24 resultados para ranking-menetelmä
The FY 2008 budget we present to you today was built from the ground up and is the result of a budget process that focuses on priorities and results. Faced with difficult choices, we are heartened by the progress we have achieved with your cooperation and collaboration. Fulfilling our responsibility to Iowa children, together we have focused resources on cing class sizes and reversed an eight-year decline in test scores. As a result, Iowa students have reachieved four straight years of improved test scores, ranking among America’s best.
This paper studies how the strength of intellectual property rights (IPRs) affects investments in biological innovations when the value of an innovation is stochastically reduced to zero because of the evolution of pest resistance. We frame the problem as a research and development (R&D) investment game in a duopoly model of sequential innovation. We characterize the incentives to invest in R&D under two competing IPR regimes, which differ in their treatment of the follow-on innovations that become necessary because of pest adaptation. Depending on the magnitude of the R&D cost, ex ante firms might prefer an intellectual property regime with or without a “research exemption” provision. The study of the welfare function that also accounts for benefit spillovers to consumers—which is possible analytically under some parametric conditions, and numerically otherwise—shows that the ranking of the two IPR regimes depends critically on the extent of the R&D cost.
I am pleased to present the performance report for the Iowa Department for the Blind for fiscal year 2007. This report is provided in compliance with sections 8E.210 and 216B.7 of the Code of Iowa. It contains valuable information about the services the Department and its partners provided for Iowans during the past fiscal year in the areas of Vocational Rehabilitation, Independent Living, Library Services, and Resource Management. The Department determines its competitive success in a number of ways. We look at the federal standards and indicators to learn our ranking in relation to the performance of other public rehabilitation agencies. We compare our library's production and circulation figures with those from previous years to determine trends. We set our own standards for success by looking at such factors as the number of successful case closures, average hourly wage at case closure, skills training provided, and compliance with regulations. Results show that the Department is working positively toward achieving its strategic goals of increasing the independence and productivity of blind Iowans and improving access to information for blind Iowans. Major accomplishments of the year included the selection of our Library as the only agency authorized to distribute educational materials using the National Instructional Materials Accessibility Standard (NIMAS) to students in Iowa. Our Independent Living program received the Shining Star award at the Governor's Conference on Aging for its work with and outreach to older blind Iowans. The Department, the Iowa Braille School, and the Department of Education implemented new cooperative efforts to improve the coordination and delivery of services to blind and visually impaired students in Iowa. Finally, earnings ratios and the percentage of employment for vocational rehabilitation clients of the Department remain among the best in the nation, as measured by the U.S. Rehabilitation Services Administration, which on June 27, 2007 released data on federal standards and indicators for the year ended September 30, 2006. Overall, we met or exceeded 11 of 16 results targets included in this report. A discussion of the Department's services, customers, organizational structure, and budget appears in the "Department Overview" that follows. The success of the Department's programs is evident in the success achieved by blind Iowans. It is reflected in the many blind persons who can be seen traveling about independently, going to their jobs and to the community and family activities in which they participate. Sincerely, Allen C. Harris Director, Iowa Department for the Blind
I am pleased to present the performance report for the Iowa Department for the Blind for fiscal year 2008. This report is provided in compliance with sections 8E.210 and 216B.7 of the Code of Iowa. It contains valuable information about results achieved because of the services that we and our partners provided to blind and visually impaired Iowans during the past fiscal year in the areas of Vocational Rehabilitation, Independent Living, Library Services, and Resource Management. We determine our competitive success in a number of ways. We look at the federal standards and indicators to learn our ranking in relation to the performance of other public rehabilitation agencies. We compare our library's production and circulation figures with those from previous years to determine trends. We set our own standards for success by looking at such factors as the number of successful case closures, average hourly wage at case closure, skills training provided, and compliance with regulations. Results show that the Department is working positively toward achieving its strategic goals of increasing the independence and productivity of blind Iowans and improving access to information for blind Iowans. Major accomplishments of the year included: The selection of our Library as one of eight libraries to receive the new digital talking book machines and books in digital media from the National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped. Priority for distribution of the machines is given to Library patrons who are veterans. The Department, the Iowa Braille School, and the Department of Education have been promoting the new expanded core curriculum as part of their continued efforts to improve the coordination and delivery of services to blind and visually impaired students in Iowa. The Department's five-year grant funded Pathfinders mentoring program ended this year. A total of 49 blind youths aged 16-26 were paired with successful blind adult mentors. Assessments of the program clearly showed that participation in the program had a measurable positive effect on the youth involved. Finally, earnings ratios and the percentage of employment for vocational rehabilitation clients of the Department are among the best in the nation, as measured by the U.S. Rehabilitation Services Administration's standards and indicators for the year ended September 30, 2007. Overall, we met or exceeded 13 of 18 targets included in this report. A discussion of the Department's services, customers, and organizational structure, and budget appears in the "Department Overview" that follows. Information pertaining to performance results appears in the final section of this document. The success of the Department's programs is evident in the success achieved by blind Iowans. It is reflected in the many blind persons who can be seen traveling about independently, going to their jobs and to the community and family activities in which they participate. Sincerely, Karen A. Keninger, Director Iowa Department for the Blind
The historically-reactive approach to identifying safety problems and mitigating them involves selecting black spots or hot spots by ranking locations based on crash frequency and severity. The approach focuses mainly on the corridor level without taking the exposure rate (vehicle miles traveled) and socio-demographics information of the study area, which are very important in the transportation planning process, into consideration. A larger study analysis unit at the Transportation Analysis Zone (TAZ) level or the network planning level should be used to address the needs of development of the community in the future and incorporate safety into the long-range transportation planning process. In this study, existing planning tools (such as the PLANSAFE models presented in NCHRP Report 546) were evaluated for forecasting safety in small and medium-sized communities, particularly as related to changes in socio-demographics characteristics, traffic demand, road network, and countermeasures. The research also evaluated the applicability of the Empirical Bayes (EB) method to network-level analysis. In addition, application of the United States Road Assessment Program (usRAP) protocols at the local urban road network level was investigated. This research evaluated the applicability of these three methods for the City of Ames, Iowa. The outcome of this research is a systematic process and framework for considering road safety issues explicitly in the small and medium-sized community transportation planning process and for quantifying the safety impacts of new developments and policy programs. More specifically, quantitative safety may be incorporated into the planning process, through effective visualization and increased awareness of safety issues (usRAP), the identification of high-risk locations with potential for improvement, (usRAP maps and EB), countermeasures for high-risk locations (EB before and after study and PLANSAFE), and socio-economic and demographic induced changes at the planning-level (PLANSAFE).
