47 resultados para tunnel reinforcement


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For a variety of reasons, the concrete construction industry is not sustainable. First, it consumes huge quantities of virgin materials. Second, the principal binder in concrete is portland cement, the production of which is a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions that are implicated in global warming and climate change. Third, many concrete structures suffer from lack of durability which has an adverse effect on the resource productivity of the industry. Because the high-volume fly ash concrete system addresses all three sustainability issues, its adoption will enable the concrete construction industry to become more sustainable. In this paper, a brief review is presented of the theory and construction practice with concrete mixtures containing more than 50% fly ash by mass of the cementitious material. Mechanisms are discussed by which the incorporation of high volume of fly ash in concrete reduces the water demand, improves the workability, minimizes cracking due to thermal and drying shrinkage, and enhances durability to reinforcement corrosion, sulfate attack, and alkali-silica expansion. For countries like China and India, this technology can play an important role in meeting the huge demand for infrastructure in a sustainable manner.


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Bridge approach settlement and the formation of the bump is a common problem in Iowa that draws upon considerable resources for maintenance and creates a negative perception in the minds of transportation users. This research study was undertaken to investigate bridge approach problems and develop new concepts for design, construction, and maintenance that will reduce this costly problem. As a result of the research described in this report, the following changes are suggested for implementation on a pilot test basis: • Use porous backfill behind the abutment and/or geocomposite drainage systems to improve drainage capacity and reduce erosion around the abutment. • On a pilot basis, connect the approach slab to the bridge abutment. Change the expansion joint at the bridge to a construction joint of 2 inch. Use a more effective joint sealing system at the CF joint. Change the abutment wall rebar from #5 to #7 for non-integral abutments. • For bridges with soft foundation or embankment soils, implement practices of better compaction, preloading, ground improvement, soil removal and replacement, or soil reinforcement that reduce time-dependent post construction settlements.


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America’s roadways are in serious need of repair. According to the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), one-third of the nation’s roads are in poor or mediocre condition (1). ASCE has estimated that under these circumstances American drivers will sacrifice $5.8 billion and as many as 13,800 fatalities a year from 1999 to 2001 ( 1). A large factor in the deterioration of these roads is a result of how well the steel reinforcement transfers loads across the concrete slabs. Fabricating this reinforcement using a shape conducive to transferring these loads will help to aid in minimizing roadway damage. Load transfer within a series of concrete slabs takes place across the joints. For a typical concrete paved road, these joints are approximately 1/8-inch gaps between two adjacent slabs. Dowel bars are located at these joints and used to transfer load from one slab to its adjacent slabs. As long as the dowel bar is completely surrounded by concrete no problems will occur. However, when the hole starts to oblong a void space is created and difficulties can arise. This void space is formed due to a stress concentration where the dowel contacts the concrete. Over time, the repeated process of traffic traveling over the joint crushes the concrete surrounding the dowel bar and causes a void in the concrete. This void inhibits the dowel’s ability to effectively transfer load across the joint. Furthermore, this void gives water and other particles a place to collect that will eventually corrode and potentially bind or lock the joint so that no thermal expansion is allowed. Once there is no longer load transferred across the joint, the load is transferred to the foundation and differential settlement of the adjacent slabs will occur.


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Fiber composite materials (FRP) are making an entry into the construction market in both buildings and pavements. The application to pavements comes in the form of joint reinforcement (dowels and tie bars) to date. FRP resistance to salt corrosion in dowels has made it an alternative to standard epoxy coated dowels for pavements. Iowa State University has completed a large amount of laboratory research into the determination of diameter, spacing, and durability of FRP dowels. This report documents the installation of a series of FRP elliptical-shaped dowel joints (including instrumented units) in a field situation and the beginning of a two-year study to compare laboratory results to in-service pavements. Ten joints were constructed for each of three dowel spacings of 10, 12, and 15 inches ( 254, 305, and 381 mm) with one instrumented joint in each test section. The instrumented bars will be load tested with a loaded truck and FWD testing.


