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Methods of improving highway safety are of major concern to everyone who is involved in the planning, development and construction of improvements of our vast highway network. Other major concerns are the conservation of our rapidly disappearing sources of energy and quality building materials. This research is devoted to further exploration of a process which will: 1. help preserve higher quality aggregates; and, 2. improve the frictional characteristics and surface texture of asphalt pavement surfaces. Sprinkle treatment of asphalt concrete pavement surfaces with a non-polishing aggregate, a procedure which was developed in Europe, is one method which has shown promise in accomplishing the above listed objectives. This research seeks to explore the feasibility and cost effectiveness of using standard asphalt mixtures of local, less expensive aggregates for surface courses followed by a surface sprinkle treatment of a hard, durable, non-polishing layer of precoated chips to produce a durable, non-skid pavement surface for safe highway travel. Three standard mixture types are being evaluated for aggregate retention characteristics and six sprinkle aggregates are being evaluated for durability, polishing and friction characteristics. In addition, measurements of the surface texture by the silicone putty method are being made. Another feature of this research is the evaluation of a rubberized asphalt material called Overflex MS as a crack filler. It has been reported that the material could be beneficial in reducing reflective cracking. The project was begun in July of 1978 and was completed in August. A review made in the spring of 1979 indicates very satisfactory performance. It was determined from slide photos taken after construction and again in the spring that aggregate retention was very good. However, many cracks had reflected indicating that the Overflex MS had not been effective. Follow up friction test results and texture analysis were also very good. The results of these tests are shown in Appendix A.


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The Iowa Department of Transportation is evaluating the use of ground recycled crumb rubber from discarded tires in asphalt rubber cement. There were four projects completed during 1991 and another one constructed in 1992. This project is located on IA 140 north of Kingsley in Plymouth County. The project contains one section with reacted asphalt rubber cement (ARC) used in both binder and surface courses, one with reacted ARC used in the surface course and a conventional binder course, and a conventional mix control section. The reacted rubber binder course was placed on October 17, 1991 and the reacted rubber surface course was placed on October 17, 18, and 19. Inclement weather caused a slight delay in placing or constructing the surface. There was a minor problem with shoving and cracking of the binder course. The construction went well otherwise. Information included in this report consists of test results, construction reports, and cost comparisons.


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The disposal of discarded tires has become a major problem. Different methods of recycling have been researched. Currently, Iowa is researching the use of ground recycled crumb rubber from discarded tires in asphalt rubber cement. Six projects have been completed in Iowa using asphalt rubber cement. This project is located on IA 947 (University Avenue) in Cedar Falls/Waterloo. The project contains one section with asphalt rubber cement used in both the binder and surface courses and one section using asphalt rubber cement in the surface course with a conventional binder. There are two control sections where conventional asphalt pavement was placed.


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The 2031 edition of the Annual Condition of Education Report provides a rich tapestry of information about Iowa's Education system. The data presented in the report examines longitudinal trends about our students, our teacher and our schools from many perspectives. Information such as demographic characteristics, assessment results, college readiness, college readiness measures, courses taken, and financial health are just a few examples, Below are highlights from the 24th edition of the report.


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A highway base course may be defined as a layer of granular material which lies immediately below the wearing surface of a pavement and must possess high resistance to deformation in order to withstand pressures imposed by traffic. A material commonly used for base course construction is crushed limestone. Sources of limestone, acceptable for highway bases in the state of Iowa, occur almost entirely in the Pennsylvanian, Mississippian and Devonian strata. Performance records of the latter two have been quite good, while material from the Pennsylvanian stratum has failed on numerous occasions. The study reported herein is one segment of an extensive research program on compacted crushed limestone used for flexible highway base courses. The primary goals of the total study are: 1. Determination of a suitable and realistic laboratory method of compaction. 2. Effect of gradation, and mineralogy of the fines, on shearing strength. 3. Possible improvement of the shear strength with organic and inorganic chemical stabilization additives. Although the study reported herein deals primarily with the third goal, information gathered from work on the first two was required for this investigation. The primary goal of this study was the evaluation of various factors of stability of three crushed limestones when treated with small amounts of type I Portland cement. Investigation of the untreated materials has indicated that shear strength alone is not the controlling factor for stability of crushed stone bases. Thus the following observations were made in addition to shear strength parameters, to more adequately ascertain the stability of the cement treated materials: 1. Volume change during consolidation and shear testing. 2. Pore pressure during shear. The consolidated-undrained triaxial shear test was used for determination of the above factors.