County engineers in Iowa face the dual problems of rapidly escalating costs and a decreasing rate of growth of revenues. Various priority systems are in use, ranking projects for inclusion in road improvement programs, but they generally have weaknesses when used to compare one project with another in a different location. The sufficiency rating system has proven to be a useful tool in developing a priority list of projects for primary road systems, but there are none currently in use for secondary road systems. The research reported here was undertaken to develop a sufficiency rating system which could be used for secondary roads in Iowa and to produce the necessary forms and instructions to aid county engineering personnel in their efforts to complete the ratings for roads within their county.
The State of Iowa has too many roads. Although ranking thirty-fourth in population, twenty-fifth in area, and twentieth in motor vehicle registration, it ranks seventh in the nation in miles of rural roads. In 1920 when Iowa's rural population was 1,528,000, there were 97,440 miles of secondary roads. In 1960 with rural population down 56 percent to 662,000, there were 91,000 miles of secondary roads--a 7 percent decrease. The question has been asked: "Who are these 'service roads' serving?" This excess mileage tends to dissipate road funds at a critical time of increasing public demand for better and safer roads.
This research project was intended to produce a strategy for addressing current and future access management problems on state highway routes located just outside urban areas that serve as major routes for commuting into and out of major employment centers in Iowa. There were two basic goals: (1) to develop a ranking system for identifying high-priority segments for access management treatments on primary highways outside metro and urban areas and (2) to focus efforts on routes that are major commuting routes at present and in the future. The project focused on four-lane expressways and two-lane arterials most likely to serve extensive commuter traffic. Available spatial and statistical data were used to identify existing and possible future problem corridors with respect to access management. The research team developed a scheme for ranking commuter routes based on their need for attention to access management. This project was able to produce rankings for corridors based on a variety of factors, including proportion of crashes that appear to be access-related, severity of those crashes, and potential for improvement along corridors. Frequency and loss were found to be highly rank correlated; because of this, these indicators were not used together in developing final priority rankings. Most of the highest ranked routes are on two-lane rural cross sections, but a few are four-lane expressways with at-grade private driveways and public road intersections. The most important conclusion of the ranking system is that many of the poor-performing corridors are located in a single Iowa Department of Transportation district near two urban areas--Des Moines and Ames. A comprehensive approach to managing access along commuting corridors should be developed first in this district since the potential benefits would be highest in that region.
The Watershed Improvement Fund and the Iowa Watershed Improvement Review Board (WIRB) were created in 2005. This statute is now codified in Iowa Code Chapter 466A. The fifteen-member Board conducted seven meetings throughout the year in-person or via teleconference. Meetings were held January 23, February 27, April 17, June 18, July 24, September 25 and December 17. Attachment 1 lists the board members and their organization affiliation. The Board completed one Request For Applications (RFA) for the Watershed Improvement Fund. The RFA was announced November 6, 2014 and closed December 29, 2014. December 29, 2014 Closing Date Request For Applications: The Board received 16 applications in response to this RFA. These applications requested $2.8 million in Watershed Improvement Funds and leveraged an additional $9.1 million for a total of $11.9 million of watershed project activity proposed. After reviewing and ranking the applications individually from this RFA, the Board met and selected eight applications for funding. The eight applications were approved for $1,249,861 of Watershed Improvement Funds. Data on the eight selected projects in this RFA include the following: • These projects included portions of 12 counties. • The $1.2 million requested of Watershed Improvement Funds leveraged an additional $4.2 million for a total of $5.4 million in watershed improvements. • Approved projects ranged in funding from $41,980 to $250,000. Attachment 2 lists the approved projects’ name, applicant name, project length, county or counties where located, and funding amount for the RFA. Attachment 3 is a map showing the status of all projects funded since inception of the program. At the end of 2015 there are 111 completed projects and 39 active projects. In cooperation with the Treasurer of State, the WIRB submitted the 2015 year-end report for the Rebuild Iowa Infrastructure Fund to the Legislative Services Agency and the Department of Management. Attachment 4 contains the 2015 annual progress reports submitted from active projects or projects finished in 2015.