47 resultados para Illinois State Scholarship Commission
It is difficult to maintain reflectorized lane markings on high-traffic, multi-lane highways. This is particularly true of sections in urban areas where there are frequent lane changes, such as on the Des Moines Freeway, I-235. In spite of the fact that the lane markings are painted on an average of three times a year, they are frequently absent during a considerable portion of the winter period. In the summer of 1973, the office of Highway Maintenance suggested a research project using a new thermoplastic paint developed by the Prismo Universal Corporation. Because of difficulties in scheduling the work, a definite proposal was not submitted until 1974. Upon the recommendation of the Iowa Highway Research Board, the project was approved by the Iowa State Highway Commission on August 7, 1974.
The load ratings for these Standard bridges were calculated in compliance with the 1978 AASHTO Manual for Maintenance Inspection of Bridges, using the appropriate allowable stresses for the materials specified by the Standard plans. Distribution of loads is in compliance with the Manual unless otherwise noted. Except for truss spans, all bridges with roadway widths of 18 ft. or less were rated for one lane of traffic. All 18 ft. roadway truss bridges were rated for both one and two lanes of traffic. All bridges with roadway widths exceeding 18 ft. were rated for two lanes of traffic. If the posting rating for two lane bridges was less than legal, then the bridges were rated for traffic restricted to one lane, or to one lane centered in the roadway, as noted on the summary sheet. The ratings are applicable to bridges built in accordance with the standard plans and which exhibit no significant deterioration or damage to the structural members, and which have no added wearing surface material in excess of that noted on the summary sheets and used in the calculations. The inventory and operating ratings were based upon the standard AASHTO HS20-44 loading. The legal load ratings were based upon the three typical Iowa legal vehicles shown on page 5. The legal load ratings were based upon the maximum allowable Operating Rating stresses specified in the Manual. Refer to notations on the summary sheets for additional qualifications on the load ratings for specific standard bridge series. Load ratings for standard bridges with wood floors must be based upon existing conditions of attachment of the wood flooring to the top flanges of longitudinal steel stringers. The ratings must be reevaluated if the existing lateral support conditions are not in accordance with conditions used for the rating and noted on the summary sheets. Details of most of the standard bridges are included in the three books of "Iowa State Highway Commission, Bridge Standards," issued in June, 1972. Copies of plans for those standard bridges that were rated, and that are not included in the original books of standard plans, are being furnished under separate cover with these rating summaries.
The BPR type Roughometer has been used by the Iowa State Highway Commission since 1955 for the evaluation of the relative roughness of the various Iowa road surfaces. Since the commencement of this program, standardized information about the roughness of the various Iowa roads with respect to their type, construction, location and usage has been obtained. The Roughometer has also served to improve the economics and quality of road construction by making the roughness results of various practices available to all who are interested. In 1965, the Portland Cement Association developed a device known as the PCA Road Meter for measuring road roughness. Mounted in a regular passenger car, the Road Meter is a simple electromechanical device of durable construction which can perform consistently with extremely low maintenance. In 1967, the Iowa State Highway Commission's Laboratory constructed a P.C.A. type Road Meter in order to provide an efficient and reliable method for measuring the Present Serviceability Index for the state's highways. Another possibility was that after considerable testing the Road Meter might eventually replace the Roughometer. Some advantages of the Road Meter over the Roughometer are: (1) Road Meter tests are made by the automobile driver and one assistant without the need of traffic protection. The Roughometer has a crew of four men; two operating the roughometer and two driving safety vehicles. (2) The Road Meter is able to do more miles of testing because of its faster testing speed and the fa.ct that it is the only vehicle involved in the testing. (3) Because of the faster testing speed, the Road Meter gives a better indication of how the road actually rides to the average highway traveler. (4) The cost of operating a Road Meter is less than that of a Roughometer because of the fewer number of vehicles and men needed in testing.
