52 resultados para Drainage laws
A synopsis of Iowa boating regulations. This synopsis is not intended to quote the complete law, but rather to present a summary of the various regulations concerning safe boating. These guidelines are, however, included as regulations in the Code of Iowa and the Administrative Code.
This pamphlet reviews hunting and trapping laws and regulations in Iowa from 1970 to June 30, 1971. Also contains information on hunting licenses and seasons.
Drainage-basin and channel-geometry multiple-regression equations are presented for estimating design-flood discharges having recurrence intervals of 2, 5, 10, 25, 50, and 100 years at stream sites on rural, unregulated streams in Iowa. Design-flood discharge estimates determined by Pearson Type-III analyses using data collected through the 1990 water year are reported for the 188 streamflow-gaging stations used in either the drainage-basin or channel-geometry regression analyses. Ordinary least-squares multiple-regression techniques were used to identify selected drainage-basin and channel-geometry regions. Weighted least-squares multiple-regression techniques, which account for differences in the variance of flows at different gaging stations and for variable lengths in station records, were used to estimate the regression parameters. Statewide drainage-basin equations were developed from analyses of 164 streamflow-gaging stations. Drainage-basin characteristics were quantified using a geographic-information-system (GIS) procedure to process topographic maps and digital cartographic data. The significant characteristics identified for the drainage-basin equations included contributing drainage area, relative relief, drainage frequency, and 2-year, 24-hour precipitation intensity. The average standard errors of prediction for the drainage-basin equations ranged from 38.6% to 50.2%. The GIS procedure expanded the capability to quantitatively relate drainage-basin characteristics to the magnitude and frequency of floods for stream sites in Iowa and provides a flood-estimation method that is independent of hydrologic regionalization. Statewide and regional channel-geometry regression equations were developed from analyses of 157 streamflow-gaging stations. Channel-geometry characteristics were measured on site and on topographic maps. Statewide and regional channel-geometry regression equations that are dependent on whether a stream has been channelized were developed on the basis of bankfull and active-channel characteristics. The significant channel-geometry characteristics identified for the statewide and regional regression equations included bankfull width and bankfull depth for natural channels unaffected by channelization, and active-channel width for stabilized channels affected by channelization. The average standard errors of prediction ranged from 41.0% to 68.4% for the statewide channel-geometry equations and from 30.3% to 70.0% for the regional channel-geometry equations. Procedures provided for applying the drainage-basin and channel-geometry regression equations depend on whether the design-flood discharge estimate is for a site on an ungaged stream, an ungaged site on a gaged stream, or a gaged site. When both a drainage-basin and a channel-geometry regression-equation estimate are available for a stream site, a procedure is presented for determining a weighted average of the two flood estimates.
Since 1978 the concept of longitudinal edge drains along Iowa primary and Interstate highways has been accepted as a cost-effective way of prolonging pavement life. Edge-drain installations have increased over the years, reaching a total of nearly 3,000 mi by 1989. With so many miles of edge drain installed, the development of a system for inspection and evaluation of the drains became essential. Equipment was purchased to evaluate 4-in.-diameter and geocomposite edge drains. Initial evaluations at various sites supported the need for a postconstruction inspection program to ensure that edge-drain installations were in accord with plans and specifications. Information disclosed by video inspections in edge drains and in culverts was compiled on videotape to be used as an informative tool for personnel in the design, construction, and maintenance departments. Video evaluations have influenced changes in maintenance, design, and construction inspection for highway drainage systems in Iowa.
Research project HR-234 was sponsored by the Iowa Highway Research Board and the Iowa Department of Transportation. In the preparation of this compilation of highway and street laws of Iowa, an attempt has been made to include those sections of the Code to which reference is frequently required by the Department of Transportation, counties, cities and towns in their conduct of highway and street administration, construction and maintenance. Because of the broad scope of highway and street work and the many interrelated provisions of Iowa law, and in the interests of keeping this volume in a convenient and usable size, some Code provisions which have some bearing on the principal subject were of necessity omitted. The volume has been compiled in loose leaf form with the expectation that periodic updates will keep the reader informed regarding changes in the law and/or new laws. A general index is provided at the end of the text of this volume. Each major topic is divided into relevant subtopics and are accompanied by appropriate Code sections. This publication is offered with the hope and belief that it will prove to be of value and assistance to those concerned with the problems of establishing, maintaining and administering a highway and street system. The reader is cautioned to consult legal counsel on all matters beyond the scope of this text.
Iowa’s alcoholic beverages industry operates within the confines of a carefully cast partnership between the Iowa Alcoholic Beverages Division (Division), licensees and law enforcement officials. Close cooperation among these three entities is essential for regulation and enforcement of Iowa’s alcoholic beverages laws in order to achieve compliance. This manual was developed to provide licensees (their employees and agents) with the information needed to protect the welfare and safety of Iowans through compliance with laws addressing the manufacture, distribution and sale of alcoholic beverages.
A synopsis of Iowa boating regulations. This synopsis is not intended to quote the complete law, but rather to present a summary of the various regulations concerning safe boating. These guidelines are, however, included as regulations in the Code of Iowa and the Administrative Code.
