23 resultados para traumatic brain injury (TBI)
The Brain Injury Quick Guide was developed as a resource tool for educators and school staff. Functional challenges (including social, physical, communication, and cognitive) are common following brain injury. This booklet serves as a resource outlining common challenges students may face in the classroom as well as strategies for addressing these challenges. Case studies outlining common challenges with possible strategies are provided with suggestions for IEP/504 plan accommodations. Basic brain anatomy and brain injury statistics are also reviewed.
The 2013-2017 State Plan for Brain Injuries was developed by the Iowa Advisory Council on Brain Injuries (ACBI) as guidance for brain injury services and prevention activities in Iowa. The following outlines progress made on the plan’s goals from date of implementation through December 2015.
Annual report on the activities of the Department of Human Services Case Management Unit. The Iowa Department of Human Services Targeted Case Management Unit helps consumers with mental retardation, chronic mental illness, developmental disabilities and brain injury gain access to appropriate living environments, needed medical services, and interrelated social, vocational and educational service.
Annual report on the activities of the Department of Human Services Case Management Unit. The Iowa Department of Human Services Targeted Case Management Unit helps consumers with mental retardation, chronic mental illness, developmental disabilities and brain injury gain access to appropriate living environments, needed medical services, and interrelated social, vocational and educational service. In 2005 the DHS Case Mangement Unit also begain serving children with a diagnosis of Serious Emotional Disturbance (SED).
Annual report on the activities of the Department of Human Services Case Management Unit. The Iowa Department of Human Services Targeted Case Management Unit helps consumers with mental retardation, chronic mental illness, developmental disabilities and brain injury gain access to appropriate living environments, needed medical services, and interrelated social, vocational and educational service. The Unit also assists children with a diagnosis of Serious Emotional Disturbance (SED)in a similar manner.
In Iowa, the Managed Care Ombudsman Program was established to advocate for the rights and wishes of IA Health Link members who live or receive care in a health care facility, assisted living program or elder group home, as well as members enrolled in one of the seven home and community-based services (HCBS) waiver programs: AIDS/HIV, Brain Injury, Children’s Mental Health, Elderly, Health and Disability, Intellectual &/or Physical Disability. All services provided by the Managed Care Ombudsman Program are confidential and free of charge.
Under Iowa law, hospitals treating persons with a brain or spinal cord injury which results in a hospital admission, patient transfer, or death must report that injury to the Central Registry for Brain and Spinal Cord Injuries of the Iowa Department of Public Health.
Under Iowa law, hospitals treating persons with a brain or spinal cord injury which results in a hospital admission, patient transfer, or death must report that injury to the Central Registry for Brain and Spinal Cord Injuries of the Iowa Department of Public Health.