47 resultados para soft lining materials
A hazardous materials accident can occur anywhere. Communities located near chemical manufacturing plants are particularly at risk. However, hazardous materials are transported on our roadways, railways and waterways daily, so any area is considered vulnerable to an accident.
This bibliography was compiled by two reference librarians, Patricia Dawson and David Hudson with the goal of making it easier of tracking down material on Iowa history and culture. This supplements the Iowa History Reference Guide published in 1952 by William Petersen.
The present research project was designed to determine thermal properties, such as coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) and thermal conductivity, of Iowa concrete pavement materials. These properties are required as input values by the Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide (MEPDG). In this project, a literature review was conducted to determine the factors that affect thermal properties of concrete and the existing prediction equations for CTE and thermal conductivity of concrete. CTE tests were performed on various lab and field samples of portland cement concrete (PCC) at the Iowa Department of Transportation and Iowa State University. The variations due to the test procedure, the equipment used, and the consistency of field batch materials were evaluated. The test results showed that the CTE variations due to test procedure and batch consistency were less than 5%, and the variation due to the different equipment was less than 15%. Concrete CTE values were significantly affected by different types of coarse aggregate. The CTE values of Iowa concrete made with limestone+graval, quartzite, dolomite, limestone+dolomite, and limestone were 7.27, 6.86, 6.68, 5.83, and 5.69 microstrain/oF (13.08, 12.35, 12.03, 10.50, and 10.25 microstrain/oC), respectively, which were all higher than the default value of 5.50 microstrain/oF in the MEPDG program. The thermal conductivity of a typical Iowa PCC mix and an asphalt cement concrete (ACC) mix (both with limestone as coarse aggregate) were tested at Concrete Technology Laboratory in Skokie, Illinois. The thermal conductivity was 0.77 Btu/hr•ft•oF (1.33 W/m•K) for PCC and 1.21 Btu/hr•ft•oF (2.09 W/m•K) for ACC, which are different from the default values (1.25 Btu/hr•ft•oF or 2.16 W/m•K for PCC and 0.67 Btu/hr•ft•oF or 1.16 W/m•K for ACC) in the MEPDG program. The investigations onto the CTE of ACC and the effects of concrete materials (such as cementitious material and aggregate types) and mix proportions on concrete thermal conductivity are recommended to be considered in future studies.
The thermal properties of concrete materials, such as coeffi cient of thermal expansion (CTE), thermal conductivity, and heat capacity, are required by the MEPDG program as the material inputs for pavement design. However, a limited amount of test data is available on the thermal properties of concrete in Iowa. The default values provided by the MEPDG program may not be suitable for Iowa concrete, since aggregate characteristics have signifi cant infl uence on concrete thermal properties.
The resilient modulus (MR) input parameters in the Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide (MEPDG) program have a significant effect on the projected pavement performance. The MEPDG program uses three different levels of inputs depending on the desired level of accuracy. The primary objective of this research was to develop a laboratory testing program utilizing the Iowa DOT servo-hydraulic machine system for evaluating typical Iowa unbound materials and to establish a database of input values for MEPDG analysis. This was achieved by carrying out a detailed laboratory testing program designed in accordance with the AASHTO T307 resilient modulus test protocol using common Iowa unbound materials. The program included laboratory tests to characterize basic physical properties of the unbound materials, specimen preparation and repeated load triaxial tests to determine the resilient modulus. The MEPDG resilient modulus input parameter library for Iowa typical unbound pavement materials was established from the repeated load triaxial MR test results. This library includes the non-linear, stress-dependent resilient modulus model coefficients values for level 1 analysis, the unbound material properties values correlated to resilient modulus for level 2 analysis, and the typical resilient modulus values for level 3 analysis. The resilient modulus input parameters library can be utilized when designing low volume roads in the absence of any basic soil testing. Based on the results of this study, the use of level 2 analysis for MEPDG resilient modulus input is recommended since the repeated load triaxial test for level 1 analysis is complicated, time consuming, expensive, and requires sophisticated equipment and skilled operators.
