37 resultados para welfare benefits
History of Child Welfare in Iowa and the studies pertaining to it for the years 1937 and 1940. Includes a table showing number of children and money paid per child through Widow's Pensions for the year 1939.
History of Child Welfare Legislation in the State of Iowa 1838-1898; Establishment of the Iowa State board of Control in 1898 and its influence on Child Welfare Legislation until 1925; Immediate background, organizing and the administration functions of the Child Welfare Division of the Social Welfare Department of the State of Iowa. NOTE: This document has pagination errors.
History of child and social welfare in the State of Iowa including legal responsibilities, rules and regulations, inspections and licensing and supervision. it also covers cooperation with state agencies. It also describes in detail the histories, functions and problems of individual welfare homes and schools.
Air transportation is a key contributor to Iowa’s economy. The Iowa Department of Transportation’s Office of Aviation developed this 2009 report to evaluate and analyze the uses and benefits of aviation in Iowa. The statewide economic impact study shows how aviation serves as an economic engine, documents various ways air transportation is used in Iowa, and discusses other benefits that air transportation supports. Aviation related economic benefits measured in this study fall into two categories. In one category, benefits are measured in terms of jobs, payroll, and annual economic activity that various aviation and air transportation groups support. In the other category, added efficiency that businesses realize from their use of aviation is estimated in terms of increased productivity. Many of the economic benefits identified in this study are associated with commercial and general aviation airports that serve communities throughout Iowa. Beyond the boundaries of the airports are other aviation related activities that also add significant value to Iowa’s economy. Both types of economic benefit are discussed in this summary report.
An 4 page report about what happens to your IPERS during furloughs.
The new law makes the following changes: (a) Reduces IPERS benefits not yet earned by regular members and raises contributions for them above the rate set in current law. (b) Raises the limit on how much contributions for regular members can change each year from 0.5 percentage point to 1.0 percentage point. (c) Extends a provision for restoring wage credits for mandatory unpaid time and extends it to union bumping. Other changes are limited in scope and will not affect most members; some changes are merely technical.
A review of relocation benefits of state agencies and regent institutions for the period July 1, 2005 through June 30, 2009
Examples of the information available include: • Links to health and dental plans • Health plan comparisons • Health and Dependent Care Flexible Spending Account information • Deferred Compensation information • Life and Long Term Disability insurance information • Link to Employee Assistance Program (EAP) Web site • Link to Employee Discount Program • Link to Wellness Web site which includes information about - Smoking Cessation Program - Prescription Drug information - Wellness activities
Examples of the information available include: • Links to health and dental plans • Health plan comparisons • Health and Dependent Care Flexible Spending Account information • Deferred Compensation information • Life and Long Term Disability insurance information • Link to Employee Assistance Program (EAP) Web site • Link to Employee Discount Program • Link to Wellness Web site which includes information about - Smoking Cessation Program - Prescription Drug information - Wellness activities
Examples of the information available include: • Links to health and dental plans • Health plan comparisons • Health and Dependent Care Flexible Spending Account information • Deferred Compensation information • Life and Long Term Disability insurance information • Link to Employee Assistance Program (EAP) Web site • Link to Employee Discount Program • Link to Wellness Web site which includes information about - Smoking Cessation Program - Prescription Drug information - Wellness activities
This book, by Marcus L. Hansen, supplements a previously written book by him called Welfare Campaigns in Iowa. It details accounts of particular groups or organizations in Iowa that were active in welfare campaigns or work during World War I.
This report summarizes the work undertaken and results produced, by the Iowa Department of Human Services (DHS) in consultation with the Child Welfare Provider Growth Options Committee. The committee’s purpose, membership, work process and options considered are outlined below.
This Handbook is designed to outline the purposes, goals, structure, and operational procedures for Iowa’s Child Welfare Decategorization Program. The Handbook incorporates experiences gained since the inception of Decategorization in 1987. As with any initiative that began on a pilot basis, Decategorization has been an evolving program in which parameters and procedures have undergone modifications to achieve the desired results. The Handbook serves as a guidebook for implementation and operation of Decategorization and a means of communicating information on program parameters and procedures. Purposes of Decategorization of child welfare and juvenile justice funding is an initiative intended to establish systems of delivering human services based upon client needs to replace systems based upon a multitude of categorical funding programs and funding sources, each with different service definitions and eligibility requirements. Decategorization is designed to redirect child welfare and juvenile justice funding to services which are more preventive, family centered, and community-based in order to reduce use of restrictive approaches that rely on institutional, out-of home, and out-of-community care.
This handbook contains information about your State of Iowa employee benefits. Please keep this handbook to refer to throughout the year.
Report on a review of selected general and application controls over the Iowa Department of Workforce Development’s MyIowaUI and Unemployment Insurance Benefits systems for the period April 29, 2013 through May 10, 2013