313 resultados para Migration plan


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The State prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, creed, color, religion, national origin, sex and sexual orientation, age, or mental and physical disability in its employment policies and practices and is an equal employment opportunity and affirmative action employer. Please insert any additional statements of policy or commitment to achieving and maintaining a diverse workforce in your agency.


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The Office of the Drug Policy Coordinator is established in Chapter 80E of the Code of Iowa. The Coordinator directs the Governor’s Office of Drug Control Policy; coordinates and monitors all statewide counter-drug efforts, substance abuse treatment grants and programs, and substance abuse prevention and education programs; and engages in other related activities involving the Departments of public safety, corrections, education, public health, and human services. The coordinator assists in the development of local and community strategies to fight substance abuse, including local law enforcement, education, and treatment activities. The Drug Policy Coordinator serves as chairperson to the Drug Policy Advisory Council. The council includes the directors of the departments of corrections, education, public health, public safety, human services, division of criminal and juvenile justice planning, and human rights. The Council also consists of a prosecuting attorney, substance abuse treatment specialist, substance abuse prevention specialist, substance abuse treatment program director, judge, and one representative each from the Iowa Association of Chiefs of Police and Peace Officers, the Iowa State Police Association, and the Iowa State Sheriff’s and Deputies’ Association. Council members are appointed by the Governor and confirmed by the Senate. The council makes policy recommendations related to substance abuse education, prevention, and treatment, and drug enforcement. The Council and the Coordinator oversee the development and implementation of a comprehensive State of Iowa Drug Control Strategy. The Office of Drug Control Policy administers federal grant programs to improve the criminal justice system by supporting drug enforcement, substance abuse prevention and offender treatment programs across the state. The ODCP prepares and submits the Iowa Drug and Violent Crime Control Strategy to the U.S. Department of Justice, with recommendations from the Drug Policy Advisory Council. The ODCP also provides program and fiscal technical assistance to state and local agencies, as well as program evaluation and grants management.


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To better address the issue of underage drinking in the State of Iowa, a State Underage Drinking Task Force was formed to research the problem and develop a strategic plan of action. The Task Force was working on the development of goals and actions when the Surgeon General’s Call to Action to Prevent and Reduce Underage Drinking 2007 was released. Due to the similarity in the goals outlined in the Call to Action with those they had developed, the Task Force, along with the DPAC, is recommending that the document be used as the basis for the plan to curb underage drinking. The Call to Action is based on several overarching principles from which its goals and the means for achieving them were derived.


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Iowa’s infrastructure is at a crossroads. A stalwart collection of Iowans dared to consider Iowa’s future economy, the way ahead for future generations, and what infrastructure will be required – and what will not be required – for Iowa to excel. The findings are full of opportunity and challenge. The Infrastructure Plan for Iowa’s Future Economy: A Strategic Direction tells the story and points the way to a strong economy and quality of life for our children and our children’s children. This plan is different from most in that the motivation for its development came not from a requirement to comply or achieve a particular milestone, but, rather, from a recognition that infrastructure, in order to ensure a globally-competitive future economy, must transform from that of past generations. It is not news that all infrastructure – from our rich soil to our bridges – is a challenge to maintain. Prior to the natural disasters of 2008 and the national economic crisis, Iowa was tested in its capacity to sustain not only the infrastructure, but to anticipate future needs. It is imperative that wise investments and planning guide Iowa’s infrastructure development. This plan reflects Iowa’s collective assessment of its infrastructure– buildings, energy, natural resources, telecommunications, and transportation – as, literally, interdependent building blocks of our future. Over the months of planning, more than 200 Iowans participated as part of committees, a task force, or in community meetings. The plan is for all of Iowa, reflected in private, nonprofit, and public interests and involvement throughout the process. Iowa’s success depends on all of Iowa, in all sectors and interests, to engage in its implementation. The Infrastructure Plan for Iowa’s Future Economy: A Strategic Direction sets a clear and bold direction for all stakeholders, making it clear all have a responsibility and an opportunity to contribute to Iowa’s success.


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This report outlines the strategic plan for Iowa Department of Corrections including, goals and mission.


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This report outlines the strategic plan for Iowa Department of Corrections including, goals and mission.


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Agency Performance Plan


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Overview of the Passenger Service Connects Iowa City, Quad Cities and Chicago, 219.5 miles Twice‐daily service each way, 4 hours and 15 minutes travel time 246,800 passengers first year (676 per day) Project construction cost $310 million (80% federal, 14.5% Illinois, 5.4% Iowa) On‐time performance 90% or better (trains arrive within 10 minutes of schedule) Competitive passenger rail service operator selection Iowa’s annual share of operating cost support averages $3 million


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This business plan describes the methods by which the Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) will partner with Iowa counties and cities to fund Iowa’s share of the operating and maintenance cost for the Chicago- Iowa City passenger-rail service, an average of $3 million per year.