The purpose of this research was to evaluate the materials Iowa uses as a granular subbase and to determine if it provides adequate drainage. Numerous laboratory and in-situ tests were conducted on the materials currently being used in Iowa. The follow conclusions can be made based on the test results: 1. The crushed concrete that is used as a subbase material has a relatively low permeability compared to many other materials used by other states. 2. Further research and tests are needed to find the necessary parameters for crushed concrete to make sure it is providing its optimum drainage and preventing premature damage of the pavement. 3. We have definitely made improvements in drainage in the past few months, but there are many areas that we can improve on that will increase the permeability of this material and insure that the pavement system is safe from premature damage due to water. The current gradation specification for granular subbase material at the start of this study was: Sieve # % Passing 1” 100 #8 10-35 #50 0-15 #200 0-6
The SoftPlotter, a soft photogrammetric software and Silicon Graphics workstation, was used to evaluate the accuracy of soft photogrammetry and identify applications of this technology to highway engineering. A comparative study showed that SoftPlotter compares well with other software such as Socket and Integraph. The PC software TNTMips is inexpensive but needs further development to be comparable to SoftPlotter. The Campus Project showed that soft photogrammetry is accurate for traditional photogrammetric applications. It is also accurate for producing orthophoto and base maps for Geographic Information Systems (GISs). The Highway Project showed that soft photogrammetry is accurate for highway engineering and that the technical staff at the Iowa Department of Transportation (IA DOT) can be easily trained in this new technology. The research demonstrated that soft photogrammetry can be used with low-flight helicopter photography for large-scale mapping in highway engineering. The researchers recommend that research be conducted to test the use of digital cameras instead of the traditional aerial cameras in helicopter photography. Research that examines the use of soft photogrammetry with video logging imagery for inventory and GIS studies in highway maintenance is also recommended. Research is also warranted into the integration of soft photogrammetry with virtual reality, which can be used in three-dimensional designing and visualization of highways and subdivisions in real time. The IA DOT owns one analytical plotter and two analogue plotters. The analytical plotter is used for aerial triangulation, and the analogue plotters are used for plotting. However, neither is capable of producing orthophotos. Therefore, the researchers recommend that the IA DOT purchase soft photogrammetric workstations for orthophoto production, and if and when required, use it for aerial triangulation and plotting. In the future, the analogue plotters may become obsolete. At that time, the researchers recommend that the analogue plotters be phased out and replaced by soft photogrammetric workstations.
The objective of this research study is to evaluate the performance, maintenance requirements and cost effectiveness of constructing reinforced slope along a concrete bikeway overpass with a Geogrid system such as manufactured by Tensar Corporation or Reinforced Earth Company. This final report consists of two separate reports - construction and performance. An earlier design report and work plan was submitted to the Iowa DOT in 1989. From the Design Report, it was determined that the reinforced slope would be the most economical system for this particular bikeway project. Preliminary cost estimates for other design alternatives including concrete retaining walls, gabions and sheet pile walls ranged from $204/L.F. to $220/L.F. The actual final construction cost of the reinforced slope with GEDGRIDS was around $112/L.F. Although, since the reinforced slope system was not feasible next to the bridge overpass because of design constraints, a fair cost comparison should reflect costs of constructing a concrete retaining wall. Including the concrete retaining wall costs raises the per lineal foot cost to around $122/L.F. In addition to this initial construction cost effectiveness of the reinforced slope, there has been little or no maintenance needed for this reinforced slope. It was noted that some edge mowing or weed whacking could be done near the concrete bikeway slab to improve the visual quality of the slope, but no work has been assigned to city crews. It was added that this kind of weed whacking over such steep slope is more difficult and there could possibly be more potential for work related injury. The geogrid reinforced slope has performed really well once the vegetation took control and prevented soil washing across the bikeway slab. To that end, interim erosion control measures might need to be considered in future projects. Some construction observations were noted. First, there i s no specialized experience or equipment required for a contractor to successfully build a low-to-medium geogrid reinforced slope structure. Second, the adaptability of the reinforced earth structure enables the designer to best fit the shape of the structure to the environment and could enhance aesthetic quality. Finally, a reinforced slope can be built with relatively soft soils provided differential settlements between facing are limited to one or two percent.