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In recent years, thin whitetopping has evolved as a viable rehabilitation technique for deteriorated asphalt cement concrete (ACC) pavements. Numerous projects have been constructed and tested; these projects allow researchers to identify the important elements contributing to the projects’ successes. These elements include surface preparation, overlay thickness, synthetic fiber reinforcement usage, joint spacing, and joint sealing. Although the main factors affecting thin whitetopping performance have been identified by previous research, questions still existed as to the optimum design incorporating these variables. The objective of this research is to investigate the interaction between these variables over time. Laboratory testing and field-testing were planned in order to accomplish the research objective. Laboratory testing involved shear testing of the bond between the portland cement concrete (PCC) overlay and the ACC surface. Field-testing involved falling weight deflectometer deflection responses, measurement of joint faulting and joint opening, and visual distress surveys on the 9.6-mile project. The project was located on Iowa Highway 13 extending north from the city of Manchester, Iowa, to Iowa Highway 3 in Delaware County. Variables investigated included ACC surface preparation, PCC thickness, synthetic fiber reinforcement usage, and joint spacing. This report documents the planning, equipment selection, construction, field changes, and construction concerns of the project built in 2002. The data from this research could be combined with historical data to develop a design specification for the construction of thin, unbonded overlays.


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Pavement settlement occurring in and around utility cuts is a common problem, resulting in uneven pavement surfaces, annoyance to drivers, and ultimately, further maintenance. A survey of municipal authorities and field and laboratory investigations were conducted to identify the factors contributing to the settlement of utility cut restorations in pavement sections. Survey responses were received from seven cities across Iowa and indicate that utility cut restorations often last less than two years. Observations made during site inspections showed that backfill material varies from one city to another, backfill lift thickness often exceeds 12 inches, and the backfill material is often placed at bulking moisture contents with no Quality control/Quality Assurance. Laboratory investigation of the backfill materials indicate that at the field moisture contents encountered, the backfill materials have collapse potentials up to 35%. Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD) deflection data and elevation shots indicate that the maximum deflection in the pavement occurs in the area around the utility cut restoration. The FWD data indicate a zone of influence around the perimeter of the restoration extending two to three feet beyond the trench perimeter. The research team proposes moisture control, the use of 65% relative density in a granular fill, and removing and compacting the native material near the ground surface around the trench. Test sections with geogrid reinforcement were also incorporated. The performance of inspected and proposed utility cuts needs to be monitored for at least two more years.


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In recent years, thin whitetopping has evolved as a viable rehabilitation technique for deteriorated asphalt cement concrete (ACC) pavements. Numerous projects have been constructed and tested, allowing researchers to identify the important elements contributing to the projects’ successes. These elements include surface preparation, overlay thickness, synthetic fiber reinforcement usage, joint spacing, and joint sealing. Although the main factors affecting thin whitetopping performance have been identified by previous research, questions still existed as to the optimum design incorporating these variables. The objective of this research is to investigate the interaction between these variables over time. Laboratory testing and field testing were conducted to achieve the research objectives. Laboratory testing involved shear testing of the bond between the portland cement concrete (PCC) overlay and the ACC surface. Field testing involved falling weight deflectometer deflection responses, measurement of joint faulting and joint opening, and visual distress surveys on the 9.6-mile project. The project was located on Iowa Highway 13 extending north from the city of Manchester, Iowa, to Iowa Highway 3 in Delaware County. Variables investigated include ACC surface preparation, PCC thickness, slab size, synthetic fiber reinforcement usage, and joint spacing. This report documents the planning, construction, and performance of each variable in the time period from summer 2002 through spring 2006. The project has performed well with only minor distress identification since its construction.


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This report presents a review of literature on geosynthetic reinforced soil (GRS) bridge abutments, and test results and analysis from two field demonstration projects (Bridge 1 and Bridge 2) conducted in Buchanan County, Iowa, to evaluate the feasibility and cost effectiveness of the use of GRS bridge abutments on low-volume roads (LVRs). The two projects included GRS abutment substructures and railroad flat car (RRFC) bridge superstructures. The construction costs varied from $43k to $49k, which was about 50 to 60% lower than the expected costs for building a conventional bridge. Settlement monitoring at both bridges indicated maximum settlements ≤1 in. and differential settlements ≤ 0.2 in transversely at each abutment, during the monitoring phase. Laboratory testing on GRS fill material, field testing, and in ground instrumentation, abutment settlement monitoring, and bridge live load (LL) testing were conducted on Bridge 2. Laboratory test results indicated that shear strength parameters and permanent deformation behavior of granular fill material improved when reinforced with geosynthetic, due to lateral restraint effect at the soilgeosynthetic interface. Bridge LL testing under static loads indicated maximum deflections close to 0.9 in and non-uniform deflections transversely across the bridge due to poor load transfer between RRFCs. The ratio of horizontal to vertical stresses in the GRS fill was low (< 0.25), indicating low lateral stress on the soil surrounding GRS fill material. Bearing capacity analysis at Bridge 2 indicated lower than recommended factor of safety (FS) values due to low ultimate reinforcement strength of the geosynthetic material used in this study and a relatively weak underlying foundation layer. Global stability analysis of the GRS abutment structure revealed a lower FS than recommended against sliding failure along the interface of the GRS fill material and the underlying weak foundation layer. Design and construction recommendations to help improve the stability and performance of the GRS abutment structures on future projects, and recommendations for future research are provided in this report.


