88 resultados para Flathead Lake


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This is the story of the Spirit Lake Massacre of 1857, written by Thomas Teakle. The massacre came as the culminating episode of incidents intimately connected with the settlement of northern and western Iowa.


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This is the history of Lake Macbride State Park written by Golda Leighton Jenkinson and dedicated to the Iowa State Conservation Commission. It includes the history of how the park developed through its history as a state park. Numerous pictures are included.


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Data sheet produced by the Iowa Department of Natural Resources is about different times of animals, insects, snakes, birds, fish, butterflies, etc. that can be found in Iowa.


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Provides information on Pilot Knob State Park, Merrick State Park, Eagle Lake State Park, Rice Lake State Park and Crystal, East and West Twin, and Duck Lakes including history, maps, location, terrain, photos, vegetation and wildlife.


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Examination report on the City of Wall Lake, Iowa for the period July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2013


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This report contains findings on 52 lake restoration projects. It summarizes the interpretation of the detailed project reports, maps, and cost estimates.


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The DMACC Lake Watershed Improvement project will focus on water quality and quantity as well as channel and lake restoration. Roadway, parking lot, and roof drainage from the west and northwest portions of the campus add significant amounts of pollutants and silt to the lake. Severe channel erosion exists along the northern creek channel with exposed cut banks ranging from 2-10 feet in height devoid of vegetation. Heavy lake sedimentation and algae blooms are a result of accumulated sediment being conveyed to the lake. Most sections of the north channel have grades of between 0.5% and 1%. This channel receives large scouring flow velocities. There are no natural riffle or pool systems. There are five areas where these riffle and pool systems may need to be created in order to slow overall channel velocities. This will create a series of rock riffles and a still pool that will mimic the conditions that natural channels tend to create, protecting the channel from undercutting. Multiple practices will need to be implemented to address the pollutant, silt, and channel erosion. Improvements will be specifically tailored to address problems observed within the north channel, on-site drainage from the west and northwest, as well as off-site drainage to the north of the campus and east of Ankeny Blvd (Hwy 69). The result will be improved quality and quantity of site drainage and a channel with a more natural appearance and reduced scour velocities. Sections of the north channel will require grading to establish slopes that can support deep rooted vegetation and to improve maintenance access. Areas with eroded banks will require slope pull back and may also require toe armor protection to stabilize. A constructed wetland will collect and treat runoff from the west on site parking lot, before being discharged into the lake. This project will create educational opportunities to both students and the general public as well as interested parties outside of the local area for how an existing system can be retro fitted for improved watershed quality.


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Lake Morris is the larger of two lakes which serve as the municipal water supply for the City of Chariton, Iowa. As a site for fishing and boating, it also serves as a significant recreational resource for area residents. Its ability to sustain these uses has been significantly impaired by long-term and ongoing accumulation of sediment and sediment-borne nutrients from both public and private land within the watershed. This accumulation has resulted in reduced water depth, reduced water-holding capacity, reduced quality of the fishery, increased water turbidity, increased growth of undesirable algae, and increased cost of treating the water for municipal uses. Water quality projects undertaken in the past, notably the Lucas Lakes Project of the 1990s, made important progress in reducing sedimentation from privately-owned land higher in the watershed, but paid little attention to land owned by the City of Chariton immediately surrounding the lakes. A recent reassessment of gully erosion within the watershed shows serious, ongoing erosion on that City-owned land. This project proposes a two-part approach to improving the water quality in Lake Morris. First, we propose that a complement of five SolarBee water circulation devices be installed in Lake Morris to provide near-term and continuing improvements in water quality, by inhibiting cyanobacterial growth and thereby removing the need for treatment of the lakes with copper sulfate. Second, we propose the installation of erosion-control structures on primarily City-owned land surrounding the lake, to provide a major reduction in ongoing sedimentation.