A concrete admixture, Gla-Zit, was evaluated in 1970 by the Iowa State Highway Commission and found to be lacking in providing beneficial effects to concrete. This current evaluation is similar to that conducted in 1970 with slight modifications in the actual concrete mixes studied. At the request of the manufacturer, all concrete mixes containing Gla-Zit were non-air entrained. Concrete properties examined were compressive strength, salt scaling resistance, absorption, resistance to chloride penetration, and freeze-thaw durability. The differences found in the mixes studied are much more attributible to air entrainment, or the lack thereof, than the influence of Gla-Zit. The study re-affirms that it is necessary to have properly air entrained concrete to lessen the detrimental effects of freeze and thaw and scaling caused by salting. There is no data in the study to suggest that Gla-Zit has any significant effect on any of the concrete properties examined.
The inadequate supply of suitable road surfacing material in the southern part of Iowa raises the question of the possibility of utilizing certain shales abundant in this area. These carbonaceous shales commonly overlie the coal beds and may also be found as impurities in the coal seams. They constitute the "slate" which with minor amounts of coal makes up the "gob" piles at the mines. These shales frequently contain enough carbonaceous material to burn. Those which do not usually require only a relatively small amount of coal mixed with them to support combustion. As a result, the "gob" piles frequently burn. The residual shale material is frequently used locally as a road surfacing material. However, since there is no control over the burning, there is no assurance that the product is the most suitable which might be produced or that it is even uniform in its properties. To determine if a controlled burning would produce a suitable road building product economically a research project "Use of Shales as Highway Materials" (ISHC Project HR-21, IEES Project 299-S) was set up in the Iowa Engineering Experiment Station with funds provided by the Iowa State Highway Commission, This project was supervised by Charles Frush, formerly Assistant Professor of Mining Engineering at Iowa State University. The various shales were subjected to controlled burning, and the solid residues were tested for their suitability for highway use.
A program of A (90 day moist room), B (14 day moist room) and C (7 day moist room and 7 day 50%_humidity) type curing for the R-11-Z program of durability of concrete using the automatic freeze and thaw machine (ASTM C-291) has been used in the Materials Department of the Iowa State Highway Commission since December 6, 1966. A summary of the results obtained from then until March 25, 1968, indicates that the B and C type curing are yielding very little valuable information. However, the A cure exhibits a wide range of durability factors and also groups the aggregates in an order which is related to the service record (there are definite exceptions. The biggest disadvantage to the A cure is the length of time that it takes to complete the test (90 day cure and 38 day test). The Kansas Highway Department has experimented with different cements and aggregates in order to determine which combination offers a concrete with the best durability factor possible. In an experimental test section of highway, concrete made with a Type II cement appeared to have better durability than others made with Type I cements. Because of this, a question has been raised at the Iowa State Highway Commission - Can concrete made with Type II cements, because of a lesser amount of tricalcium aluminate, yield better durability than concrete made with Type I cements?
The purpose of this investigation was to study the flexural fatigue strength of two prestressed steel I-beams which had previously been fabricated in connection with a jointly sponsored project under the auspices of the Iowa State Highway Commission. The beams were prestressed by deflecting them under the action of a concentrated load at the center of a simple span, then welding unstressed high strength steel plates to the top and bottom flanges to retain a predetermined amount of prestress. The beams were rolled sections of A36 steel and the plates were USS "T-1" steel. Each of the two test specimens were subjected to an identical repeated loading until a fatigue failure occurred. The loading was designed to produce stresses equivalent to those which would have occurred in a simulated bridge and amounted to 84 percent of a standard H-15 live load including impact. One of the beams sustained 2,469,100 repetitions of load to failure and the other sustained 2,756,100 cycles. Following the fatigue tests, an experimental study was made to determine the state of stress that had been retained in the prestressed steel beams. This information, upon which the calculated stresses of the test could be superimposed, provided a method of correlating the fatigue strength of the beams with the fatigue information available on the two steels involved.