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The Chicago to Iowa City Intercity Passenger Rail Program (Program) is a joint undertaking of the Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT) and the Illinois Department of Transportation (Illinois DOT). The purpose of the Program is to reestablish passenger rail services from Chicago to Iowa City, independently and in concert with the MWRRI (Midwest Regional Rail Initiative). The Chicago to Iowa City Corridor is one part of the vision established by the MWRRI to expand existing and develop new regional passenger rail service to meet existing and future travel demands in the Midwest. This project will expand and create a rail transportation alternative to supplant private automobile, bus, and air travel between Chicago and Iowa City, and intermediate points, and to create new transportation opportunity and capability for people who cannot meet their transportation needs with private automobile, bus and air modes.


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The 2009 Iowa Railroad System Plan is intended to guide the Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) in its activities of promoting access to rail transportation, helping to improve the freight railroad transportation system, expanding passenger rail service, and promoting improved safety both on the rail system and where the rail system interacts with people and other transportation modes. The Iowa DOT has been developing railroad transportation plans since the late 1970s. The original plan was prepared in 1978 during a time of crisis in the Iowa railroad system. Several large Iowa railroad carriers had filed for bankruptcy and were reorganizing both their businesses and physical systems. The 1978 plan was a guide for determining which railroad lines the state would partner with to preserve and improve the lines. In the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s, the railroad system mileage in Iowa was reduced from about


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The Iowa Conservation and Preservation Consortium, Iowa Museum Association, the State Historical Society of Iowa and the State Library requested the IMLS CTC grant funds so we could develop a statewide plan to help the stewards of cultural property plan for protection and disaster recovery of collections. We are very pleased with the results of our grant activities. Thanks to the IMLS CTC grant over 200 Iowa collection care takers have received basic training in disaster preparedness and response, 24 care takers have signed up to become cultural collection first responders, a dozen disaster planning/response trainers are available upon request, and over 40 institutions have ReAct Paks. We have created a variety of training tools ranging from basic awareness to in-depth training, established a website of disaster resources, and geo-referenced hundreds of cultural collection sites around Iowa. In addition, the IMLS grant was just the motivator we needed to participate in other national/international efforts which in turn strengthened our IMLS grant project.


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According to 23 CFR § 450.214(a), “The State shall develop a long-range statewide transportation plan, with a minimum 20-year forecast period at the time of adoption, that provides for the development and implementation of the multimodal transportation system for the State.” The state transportation plan (Plan) is a document that will address this requirement and serve as a transportation investment guide between now and 2040. Iowa’s most recent plan was developed by the Iowa Department of Transportation and adopted in 1997 through a planning process called Iowa in Motion. Much of Iowa in Motion has been implemented and this Plan, "Iowa in Motion – Planning Ahead," will build on the success of its predecessor. The Plan projects the demand for transportation infrastructure and services to 2040 based on consideration of social and economic changes likely to occur during this time. Iowa’s economy and the need to meet the challenges of the future will continue to place pressure on the transportation system. With this in mind, the Plan will provide direction for each transportation mode, and will support a renewed emphasis on efficient investment and prudent, responsible management of our existing transportation system. In recent years, the Iowa DOT has branded this philosophy as stewardship. As Iowa changes and the transportation system evolves, one constant will be that the safe and efficient movement of Iowans and our products is essential for stable growth in Iowa’s economy. Iowa’s extensive multimodal and multijurisdictional transportation system is a critical component of economic development and job creation throughout the state.


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Iowa Utilities Board Fiscal Year 2008 Regulatory Plan Pursuant to Executive Order Nine.


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The 2009 Iowa Railroad System Plan details the state’s role in providing and preserving adequate, safe and efficient rail transportation services to Iowans. The plan is intended to serve as a guide for decision makers and provides a basis for future Iowa DOT policy, funding priorities and programming decisions that affect rail transportation service in Iowa. The primary purpose of the 2009 Iowa Railroad System Plan is to guide the Iowa DOT in pursuing actions that maintain and improve railroad transportation in Iowa. The plan is a component of the Iowa Statewide Transportation Plan known as “Iowa in Motion.” This plan considers railroads from an intermodal perspective. Many commodities that move by rail also move by other modes (principally trucks) during part of their journey from origin to destination. The same is true of persons who use rail passenger service to make trips and who must also rely on other modes to access rail service. Therefore, railroads are part of larger intermodal freight and passenger transportation systems.