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The Rathbun Land and Water Alliance and partners have undertaken a highly effective approach to water quality protection through the Rathbun Lake Special Project. This approach is achieving a significant reduction in the sediment and phosphorus that impair water quality in Rathbun Lake and its tributaries as a result of the targeted application of best management practices (BMPs) for priority land in the watershed. This project application proposes to assist landowners to apply BMPs that will reduce sediment and phosphorus delivery from priority land in one targeted sub-watershed as part of the Rathbun Lake Special Project. Features of this project are: (1) use of geographic information system (GIS) analysis to identify priority land that requires BMPs; (2) assistance for landowners to apply BMPs on 1,450 acres that will reduce the annual delivery of sediment by 2,160 tons and phosphorus by 8,210 pounds; (3) evaluation of the benefits from BMP application using GIS analysis and water quality monitoring; and (4) watershed outreach activities that encourage landowners to apply BMPs for priority land to protect water quality.


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The Summit Lake Watershed Improvement Project is a watershed-based sediment control project designed to greatly reduce to nearly eliminate sedimentation of an existing lake that is being renovated for use as a water source in southern Iowa. Summit Lake is owned by the City of Creston and was once a water source lake until around 1984. The watershed improvements will include lakeshore stabilization and erosion control practices as a precursor for related improvements to the lake and overall 4,900-acre watershed. Best practices included in this phase are the implementation of riprap, a rain garden, grade stabilization structures, grassed waterways, terraces, basins, water use and access ordinances, education and outreach, water monitoring, and other stream bank improvements. These improvements, along with leveraged work to be done by strategic partners, will enable the lake to be used for local and regional water supplies by sustaining the lake for many years to come. Without the lake rehabilitation, the lake will likely be filled with sedimentation to the point that it will have no recreational value. Key partners are the City of Creston, IDNR, Southern Iowa Rural Water Association, Union County, the Union County NRCS office, Southwestern Community College, and the Summit Lake Association, which is a non-profit group of landowners working to protect the lake. The project will address WIRB targets: a) streambank stabilization, b) livestock runoff, c) agricultural runoff and drainage, d) stormwater runoff, and e) a section of inadequately sewered community.


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Agreed-upon procedures report on the City of Wall Lake, Iowa for the period July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014


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The current study was initiated to quantify the stresses induced in critical details on the reinforcing jacket and the tower itself through the use of field instrumentation, load testing, and long-term monitoring. Strain gages were installed on the both the tower and the reinforcing jacket. Additional strain gages were installed on two anchor rods. Tests were conducted with and without the reinforcing jacket installed. Data were collected from all strain gages during static load testing and were used to study the stress distribution of the tower caused by known loads, both with and without the reinforcing jacket. The tower was tested dynamically by first applying a static load, and then quickly releasing the load causing the tower to vibrate freely. Furthermore, the tower was monitored over a period of over 1 year to obtain stress range histograms at the critical details to be used for a fatigue evaluation. Also during the long-term monitoring, triggered time-history data were recorded to study the wind loading phenomena that excite the tower.


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The Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) Lake Restoration Program focuses on restoring impaired lakes to improve the quality of life for Iowans. Communities are rallying around their water resources as they seek population growth and economic success. Communities of the Iowa Great Lakes Region, Storm Lake, Crystal Lake, Creston and Clear Lake are obvious examples, but other communities including Lake View and Brighton are identifying the importance of lakes for their futures as well. The distribution and nature of Vision Iowa grants, Community Attraction and Tourism grants, and now, Great Places, all further emphasize the importance of water to community, quality of life and economic growth.


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The Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) Lake Restoration Program focuses on restoring impaired lakes to improve the quality of life for Iowans. Communities are rallying around their water resources as they seek population growth and economic success. Communities of the Iowa Great Lakes Region, Storm Lake, Crystal Lake, Creston and Clear Lake are obvious examples, but other communities including Lake View and Brighton are identifying the importance of lakes for their futures as well. The distribution and nature of Vision Iowa grants, Community Attraction and Tourism grants, and now, Great Places, all further emphasize the importance of water to community, quality of life and economic growth.


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The Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) Lake Restoration Program focuses on restoring impaired lakes to improve the quality of life for Iowans. Communities are rallying around their water resources as they seek population growth and economic success. Communities of the Iowa Great Lakes Region, Storm Lake, Crystal Lake, Creston and Clear Lake are obvious examples, but other communities including Lake View and Brighton are identifying the importance of lakes for their futures as well. The distribution and nature of Vision Iowa grants, Community Attraction and Tourism grants, and now, Great Places, all further emphasize the importance of water to community, quality of life and economic growth.