 m (2 ft) of cover determined the soil-structure interaction in response to uplift forces. Reported herein are the tasks that were completed in the final phase of the study. In this phase, a buried 2.44 m (8 ft) CMP was tested with and without end-restraint and with various configurations of soil at the inlet end of the pipe. A total of four different soil configurations were tested; in all tests the soil cover was constant at 0.61 m (2 ft). Data from these tests were used to verify the finite element analysis model (FEA) that was developed in this phase of the research. Both experiments and analyses indicate that the primary soil contribution to uplift resistance occurs in the foreslope and that depth of soil cover does not affect the required tiedown force. Using the FEA, design charts were developed with which engineers can determine for a given situation if restraint force is required to prevent an uplift failure. If an engineer determines restraint is needed, the design charts provide the magnitude of the required force. The design charts are applicable to six gages of CMP for four flow conditions and two types of soil.
In the past, culvert pipes were made only of corrugated metal or reinforced concrete. In recent years, several manufacturers have made pipe of lightweight plastic - for example, high density polyethylene (HDPE) - which is considered to be viscoelastic in its structural behavior. It appears that there are several highway applications in which HDPE pipe would be an economically favorable alternative. However, the newness of plastic pipe requires the evaluation of its performance, integrity, and durability; A review of the Iowa Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Highway and Bridge Construction reveals limited information on the use of plastic pipe for state projects. The objective of this study was to review and evaluate the use of HDPE pipe in roadway applications. Structural performance, soil-structure interaction, and the sensitivity of the pipe to installation was investigated. Comprehensive computerized literature searches were undertaken to define the state-of-the-art in the design and use of HDPE pipe in highway applications. A questionnaire was developed and sent to all Iowa county engineers to learn of their use of HDPE pipe. Responses indicated that the majority of county engineers were aware of the product but were not confident in its ability to perform as well as conventional materials. Counties currently using HDPE pipe in general only use it in driveway crossings. Originally, we intended to survey states as to their usage of HDPE pipe. However, a few weeks after initiation of the project, it was learned that the Tennessee DOT was in the process of making a similar survey of state DOT's. Results of the Tennessee survey of states have been obtained and included in this report. In an effort to develop more confidence in the pipe's performance parameters, this research included laboratory tests to determine the ring and flexural stiffness of HDPE pipe provided by various manufacturers. Parallel plate tests verified all specimens were in compliance with ASTM specifications. Flexural testing revealed that pipe profile had a significant effect on the longitudinal stiffness and that strength could not be accurately predicted on the basis of diameter alone. Realizing that the soil around a buried HDPE pipe contributes to the pipe stiffness, the research team completed a limited series of tests on buried 3 ft-diameter HDPE pipe. The tests simulated the effects of truck wheel loads above the pipe and were conducted with two feet of cover. These tests indicated that the type and quality of backfill significantly influences the performance of HDPE pipe. The tests revealed that the soil envelope does significantly affect the performance of HDPE pipe in situ, and after a certain point, no additional strength is realized by increasing the quality of the backfill.
This report updates the Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) design procedures for circular, slope-tapered concrete culverts. The current practice is to use the design coefficients for a square-edged, circular concrete culvert with a headwall that are found in Hydraulic Series No. 5 (HDS-5). New inlet control design constants and entrance loss coefficients were calculated for the slope-tapered culverts and then compared with the HDS-5 coefficients (square edge). In addition, various reducer lengths and taper ratios were also studied to determine what impact, if any, they have on the design coefficients. All of the laboratory testing was done at the Federal Highway Administration�s Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center located in McLean, Virginia.
In this paper are described the results of a research project that had the objective of developing construction procedures for restoring load transfer in existing jointed concrete pavements and of evaluating the effectiveness of the restoration methods. A total of 28 test sections with various load transfer devices were placed. The devices include split pipe, figure eight, vee, double vee, and dowel bars. Patching materials used on the project included three types of fast-setting grouts, three brands of polymer concrete, and plain portland cement concrete. The number and spacing of the devices and dowel bars were also variables in the project. Dowel bars and double vee devices were used on the major portion of the project. Performance evaluations were based on deflection tests conducted with a 20,000-lb axle load. Horizontal joint movement measurements and visual observations were also made. The short-term performance data indicate good results with the dowel bar installations regardless of patching materials. The sections with split pipe, figure eight, and vee devices failed in bond during the first winter cycle. The results with the double vee sections indicate the importance of the patching material to the success or failure of the load transfer system: some sections are performing well and other sections are performing poorly with double vee devices. Horizontal joint movement measurements indicate that neither the dowel bars nor the double vee devices are restricting joint movement.
A study of four major concrete pavement joint rehabilitation techniques has been conducted, including: pressure relief joints, full-depth repairs, partial-depth repairs and joint resealing. The products of this research include the following for each technique: a summary of published research, detailed documentation of the design and performance of the 36 projects, conclusions and recommendations of the state highway engineers panel, "Design and Construction Guidelines" and "Guide Specifications." The latter two products are prepared for use by state highway agencies. The results of this study are based upon a review of literature, extensive field surveys and analysis of 36 rehabilitation projects, and the experience of an expert panel of state highway engineers.
