36 resultados para school-to-prison
Last month DOC released a study entitled Iowa Recidivism Report: Prison Return Rates. The study documents that Iowa’s three-year return rate to prison for offenders released during FY 2007 decreased from 33.9% for the previous three-years period studied to 31.8% (and below our goal of 33.3%). More dramatic is the decrease in the percent of offenders with mental illness returning to prison.
In June 2011, Lettie Prell released a report entitled Iowa Recidivism Report: Prison Return Rates (FY2007 Releases Tracked for 3 Years), in which she finds that those prison inmates who are paroled are less likely to return to prison due to a new conviction than are inmates who leave prison due to expiration ofsentence.
Iowa offenders paroled from prison are significantly less likely to return to prison for a new conviction than are those offenders who expire their sentence. Put another way, for every 100 offenders who are paroled rather than discharge by way of expiration of sentence, we can prevent 9 new convictions involving prison incarceration.
In addition to their original sentence, persons convicted of sexual abuse, incest or sexual exploitation of a minor also receive a “special sentence” of ten years, or in some cases, life. In its prison population forecast, the Iowa Division of Criminal and Juvenile Justice Planning noted “an unexpectedly high rate of revocation among those released to the special sentence, particularly given past research that has shown Iowa sex offenders having very low rates of re-arrest and/or return to prison.”
In the August Data Download, we reported that the number of prison admissions due to probation revocation had declined in FY 2008 in comparison with the previous four years, despite the fact that the number of offenders on probation has actually increased over that time period. In this issue we explore information in the reports of violation that led to probation revocations to prison.
In an effort to reduce the strain on limited prison beds, the Board of Parole – with the support of the Department of Corrections – instituted the Halfway Back revocation option. This option allows for selected parolees to be revoked to work release rather than to prison.
During 2011, the Iowa Department of Corrections analyzed the impact that attaining a GED has on recidivism – specifically, three-year return-to-prison rate. For those inmates who have a low or moderate risk level (as measured by the LSI-R assessment tool), attaining a GED does not tend to reduce the return-to-prison rate. However, attaining a GED does tend to reduce the rate for higher risk offenders.
Other Audit Reports - Schools
State Agency Audit Report
State University Audit Report
State University Audit Report - Iowa School for the Deaf
Other Audit Reports - Correctional Institutions
Other Audit Reports - Regent Institutions
Other Audit Reports - Regent Institutions
This study identified transportation safety issues at existing Iowa school sites through on-site observations, traffic data collection, and through interviews with schools, law enforcement, and traffic engineers. Frequently observed problems, such as crossing at unmarked crosswalks, unloading and loading students on the street side, inattentive student safety patrols, and illegal parking, were documented and solutions were recommended for implementation. The results of the study also conclude that regular communications between school officials, traffic engineers, law enforcement, parents, and school transportation personnel are all critical to promoting safe operations within school zones.