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The Greene County, Iowa overlay project, completed in October 1973, was inspected on October 16 & 17, 1978 After five years of service The 33 fibrous concrete sections, four CRCP sections, two mesh reinforced and two plain concrete sections with doweled reinforcement were rated relative to each other on a scale of 0 t o 100. The rating was conducted by the original members of the Project Planning Committee, Iowa DOT, Iowa Counties, Federal Highway Administration, University of Illinois and industry representatives . In all , there were 23 representatives who rated this project . The 23 values were then averaged to provide a final rating number for each section. The highest panel rating (90) was assigned to the 5-inch thick , deformed barre in forced PCC sections ; an 86t o a 3-inch thick , 160 lbs. of fiber and 600 lbs . of cement on a partial bonded surface ; an 84 to the 4-inch CRC with elastic joints (bonded) and an 84 to a 4-inch mesh reinforce section. One of the major factors influencing performance appears t o be the thickness. In the fibrous concrete overlay, The greatest influences appears t o be the fiber content. Overlay Sections containing 160 1b/yd3 of Fiber are, in almost all cases , outperforming those c o n t a i n i n g 60 or 100. It is obvious at This time meth at the 3-inch thick fibrous concrete overlays are, in general, out performing the 2-inch thick sections. The performance of the fibrous concrete the overlay appears to be favorably influenced by: (1) The use of higher a spectra fiber (0.025 x 2.5 i n c h e s ) v e r s u s (0.010 x 0.022 x 1.0 inches) (2) The use of a lower cement c o n t e n t ( 600 versus 750 1b/yd3) However, The set less well defined and the improvements in overlay performance attributed to high aspect ratio fibers and low cement contents.


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Epoxy coatings have been used on the embedded reinforcing bars of bridge decks since the mid-1970s to mitigate deterioration caused by chloride-induced corrosion. The use of chloride-based deicers became common in the early 1960s and caused corrosion of conventional uncoated bars in bridge decks within 5 to 10 years of commencement of deicer applications. In response to this rapid deterioration, the National Bureau of Standards researched coatings to protect the reinforcement (National Bureau of Standards, 1975), resulting in the development of epoxy-coated reinforcing bars, which were used in bridge decks beginning in 1973. While corrosion-related deterioration has been prevalent on bridge decks with uncoated reinforcing bars in northern climates where the use of deicing salts is common, bridge decks constructed after 1973 with epoxy-coated reinforcing have shown good corrosion resistance with only limited exceptions. On the whole, previous laboratory and field studies regarding the performance of epoxy-coated reinforcing bars are very promising; however, some laboratory and field studies have yielded differing results. In recent years, maintenance personnel for the Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT) have reportedly performed patch repairs to some bridge decks reinforced with epoxy-coated bars. At one such bridge, the southbound US 65 bridge (Bridge No. 7788.5L065) over the Union Pacific Railroad near Bondurant in Polk County, Iowa, deck repairs were performed by Iowa DOT maintenance personnel in the Spring of 2010, based on our communications regarding this topic with Mr. Gordon Port of the Iowa DOT. These repairs were observed by engineers from the Iowa DOT Office of Bridges and Structures, who reported that significant corrosion was found at a number of epoxy-coated reinforcing bars uncovered during this patch work. These repairs were reportedly performed at spalls and delaminated areas corresponding to cracks over transverse reinforcing bars, and involved careful removal of the concrete from over the bars. Figures 1 through 4 contain photographs provided by Iowa DOT personnel showing the removal process (Figure 1), the conditions encountered (Figures 2 and 3), and close-up views of the corroded reinforcing (Figure 4). As a result of these observations, the Iowa Department of Transportation has requested this study to gain further understanding of the long-term performance of bridge decks reinforced with epoxy-coated bars. The two main objectives of this study are to determine the long-term effectiveness of the epoxy coatings and to determine the potential causes for the deterioration at locations where corrosion has occurred. Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, Inc. (WJE) and the Iowa DOT identified eight different bridge decks across Iowa for this study that were constructed using epoxy-coated reinforcing bars. A field investigation consisting of visual inspections, a delamination survey, a concrete cover survey, electrical testing for susceptibility to corrosion, and concrete sampling was conducted within a survey area deemed to be representative of the condition of each bridge deck. Laboratory testing, including chloride ion content testing, characterization of the extracted bars, petrographic examination of the concrete, and carbonation testing, was conducted on the core samples taken from each bridge deck.


