469 resultados para KEVA 2010
Weekly newsletter for Center For Acute Disease Epidemiology of Iowa Department of Public Health.
Audit report on the City of Griswold, Iowa for the years ended June 30, 2010 and 2009
Audit report on the South Dallas County Landfill Agency for the year ended June 30, 2010
Audit report on the South Central Iowa Regional E-911 Service Board for the year ended June 30, 2010
Audit report on the South Central Iowa Regional E-911 Service Board for the year ended June 30, 2010
Audit report on the City of Grimes, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2010
Newsletter produced by Iowa Department of the Blind.
Use of ICN’s Internet and data services have continued to increase exponentially, which reflects the capacity needed for greater access to high-speed Internet (Broadband). Users are incorporating more web-based applications, which uses larger amounts of bandwidth; such as transmitting hospital MRIs, video streaming, and web-based systems.
Audit report on the City of Knoxville, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2010
Legislation passed during the 2010 legislative session required a study of ways to streamline state-funded library operations and services. The Iowa Library Association was asked to lead this endeavor and named a committee to carry out the study. The study resulted in the development of a plan for reorganization, which is outlined in the Iowa Library Services Reorganization Report. The Iowa Library Reorganization Committee was representative of the Library Services Areas, the State Library of Iowa, and public libraries of all sizes from all around the state. The president of the Iowa Library Association and the State Librarian also served as members of the Committee. The report was submitted to members of the Iowa legislature on November 1, 2010.
Audit report on the Iowa Agricultural Development Authority for the year ended June 30, 2010
Quarterly update for State Library patrons.
Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities
Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities
Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities
A bi-weekly newsletter for those involved in the fields of homeland security and/or emergency management