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The Iowa Department of Transportation has been conducting skid resistance tests on the paved secondary system on a routine basis since 1973. This report summarizes the data obtained through 1976 on 10,101 miles in 95 of the 99 counties in Iowa. A summary of the skid resistance on the secondary system is presented by pavement type and age. The data indicates that the overall skid resistance on this road system is excellent. Higher traffic roads (over 1000 vehicles per day) have a lower skid resistance than the average of the secondary roads for the same age and pavement type. The use of non-polishing aggregates in asphaltic concrete paving surface courses and transverse grooving of portland cement concrete paving on high traffic roads is recommended. The routine resurvey of skid resistance on the secondary road system on a 5-year interval is probably not economically justified and could be extended to a 10-year interval.


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Friction testing of pavements has been a continuing effort by the Iowa Department of Transportation since 1969. This report details results of tests of asphaltic concrete pavements on the primary and interstate road systems. Both sprinkle treated and non-sprinkle treated pavements placed between 1975 - 1985 are included. A total of 1785 miles representing 216 separate paving projects were examined. The effect of fog sealing sprinkle treated pavements was studied by testing friction levels before and after the application of the fog seals. Conclusions of the report are: 1. Current aggregate selection criteria for a.c. pavement surface courses provides adequate friction levels through 10 years and should remain effective through a 15 year design life. 2. Sprinkle treatment of pavements has, for the most part, provided macrotexture in the pavement surface as evidenced by smooth tire testing. 3. Fog sealing sprinkle treated pavements does not significantly alter the friction properties.


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The Experimental Project was designated as Research Project No. HR-34, sponsored by the Iowa Highway Research Board and constructed by the Iowa Highway Commission. Construction was supervised cooperatively by Engineers of the Iowa Highway Commission and the Portland Cement Association. The objective of the experiment is to study the behavior of relatively thin portland cement concrete resurfacing courses placed with bond on old concrete pavements. The phase of the problem being studied now, involves only pavements in which the old concrete is structurally sound.


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The 2031 edition of the Annual Condition of Education Report provides a rich tapestry of information about Iowa's Education system. The data presented in the report examines longitudinal trends about our students, our teacher and our schools from many perspectives. Information such as demographic characteristics, assessment results, college readiness, college readiness measures, courses taken, and financial health are just a few examples, Below are highlights from the 24th edition of the report.


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The Lane-Wells Road Logger was utilized primarily to determine the feasibility of employing such a device for moisture and density control in Iowa highway construction. A secondary objective was the use of the Road Logger to obtain information concerning moisture content and density during and after construction. Correlation studies with conventional test results required a small portion of the lease period. Practically all phases of construction and most materials utilized in base and surface courses were surveyed. Results of this study were good, in general, with the Road Logger indicating dry density slightly higher and the moisture content slightly lower than conventional results in most instances. Economic feasibility seemed to pose the greatest problem for the acceptance of the Road Logger as a standard compaction control device. It would appear from the findings of this study that probably only large projects, or several smaller contracts tested simultaneously, could justify the expense of the Logger. A total of about 128 miles were surveyed with the Logger during the lease period. Approximately 16 days of downtime due to minor breakdowns were recorded. Inclement weather forcing construction delays resulted in several idle days in which the Logger's full capabilities were not realized.


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Sufficient evidence was not discovered in this brief search to alter the general opinion that the Serviceability (Present Serviceability Index-PSI) - Performance Concepts developed by the AASHO Road Test provides the optimum engineering basis for pavement management. Use of these concepts in Iowa has the additional advantage in that we have a reasonable quantity of historical data over a period of time on the change in pavement condition as measured by PSI's. Some additional benefits would be the ability to better assess our needs with respect to those being recommended to Congress by AASHTO Committees. These concepts have been the basis used for developing policies on dimensions and weight of vehicles and highway needs which the AASHTO Transport Committees have recommended to the United States House Committee on Ways and Means. The first recommendation based on these concepts was made in the mid 1960's. Iowa's participation in the evaluation for this recommendation was under the direction of our present Director of Transportation, Mr. Raymond Kassel. PSI Indexes had to be derived from subjective surface ratings at that time. The most recent recommendation to Congress was made in November of 1977. Based on the rationale expressed above, a pilot study of the major part of the rural interstate system was conducted. The Objective of the study was to measure pavement performance through the use of the Present Serviceability Index (PSI) - Pavement Performance concepts as developed by the AASHO Road Test and to explore the usefulness of this type of data as a pavement management tool. Projects in the vicinity of the major urban centers were not included in this study due to the extra time that would be required to isolate accurate traffic data in these areas. Projects consisting of asphalt surface courses on crushed stone base sections were not included.