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Pieces of Iowa’s Past, published by the Iowa State Capitol Tour Guides weekly during the legislative session, features historical facts about Iowa, the Capitol, and the early workings of state government. All historical publications are reproduced here with the actual spelling, punctuation, and grammar retained. February 27, 2008 THIS WEEK: Tunnel of Progress


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Freezing and thawing action induces damage to unbound gravel roads in Iowa resulting in maintenance costs for secondary road departments. Some approaches currently used by County Engineers to deal with this problem include temporarily spreading rock on the affected areas, lowering or improving drainage ditches, tiling, bridging the area with stone and geosynthetic covered by a top course of aggregate or gravel, coring boreholes and filling them with calcium chloride to melt lenses and provide drainage, and re-grading the crown to a slope of 4% to 6% to maximize spring drainage. However, most of these maintenance solutions are aimed at dealing with conditions after they occur. This study was tasked with identifying alternative approaches in the literature to mitigate the problem. An annotated bibliographic record of literature on the topic of frost-heave and thaw-weakening of gravel roads was generated and organized by topic, and all documents were assessed in terms of a suitable rating for mitigating the problem in Iowa. Over 300 technical articles were collected and selected down to about 150 relevant articles for a full assessment. The documents collected have been organized in an electronic database, which can be used as a tool by practitioners to search for information regarding the various repair and mitigation solutions, measurement technologies, and experiences that have been documented by selected domestic and international researchers and practitioners. Out of the 150+ articles, 71 articles were ranked as highly applicable to conditions in Iowa. The primary mitigation methods identified in this study included chemical and mechanical stabilization; scarification, blending, and recompaction; removal and replacement; separation, and reinforcement; geogrids and cellular confinement; drainage control and capillary barriers, and use of alternative materials. It is recommended that demonstration research projects be established to examine a range of construction methods and materials for treating granular surfaced roadways to mitigate frost-heave and thaw-weakening problems. Preliminary frost-susceptibility test results from ASTM D5916 are included for a range of Iowa materials.


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A double mat of reinforcement steel consisting of No. 5 bars was placed in the longitudinal and transverse directions in a 26' wide, 10" thick pavement. The bars were placed on 12" centers with 2" of cover from the top and bottom surfaces. The special reinforcement is to provide additional strength in the pavement over an area of old coal mine tunnels. Auxiliary and standard paver vibrators were used to consolidate the concrete. There was concern that over-vibration could be occurring in some areas and also that a lack of consolidation may be occurring under the steel bars in some areas. A core evaluation study of the pavement was developed. The results showed that the consolidation and the air contents were satisfactory. Additional paving with reinforcement in the same area should use the same or similar method and amount of vibration as was used in the area evaluated in this study.


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The use of non-metallic load transfer and reinforcement devices for concrete highway pavements is a possible alternative to avoid corrosion problems related to the current practice of steel materials. Laboratory and field testing of highway pavement dowel bars, made of both steel and fiber composite materials, and fiber composite tie rods were carried out in this research investigation. Fatigue, static, and dynamic testing was performed on full-scale concrete pavement slabs which were supported by a simulated subgrade and which included a single transverse joint. The bahavior of the full-scale specimens with both steel and fiber composite dowels placed in the test joints was monitored during several million load cycles which simulated truck traffic at a transverse joint. Static bond tests were conducted on fiber composite tie rods to determine the required embedment length. These tests took the form of bending tests which included curvature and shear in the embedment zone and pullout tests which subjected the test specimen to axial tension only. Fiber composite dowel bars were placed at two transverse joints during construction of a new concrete highway pavement in order to evaluate their performance under actual field conditions. Fiber composite tie rods were also placed in the longitudinal joint between the two fiber composite doweled transverse joints.


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The primary purpose of this project was to assess the potential of a nondestructive remote sensing system, specifically, ground penetrating subsurface interface radar, for identification and evaluation of D-cracking pavement failures. A secondary purpose was to evaluate the effectiveness of this technique for locating voids under pavements and determining the location of steel reinforcement. From the data collected and the analysis performed to date, the following conclusions can be made regarding the ground penetrating radar system used for this study: (1) steel reinforcement can be accurately located; (2) pavement thickness can be determined; (3) distressed areas in pavements can be located and broadly classified as to severity of deterioration; (4) voids under pavements can be located; and (5) higher resolution recording equipment is required to accurately determine both the thickness of sound pavement remaining over distressed areas and the depth of void areas under pavements.