The Iowa State Highway Commission initiated this research to evaluate a new lowering device for tower luminaires and a new concept of tower luminaire light distribution. Lighting at the West interchange of I-80, I-35, and I-235 in Polk County was also designated as an FHWA experimental project. As highway lighting has become more widely used, highway officials recognized the increasing importance of reducing safety hazards and improving aesthetic appearance of lighting installations. Also, lighting construction, energy, and maintenance costs were absorbing a larger share of the maintenance budget. A search began for a method of lighting whereby the fixed objects by the roadside could be eliminated or reduced in number, the costs could be reduced and the quality of lighting improved over existing methods. Lack of design data in this area illustrated the need for research.
Iowa's first portland cement concrete pavement was constructed in 1904 in the City of LeMars. A portion of that pavement served traffic until 1974 at which time it was resurfaced. The first rural Iowa pee pavement (16' wide, 6" to 7" thick) was constructed under the direction of the Iowa State Highway Commission in 1913. Some of Iowa's early pavements had transverse joints at 25-foot spacings. At that time, joint spacings across the nation ranged from 24 to 100 ft. There have been many changes in joint design over the years with some pavements being constructed without transverse joints. Joint spacing on Iowa primary pavements has generally remained around 20 feet with this spacing having been adopted as an Iowa standard in 1954. Until 1978 it was common to specify a 40-foot joint spacing on secondary pavements. The performance of the pavements with joint spacings greater than 20 feet, and in some cases no contraction joints, generated a 1955 research project on joint spacing. This project was 16 miles long containing sections without contraction joints and sections with joints sawed at intervals of 20, 50 and 80 feet. Approximately half of the sawed joints were left unsealed. The results of this research supported the 20-foot spacing, but were inconclusive regarding the benefits of sealing. One of the desired characteristics of joint sealing material is that it should act as a moisture barrier and prevent the intrusion of surface water. It was generally accepted from past experience that the hot poured type joint seals did not provide this effective moisture barrier.
This Plan Reading Course was developed by the Department of Civil and Construction Engineering of Iowa State University under contract with the Iowa Highway Research Board, Project HR-324. It is intended to be an instructional tool for Iowa DOT, county and municipal employees within the state of Iowa. Under this contract, a previous Plan Reading Course, prepared for the Iowa State Highway Commission in 1965, has been completely revised using a new format, new plans, updated specifications, and new material. This course is a self-taught course consisting of two parts; Highway Plans, and Bridge and Culvert plans. Each part consists of a self-instruction book, a set of plans, a question booklet, and an answer booklet. This is the self-instruction book for the Bridge and Culvert Plans part of the course. The example structures included in this part of the course are a prestressed concrete beam bridge and a reinforced concrete box culvert.
At the request of Mr. Arnold E. Levine, of the Levine Company, Centerville, Iowa, the Iowa State Highway Commission was asked to observe the partial fabrication of two stainless steel culvert pipes and later the Commission was asked if they would like to study their durability. These pipes were fabricated April 12, 1967 in Des Moines, Personnel of the Design and Materials Department were at the fabrication, but no Research people were present. The idea for the installation was conceived and a site selected after which the project was turned over to the Research Engineer. The stainless steel pipes presumably contained the new Allegheny Metal, MF-1, whose composition is shown in Appendix A. The primary aim of the stainless steel pipe is to reduce long term costs that are incurred through replacement and upkeep. The MF-1 has a theoretical life of infinity.
The Iowa State Highway Commission Laboratory is called upon to determine the cement content of hardened concrete when field problems relating to batch weights are encountered. The standard test for determining the cement content is ASTM C-85. An investigation of this method by the New Jersey State Highway Department involving duplicate samples and four cooperating laboratories produced very erratic results, however, the results obtained by this method have not been directly compared to known cement contents of concrete made with various cements and various aggregates used in Iowa.