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The goals of this project were to implement several stabilization methods for preventing or mitigating freeze-thaw damage to granular surfaced roads and identify the most effective and economical methods for the soil and climate conditions of Iowa. Several methods and technologies identified as potentially suitable for Iowa were selected from an extensive analysis of existing literature provided with Iowa Highway Research Board (IHRB) Project TR-632. Using the selected methods, demonstration sections were constructed in Hamilton County on a heavily traveled two-mile section of granular surfaced road that required frequent maintenance during previous thawing periods. Construction procedures and costs of the demonstration sections were documented, and subsequent maintenance requirements were tabulated through two seasonal freeze-thaw periods. Extensive laboratory and field tests were performed prior to construction, as well as before and after the two seasonal freeze-thaw periods, to monitor the performance of the demonstration sections. A weather station was installed at the project site and temperature sensors were embedded in the subgrade to monitor ground temperatures up to a depth of 5 ft and determine the duration and depths of ground freezing and thawing. An economic analysis was performed using the documented construction and maintenance costs, and the estimated cumulative costs per square yard were projected over a 20-year timeframe to determine break-even periods relative to the cost of continuing current maintenance practices. Overall, the sections with biaxial geogrid or macadam base courses had the best observed freeze-thaw performance in this study. These two stabilization methods have larger initial costs and longer break-even periods than aggregate columns, but counties should also weigh the benefits of improved ride quality and savings that these solutions can provide as excellent foundations for future paving or surface upgrades.


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The Iowa Department of Education collects information on joint enrollment in Iowa’s 15 community colleges. Jointly enrolled students are high school students enrolled in community college credit coursework. Most jointly enrolled students enroll through Senior Year Plus programs such as PSEO (Postsecondary Enrollment Options) and concurrent enrollment. Others enroll independently by paying tuition or enrolling in courses delivered through contractual agreements that do not meet the definition of concurrent enrollment. For more information about Senior Year Plus programs, please refer to the department’s website. This report consists of fiscal year and trend data on joint enrollment including headcount enrollment, credit hours, student demographics, and enrollment by program type and offering arrangement. All data included in this report is taken from the Community College Management Information System (MIS) and confirmed by each college, unless otherwise noted.


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In the construction industry, Hispanics have the highest rate of fatal work injuries among the racial/ethnic groups, and productivity in the field is limited by the language barrier between Hispanic workers and their supervisors and the level of education of many Hispanic craft workers. This research developed a training program designed to facilitate the integration process between American supervisors and Hispanic craft workers in a practical and cost-effective way, thus improving productivity and lowering fatality rates. The Iowa State University research team conducted a survey of 38 American supervisors, representing 14 Iowa construction companies. Survey results confirm that communication is the main problem experienced by American supervisors in the job site. Many American supervisors also use or depend on a link-person (an individual who interprets tasks to the rest of the Hispanic crew) to communicate to the Hispanic crew members. Research findings show that language differences affect productivity and workplace safety in the construction industry. Additionally, the educational levels of Hispanic workers indicate that they may not have the literacy skills necessary to understand training materials. This research developed two training courses designed to expand the Spanish communication skills of American supervisors. The research team modified the English-as-a-second-language course developed in Phase I into the Spanish as a Second Language (SSL) Survival Course. A series of technical training courses were also developed, titled Concrete Pavement Construction Basics (CPCB), that cover general practices in concrete pavement construction. They are much shorter and more specialized than the SSL course. The CPCB courses provide American supervisors simple and practical communication tools on a variety of topics to choose from according to their specific needs.


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Discarded tires present major disposal and environmental problems. The recycling of those tires in asphalt cement concrete is what this research deals with. The Iowa DOT and the University of Northern Iowa (UNI) are evaluating the use of discarded tires in asphalt rubber cement and rubber chip mixes. The project is located on US 61 between Blue Grass and Muscatine in Muscatine County. It contains four rubberized asphalt sections and control sections. One section consists of reacted rubber asphalt cement used in both the binder and surface courses, and one section, both lanes, contains a rubber chip mix. The reacted rubber asphalt and the rubber chip mixes were laid in July 1991. The project construction went well with a few problems of shoving and cracking of the mat. This report contains information about procedures and tests that were run and those that will be run. It also has a cost comparison since this is a major concern with the use of asphalt rubber. Evaluation of this project will continue for five years. Three more research projects containing rubberized asphalt were constructed in 1991 and another is to be constructed in 1992.