The extra session of the 1840 legislative assembly listing all of the territorial laws of Iowa. The dates of approval of the acts are listed after each one and a brief index is included. This is the 1902 reprint by the Historical Department of Iowa.
This leaflet gives information on how to start a free public library in a community. Includes regulations and related laws dealing with libraries.
This publication is produced by the Legislative Services Agency. This publication contains all election laws to be included in the 2014 Iowa Code. Changes in Code language to be included in the 2014 Iowa Code are marked by highlighting in yellow. Code sections with changes are also highlighted in yellow in the Table of Contents.
As an employer, you are always seeking good employees to add to your business. Many youth are eager to work in Iowa, especially during the summer months.To a teenager, a job means money for school and other expenses, work experience and help in deciding on a career.
The stability of air bubbles in fresh concrete can have a profound influence of the potential durability of the system, because excessive losses during placement and consolidation can compromise the ability of the mixture to resist freezing and thawing. The stability of air void systems developed by some air entraining admixtures (AEAs) could be affected by the presence of some polycarboxylate-based water reducing admixtures (WRAs). The foam drainage test provides a means of measuring the potential stability of air bubbles in a paste. A barrier to acceptance of the test was that there was little investigation of the correlation with field performance. The work reported here was a limited exercise seeking to observe the stability of a range of currently available AEA/WRA combinations in the foam drainage test; then, to take the best and the worst and observe their stabilities on concrete mixtures in the lab. Based on the data collected, the foam drainage test appears to identify stable combinations of AEA and WRA.
Well-performing subsurface drainage systems form an important aspect of pavement design by the Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT). The recently completed Iowa Highway Research Board (IHRB) project TR-643 provided extensive insights into Iowa subsurface drainage practices and pavement subdrain outlet performance. However, the project TR-643 (Phase I) forensic testing and evaluation were carried out in a drought year and during the fall season in 2012. Based on the findings of IHRB Project TR-643, the Iowa DOT requested an expanded Phase II study to address several additional research needs: evaluate the seasonal variation effects (dry fall 2012 versus wet spring/summer 2013, etc.) on subdrain outlet condition and performance; investigate the characteristics of tufa formation in Iowa subdrain outlets; investigate the condition of composite pavement subdrain outlets; examine the effect of resurfacing/widening/rehabilitation on subdrain outlets (e.g., the effects of patching on subdrain outlet performance); and identify a suitable drain outlet protection mechanism (like a headwall) and design for Iowa subdrain outlets based on a review of practices adopted by nearby states. A detailed forensic test plan was developed and executed for inspecting the Iowa pavement subdrains in pursuit of fulfilling the Phase II study objectives. The observed outlets with blockage and the associated surface distresses in newly constructed jointed plain concrete pavements (JPCPs) were slightly higher during summer 2013 compared to fall 2012. However, these differences are not significant. Less tufa formation due to the recycled portland cement concrete (RPCC) base was observed with (a) the use of plastic outlet pipe without the gate screen–type rodent guard and (b) the use of blended RPCC and virgin aggregate materials. In hot-mix asphalt (HMA) over JPCP, moisture-related distress types (e.g., reflection cracking) were observed more near blocked drainage outlet locations than near “no blockage” outlet locations. This finding indicates that compromised drainage outlet performance could accelerate the development of moisture-related distresses in Iowa composite pavement systems. ****** Note: This report follows on work report in "Evaluating Roadway Subsurface Drainage Practices, 2013" http://publications.iowa.gov/14902/ Note: This record contains links to the 210 page full report as well as the 3 page tech transfer summary. The summary is NOT deposited separately.
Determination of Flood Dischard Characteristics of Small Drainage Areas, HR-3, Progress Report, 1960
Project HR-3 of the Iowa Highway Research Board has been active since October 1, 1950. The project objective is the determination of flood discharge characteristics of small drainage areas. Funds for the project amount to $10,000 per year of which, by cooperative agreement, the Highway Commission and the U. S. Geological Survey each furnish $5,000. Previous reports have explained the set-up of the project and these explanations will not be repeated in this report.
Several strategies are available to the Iowa Department of Transportation (IaDOT) for limiting deterioration due to chloride-induced corrosion of embedded reinforcing bars in concrete bridge decks. While the method most commonly used throughout the Midwestern United States is to construct concrete bridge decks with fusion-bonded epoxy-coated reinforcing bars, galvanized reinforcing bars are an available alternative. Previous studies of the in situ performance of galvanized reinforcing bars in service in bridge decks have been limited. IaDOT requested that Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, Inc. (WJE) perform this study to gain further understanding of the long-term performance of an Iowa bridge deck reinforced with galvanized reinforcing bars. This study characterized the condition of a bridge deck with galvanized reinforcing bars after about 36 years of service and compared that performance to the expected performance of epoxy-coated or uncoated reinforcing bars in similar bridge construction. For this study, IaDOT selected the Iowa State Highway 92 bridge across Drainage Ditch #25 in Louisa County, Iowa (Structure No. 5854.5S092), which was constructed using galvanized reinforcing bars as the main deck reinforcing. The scope of work for this study included: field assessment, testing, and sampling; laboratory testing and analysis; analysis of findings; service life modeling; and preparation of this report. In addition, supplemental observations of the condition of the galvanized reinforcing bars were made during a subsequent project to repair the bride deck.