26 resultados para wildlife viewing tourism
Contains a forward by the Governor of Iowa, Herschel C. Loveless and photos of the current Lieutenant Governor and other state officials and Supreme Court Justices of Iowa. Includes Iowa facts, trivia, historical information along with photos, with detailed captions, of scenic Iowa, tourist destinations and native plants and wildlife. Lists many other points of interest in Iowa with map legends of state parks in the back of the book.
Contains a forward by the Governor of Iowa, William S. Beardsley and photos of the current Lieutenant Governor and other state officials and Supreme Court Justices of Iowa. The brochure also includes Iowa facts, trivia, historical information along with photos, with detailed captions, of scenic Iowa, tourist destinations and native plants and wildlife. Lists many other points of interest in Iowa with map legends of state parks in the back of the book.
he number of deer-vehicle accidents in Iowa and around the country has steadily increased during the past 30 years. This i s basically due to: ( 1 ) increased volume of traffic; 12) an expanding network of hard surface roads, especially 4 lane interstates; and (3) a general increase in deer populations. Initidtion of a 55 MPH speed limit in 1974 and gasoline shortages in 1975 reduced deer-vehicle accident rates briefly, but since 1975, rates have continued to climb. Various methods of reducinq these accidents have been attempted in other states. These include: instal lation of rc?flective devlres, deer crossing signs, fencing, underpasses, clearing right--of--waysa,n d controlled hunting to reduce deer population s i z e . These methods have met with varying degrees of success, depending on animal behavior, deet- population fluctuations, method used, topoyr-aphy, road-side vegetation, traffic patterns, and highway configuration. This project was designed to evaluate a new ntethod of reducing deer-vehicle accidents. There are qenerally 4 important aspects of deer-vehicle accidents: danger to human l i f e , vehicle damage, loss of a valuable wildlife resource, and cost of processing accident reports. In !owe, during 1983, there were over 15,OOC) reported deer--vehicle accidents and probably many more that were not reported (Gladfelter 1984). The extent of human injury or death in Iowa i s not known, but studies in southern Michigan show that human injur ies occurred in about 4% of the deer-vehicle accidents (A1 lcn and MrCullough 1976). T h i s would indicate that in Iowa there could have been 200 human injury cases from deer-vehicle accidents i n 1983. These injuries usual 1 occur from secondary collisions when motorists try to avoid a deer on the highway, and hit some other object Vehicle darnaye from these accidents can into thousands of dollars because of the high speed involved and the size of the animal. The total amount of vehicle damage occurring in Iowa is unknown, but if the average vehicle damage was between $500-$800 per accident, estimated property damage would be between $2 1/2--$4 million annually. The value of deer lost in these accidents cannot be estimated, but recreational potential of this natural resource is surely diminished for hunters and wildlife enthusiasts. Also, there ir a great deal of money spent by governmental agencies for manpower to process accident reports and remove dead animals from highways.
This is the final report of the Tourism Study Committee established by the Legislative Council to review state tourism programs to determine their ability to attract private participation, involve the tourism industry, and increase instate and out-of-state travel to Iowa tourism sites and to seek tourism industry input on private tourism efforts.
This DNR periodical contains current information on Iowa Fish and Wildlife Management.
This DNR periodical contains current information on Iowa Fish and Wildlife Management.
This DNR periodical contains current information on Iowa Fish and Wildlife Management.
This DNR periodical contains current information on Iowa Fish and Wildlife Management.
Most non-grazed Iowa woodlands and surrounding openings are excellent habitat for a variety of birds and animals if there is a diversity of over story tree species and understory vegetation. As vegetative structures of woodlands change over time, the diversity of the woodland will change, and some species of birds and animals will benefit more then others. To optimize habitat development for the wildest range of bird and animal species, concentrate on maintaining as much vegetative diversity in the woodland as possible. To make improvement for individual species, the special needs of those species will have to be met by targeting precise woodland activities in specific areas.
This issue review provides an analysis of the Economic Development Authority Tourism Office advertising funding and expenditures, along with a review of the methodology and results of the economic impact of travel on Iowa counties study.
The information presented in this summary document has been based on the comprehensive,"Task Force Report on Water-Oriented Outdoor Recreation, Fish and Wildlife." The overriding principle the main task force report conveyed is that Iowa should not forsake the remaining water-oriented fish and wildlife resource base in the name of economic development.The reader should refer to the task force document for more detailed information.