36 resultados para 207-1261A
Weekly newsletter for Center For Acute Disease Epidemiology of Iowa Department of Public Health.
Weekly newsletter for Center For Acute Disease Epidemiology of Iowa Department of Public Health.
IDPH Quick Reads is an electronic newsletter produced by the Director’s Office at the Iowa Department of Public Health. IDPH Quick Reads are published every three to four weeks.
The Update is web newsletter published by the Iowa Department of Public Health's Bureau of Family Health. It provides useful job resource information for departmental health care professionals, information on training opportunities, interdepartmental reports and meetings, and additional information pertinent to health care professionals.
The imported swine court report monthly by the Department of Agricultural.
The Iowa Influenza Surveillance Network (IISN) was established in 2004, though surveillance has been conducted at the Iowa Department of Public Health. Schools and long-term care facilities report data weekly into a Web-based reporting system. Schools report the number of students absent due to illness and the total enrolled. Long-term care facilities report cases of influenza and vaccination status of each case. Both passively report outbreaks of illness, including influenza, to IDPH.