146 resultados para Antonioni, Michelangelo (1912-2007) -- Portraits
Weekly newsletter for Center For Acute Disease Epidemiology of Iowa Department of Public Health.
Pursuant to Chapter II 84 Acts and Joint Resolutions enacted at the 1994 Regular Session of the 75th General Assembly of the State of Iowa - Code section 8D.10 Report of Savings by State Agencies Iowa Code section 8D.10 requires that certain state agencies prepare an annual report to the General Assembly certifying the identified savings associated with that state agency’s use of the Iowa Communications Network (ICN). This report covers estimated cost savings related to video conferencing via ICN for the Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT). In FY 2006, the DOT conducted two sessions utilizing ICN’s video conferencing system which resulted in $13,017 in estimated savings to the DOT.
Orders that the United States Flag be flown at half-staff to honor any member of Iowa National Guard, Iowa Air National Guard or an Iowa resident serving as a member of the United States Armed Forces who is killed in the line of duty.
A Bulletin on Iowa Open Meetings and Public Records Laws By Attorney General Tom Miller
Quarterly newsletter of the Iowa Department of Transportation's Office of Rail Transportation.
Weekly Newsletter
Weekly newsletter for Center For Acute Disease Epidemiology of Iowa Department of Public Health.
Record of the Fatalities for Motor Vehicle Accidents in Iowa per week.
The Iowa Watershed Improvement Review Board (WIRB) was created by the Iowa Legislature and signed into law by the Governor in 2005 as Senate File 200. This statute is now codified in Iowa Code Chapter 466A. The fifteen-member Board conducted eight meetings throughout the year in-person or via teleconference. Meetings were held January 24, February 27, March 13, May 15, August 7, September 20, October 6, and December 18. Attachment 3 lists the board members and their organization affiliation. The Board appointed a five-member subcommittee to review and revise the Request For Applications (RFA) documents and submit recommendations to the full Board. The RFA documents were approved as modified at the May 15, 2006 Board meeting.
Weekly newsletter for Center For Acute Disease Epidemiology of Iowa Department of Public Health.
Supplemental Security Income Program, January 2007
A-1 Monthly Public Assistance Statistical Report Family Investment Program for January 2007
The Food Assistance Monthly Participation Report is a monthly summary of Food Assistance program participation, Statewide and for each Iowa county. Breakouts are reported for participants also in the FIP program, those only receiving Food Assistance, and those that are receiving economic assistance under other programs (primarily Medicaid). This report may also be known as the F-1 Report.
Weekly Newsletter
Annual Report for Iowa Vocational Rehabilitation Services (IVRS), a division of the Iowa Department of Education, is committed to working for and with individuals who have disabilities to achieve their employment, independence and economic goals. This document contains information highlighting the accomplishments of IVRS this year.