153 resultados para Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
Audit report on the South Central Iowa Regional E-911 Service Board for the year ended June 30, 2006
Audit report on the South Central Iowa Regional E-911 Service Board for the year ended June 30, 2006
Annual Report
Major maintenance; health, safety, loss of use; and Americans with Disablities Act deficiencies at the Capitol Complex and statewide for twelve agencies and divisions participating in the Vertical Infrastructure Program in collaboration with the Governor's Vertical Infrastructure Advisory Committee, including the Department of Administrative Services; the Department of Commerce, Alcoholic Beverages Division; the Department of Corrections; the Department of Cultural Affairs; the Department of Education, including Iowa Public Television and Iowa Vocational Rehabilitation Services; the Department of Human Services; Iowa Law Enforcement Academy; the Department of Public Safety; Terrace Hill; Iowa Veterans Home and Iowa Workforce Development. The advisory committee meets on a monthly basis to review the progress of the work and to make recommendations on procedures and priorities. Additional information on major maintenance projects is available in the advisory committee's Eighth Annual Report to the Governor, dated December 15, 2006.
In accordance with the Code of Iowa, Section 8.57, this annual report summarizes the status of all ongoing building related projects for which an appropriation from the Rebuild Iowa Infrastructure Fund, the Vertical Infrastructure Fund or the Tobacco Settlement Trust Fund has been made to the Department of Administrative Services. The report includes projects for which funding reverted in 2006 as well as ongoing projects.
DAS was established on July 1, 2003, by consolidating the departments of General Services, Information Technology, Personnel, and the Accounting Bureau of the Department of Revenue and Finance. In introducing our new department, you outlined four goals of this consolidation: 1. Improve service to customers, 2. Save money, 3. Streamline, and 4. Enhance resource flexibility for state government managers. Launch of the new department signaled more than just the consolidation of state government infrastructure providers. It also marked the first large-scale rollout of entrepreneurial management, a business model characterized by a customer-focused approach to delivering services in a competitive marketplace. In entrepreneurial management organizations, business decisions are motivated by the desire to meet customer needs and by rewards or consequences for financial performance. We’re pleased to provide this Annual Report for your review and trust you will agree that entrepreneurial management in state government is a viable working concept and remains a valuable asset to Iowans.
Replication Template for Improving Transition Outcomes Henry County Transition Partners Prototype. This concise document will help you build a community team and the infrastructure necessary to implement and plan for sustaining specific initiatives.
Resource Mapping tool from the Improving Transition Outcomes Resource Mapping Workshops
Service provider survey tool from the Improving Transition Outcomes Resource Mapping Workshops
The report highlights the services the IUB provided to Iowans, along with results achieved to ensure reliability, and to improve and expand utility service infrastructure in Iowa. This information is provided in accordance with the State of Iowa Accountable Government Act, Iowa Code chapter 8E. The two basic business functions of the IUB are utility regulation and compliance, and resource management. This report covers performance information for both of these areas.
Annual Report
The Attorney General’s Consumer Protection Division receives hundreds of calls and consumer complaints every year. Follow these tips to avoid unexpected expense and disappointments. This record is about: How to Find Reputable In-Home Health Care and Service Plans
The Attorney General’s Consumer Protection Division receives hundreds of calls and consumer complaints every year. Follow these tips to avoid unexpected expense and disappointments. This record is about: "Should I Buy the Service Contract?"
House file 2782 (2007 Infrastructure Appropriations Act) requires state agencies that receive appropriations from specific funds to report that information. The Iowa Department of Transportation received funds from the Rebuild Iowa Infrastructure Fund, the State Recreational Trails Fund, the Health Restricted Capitals, and the Rail Revolving Loan and Grant Program in FY 2007. These are the status reports for those funds and the status of the FY2006 funds received from the State Recreational Trails Fund, the Rebuild Iowa Infrastructure Fund and the Tobacco Settlement Trust Fund.
This report is submitted as required per Iowa Code section 327J.3(5), "The director shall report annually to the general assembly concerning the development and operation of the midwest regional rail system and the state's passenger rail service."
Audit report on the South Central Iowa Regional E-911 Service Board for the year ended June 30, 2007
Audit report on the South Central Iowa Regional E-911 Service Board for the year ended June 30, 2007