The paper reviews methods, materials, equipment and results to date of sprinkle treatment within the state. The Iowa Department of Transportation formerly the Iowa State Highway Commission, made its first attempts at sprinkle treatment of fresh asphalt concrete in 1974. Increased emphasis in mix design of asphalt mixes and aggregate selection of durable non-polishing materials has generated costly restrictions on the use of local materials. During the summer of 1975, a dual spinner, tail-gate spreader was mounted on a standard departmental dump truck to attempt additional sprinkle treatment on a section of Iowa 7 west of Ft. Dodge. The dump truck equipment was marginally satisfactory, but results of increased surface skid texture and durability were well demonstrated. On 1976 a new, current order dump truck was modified with an auxiliary transmission and a set of slick surfaced tires, and dual spinner spreader was mounted to again attempt surface sprinkle treatment, which was conducted in 1977.
In the preparation of this compilation of drainage laws of Iowa, an attempt has been made to include those sections of the Code to which reference is frequently required by the State Highway Commission, Boards of Supervisors and County Engineers in the conduct of highway and road administration as it is affected by the Iowa drainage laws. Of necessity some Code provisions which have a bearing on the principal subject were omitted. Enactments of the 56th General Assembly which modify existing code sections have been included as part of the regular text of the Code sections included in this publication. THE USER IS CAUTIONED THAT THESE CODE SECTIONS, AS MODIFIED BY THE 56th GENERAL ASSEMBLY, ARE NOT A PART OF THE 1954 CODE OF IOWA AND ARE OFFICIAL ONLY INSOFAR AS THEY ARE PRINTED IN THE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION ACTS OF THE 56TH GENERAL ASSEMBLY. SINCE THE 57TH GENERAL ASSEMBLY IS IN SESSION DURING THE PRINTING OF THIS PUBLICATION, ENACTMENTS OF THAT BODY WHICH AMEND OR REPEAL SECTIONS SET OUT HEREIN ARE INCLUDED IN THE BACK OF THIS VOLUME ON THE PINK-COLORED PAPER. THE USER IS CAUTIONED IN USING THIS VOLUME TO REFER TO THE TABLE OF SECTIONS REPEALED OR AMENDED, ON THE PINK-COLORED PAPER AT THE BACK OF THIS VOLUME. This publication is offered with the hope and belief that it will prove to be of value and assistance to those concerned with the problems of administering a highway, road and drainage system.
Introduction: As part of the roadside development along the Interstate Highway System, the Iowa State Highway Commission has constructed eight pair of rest area facilities. Furthermore, two pair are presently under construction with an additional two pair proposed for letting in 1967. An additional nine and one-half pairs of rest areas are in the planning phase, a grand total of 45 rest Brea buildings. The facilities existing were planned and designed in a relatively short period of time. The rest area facilities are unusual in terms of water use, water demand rates, and the fact that there are no applicable guidelines from previous installations. Such facilities are a pioneering effort to furnish a service -which the travelling public desires and will use. The acceptance and current use of the existing facilities shows that the rest areas do provide a service the public will use and appreciate. The Iowa State Highway Commission is to be congratulated for this· pioneering effort. However there are problems, as should be expected when design of a new type of facility has no past operating experience to use as a guide. Another factor which enters is that a rest area facility is quite different and rather unrelated to engineering in the highway field of practice. Basically, the problems encountered can be resolved into several areas, namely 1) maintenance problems in equipment due to 2) insufficient capacity of several other elements of the water systems, and 3) no provisions for water quality control. This study and report is supposed to essentially cover the review of the rest areas, either existing and under construction or letting. However, the approach used has been somewhat different. Several basic economically feasible water system schemes have been developed which are· adaptable to the different well capacities and different water qualities encountered. These basic designs are used as a guide in recommending modifications to the existing rest area water systems, anticipating that the basic designs will be used for future facilities. The magnitude of the problems involved is shown by the fact that the projected water use and demand variations of each rest area building is equivalent to the water supply for a community of about 100 people. The problems of proper operation and maintenance of an eventual thirty to forty-five such facilities are gigantic. For successful operation the rest area water systems must have a high degree of standardization and interchangeability of all elements of the water systems, even if it means a limited degree of over-design in some rest area facilities.