Results are presented of triaxial testing of three crushed limestones to which either hydrated high-calcium lime, sodium chloride or calcium chloride had been added. Lime was added at rates of 1, 3, 10 and 16 percent, chlorides were added at 0.5 percent rate only. Speciments were compacted using vibratory compaction apparatus and were tested in triaxial compression using lateral pressures from 10 to 100 psi. Triaxial test results indicate that: (1) sodium chloride slightly decreased the angle of internal friction and increased cohesion, (2) calcium chloride slightly increased the angle of internal friction and decreased cohesion, and (3) lime had no appreciable effect on angle of internal friction but increased cohesion, decreased density and increased pore water pressure.
A highway base course may be defined as a layer of granular material which lies immediately below the wearing surface of a pavement and must possess high resistance to deformation in order to withstand pressures imposed by traffic. A material commonly used for base course construction is crushed limestone. Sources of limestone, acceptable for highway bases in the state of Iowa, occur almost entirely in the Pennsylvanian, Mississippian and Devonian strata. Performance records of the latter two have been quite good, while material from the Pennsylvanian stratum has failed on numerous occasions. The study reported herein is one segment of an extensive research program on compacted crushed limestone used for flexible highway base courses. The primary goals of the total study are: 1. Determination of a suitable and realistic laboratory method of compaction. 2. Effect of gradation, and mineralogy of the fines, on shearing strength. 3. Possible improvement of the shear strength with organic and inorganic chemical stabilization additives. Although the study reported herein deals primarily with the third goal, information gathered from work on the first two was required for this investigation. The primary goal of this study was the evaluation of various factors of stability of three crushed limestones when treated with small amounts of type I Portland cement. Investigation of the untreated materials has indicated that shear strength alone is not the controlling factor for stability of crushed stone bases. Thus the following observations were made in addition to shear strength parameters, to more adequately ascertain the stability of the cement treated materials: 1. Volume change during consolidation and shear testing. 2. Pore pressure during shear. The consolidated-undrained triaxial shear test was used for determination of the above factors.
Reinforced Earth is a French development that has been used in the United States for approximately ten years. Virbro-Replacement, more commonly referred to as stone columns, is an outgrowth of deep densification of cohesionless soils originally developed in Germany. Reinforced Earth has applicability when wall height is greater than about twelve feet and deep seated foundation failure is not a concern. Stone columns are applicable when soft, cohesive subsoil conditions are encountered and bearing capacity and shearing resistance must be increased. The conditions in Sioux City on Wesley Way can be summarized as: (1) restricted right of way, (2) fill height in excess of 25 feet creating unstable conditions, (3) adjacent structures that could not be removed. After analyzing alternatives, it was decided that Reinforced Earth walls constructed on top of stone columns were the most practical approach.
A Guidebook for First Responders During the Initial Phase of a Dangerous Goods/Hazardous Materials Transportation Incident.
Nearly all households use products that contain hazardous materials, and hazardous materials are transported on our roadways, railways and waterways daily. Although the risk of a chemical accident is slight, knowing how to handle these products and how to react during an emergency can reduce the risk of injury.
This is a classed bibliography of materials by Iowans or about Iowa. It is drawn from the publications: Iowa and Some Iowans, 1988 and New Iowa Materials, 1990 to assist the needs of teachers of Iowa history and literature.
This bibliography is an update to the publication Iowa and Some Iowans, 1988. It includes literature and history with elementary and secondary interests.