Corrosion of culvert pipe in Iowa in general is not a serious problem. However, it is potentially significant in some local areas. An opportunity to make a limited durability study of stainless steel pipe was presented when a local fabricating company expressed interest in a cooperative field experiment. The potential of stainless steel pipe is to reduce maintenance costs that are incurred through replacement and upkeep. A new stainless steel material, Allegheny Metal MF-1, was used in a partial fabrication demonstration and later these demonstration sections were delivered to the selected field site for placement.
At the request of Mr. Arnold E. Levine, of the Levine Company, Centerville, Iowa, the Iowa State Highway Commission was asked to observe the partial fabrication of two stainless steel culvert pipes and later the Commission was asked if they would like to study their durability. These pipes were fabricated April 12, 1967 in Des Moines, Personnel of the Design and Materials Department were at the fabrication, but no Research people were present. The idea for the installation was conceived and a site selected after which the project was turned over to the Research Engineer. The stainless steel pipes presumably contained the new Allegheny Metal, MF-1, whose composition is shown in Appendix A. The primary aim of the stainless steel pipe is to reduce long term costs that are incurred through replacement and upkeep. The MF-1 has a theoretical life of infinity.
In conventional construction practices, a longitudinal joint is sawed in a PCC (Portland Cement Concrete) pavement to control concrete shrinkage cracking between two lanes of traffic. Sawing a joint in hardened concrete is an expensive and time consuming operation. The longitudinal joint is not a working joint (in comparison to a transverse joint) as it is typically tied with a tie bar at 30 inch spacing. The open joint reservoir, left by the saw blade, typically is filled or sealed with a durable crack sealant to keep incompressibles and water from getting into the joint reservoir. An experimental joint forming knife has been developed. It is installed under the paving machine to form the longitudinal joint in the wet concrete as a part of the paving process. Through this research method, forming a very narrow longitudinal joint during the paving process, two conventional paving operations can be eliminated. Joint forming eliminates the need of the joint sawing operation in the hard concrete, and as the joint that is formed does not leave a wide-open reservoir, but only a hairline crack, it does not need the joint filling or sealing operation. Therefore, the two conventional longitudinal joint sawing and sealing operations are both being eliminated by this innovation. A laboratory scale prototype joint forming knife was built and tested, initially forming joints in small concrete beams. The results were positive so the method was proposed for field testing. Initial field tests were done in the construction season of 2001, limited to one paving contractor. A number of modifications were made to the knife throughout the field tests. About 3000 feet of longitudinal joint was formed in 2001. Additional testing was done in the 2002 construction season, working with the same contractor. About 150,000 feet of longitudinal joint was formed in 2002. Evaluations of the formed joints were done to determine longitudinal joint hairline crack development rate and appearance. Additional tests will be done in the next construction season to improve or perfect the longitudinal joint forming technique.
The members of the Iowa Concrete Paving Association, the National Concrete Pavement Technology Center Research Committee, and the Iowa Highway Research Board commissioned a study to examine alternative ways of developing transverse joints in portland cement concrete pavements. The present study investigated six separate variations of vertical metal strips placed above and below the dowels in conventional baskets. In addition, the study investigated existing patented assemblies and a new assembly developed in Spain and used in Australia. The metal assemblies were placed in a new pavement and allowed to stay in place for 30 days before the Iowa Department of Transportation staff terminated the test by directing the contractor to saw and seal the joints. This report describes the design, construction, testing, and conclusions of the project.
There is an ongoing drive towards improvements and achieving success in effective and long term sealing of portland cement concrete pavement contraction joints. A variety of joint sealing products and procedures have been applied in Iowa in search of improvements in seal performance. Hot poured rubberized asphalt products were mainly used for sealing all joints in earlier years for highways. In the 1980s, silicone sealant products were becoming popular, especially for the major highways. As a high level of sealant performance was not achieved from silicones in Iowa conditions, other sealing products were tried. Preformed neoprene compression seals are being tried as a substitution for silicone sealants. Due to high costs of materials and installation with neoprene seals, the search for improvements through other joint sealing products and procedures continued. An agreement was made with Phoenix, North America, Inc., to provide and install preformed Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer (EPDM) compression joint seals. The research site was a 600 ft (183 m) test section of northbound I-29 in Pottawattamie County, Iowa. Seal installation was done August 20, 1992. Seal performance has been good over the past seven years and the seals are still showing no significant signs of decreasing performance.
Audit report on the Iowa Water Pollution Control Works Financing Program (Clean Water Program) and the Iowa Drinking Water Facilities Financing Program (Drinking Water Program), joint programs of the Iowa Finance Authority and the Iowa Department of Natural Resources, for the year ended June 30, 2005