26 resultados para Wetland Restoration
The Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) Lake Restoration Program focuses on restoring impaired lakes to improve the quality of life for Iowans. Communities are rallying around their water resources as they seek population growth and economic success. Communities of the Iowa Great Lakes Region, Storm Lake, Crystal Lake, Creston and Clear Lake are obvious examples, but other communities including Lake View and Brighton are identifying the importance of lakes for their futures as well. The distribution and nature of Vision Iowa grants, Community Attraction and Tourism grants, and now, Great Places, all further emphasize the importance of water to community, quality of life and economic growth.
The Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) Lake Restoration Program focuses on restoring impaired lakes to improve the quality of life for Iowans. Communities are rallying around their water resources as they seek population growth and economic success. Communities of the Iowa Great Lakes Region, Storm Lake, Crystal Lake, Creston and Clear Lake are obvious examples, but other communities including Lake View and Brighton are identifying the importance of lakes for their futures as well. The distribution and nature of Vision Iowa grants, Community Attraction and Tourism grants, and now, Great Places, all further emphasize the importance of water to community, quality of life and economic growth.
The Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) Lake Restoration Program focuses on restoring impaired lakes to improve the quality of life for Iowans. Communities are rallying around their water resources as they seek population growth and economic success. Communities of the Iowa Great Lakes Region, Storm Lake, Crystal Lake, Creston and Clear Lake are obvious examples, but other communities including Lake View and Brighton are identifying the importance of lakes for their futures as well. The distribution and nature of Vision Iowa grants, Community Attraction and Tourism grants, and now, Great Places, all further emphasize the importance of water to community, quality of life and economic growth.
Silver Lake is located in an 18,053-acre watershed. The watershed is intensively farmed with almost all of the wetlands being previously drained or degraded over the last 50 years. Silver Lake is listed on the State of Iowa’s impaired water bodies list due to sediment and high nutrient level. Silver Lake is also known be in the bottom 25 percentile of Iowa’s lakes due Secchi disk readings and Chlorophyll a level. Farming in the watershed is the principle concern and cause for many of the problems occurring in Silver Lake currently with 78% of the watershed being intensively farmed. There are two major drainage ditches that have been used to drain the major wetlands and sloughs that, at one time, filtered the water and slowed it down before it reached Silver Lake. With these two major drainage ditches, water is able to reach the lake much faster and unfiltered than it once did historically. The loss of 255 restorable wetland basins to row crop production has caused serious problems in Silver Lake. These wetland basins once slowed and filtered water as it moved through the watershed. With their loss over the last 50 years that traditional drainage no longer occurs. We propose to create a Wetland Reserve Program incentive project to make WRP a more attractive option to landowners within the watershed. The incentive will be based on the amount of sediment delivery reduction to the lake, therefore paying a greater payment for a greater benefit to the lake. The expected result of this project is the restoration of over 250 acres of wetland basins with an associated 650 acres of upland buffers. The benefit for these wetlands and buffers would be reduced sediment, reduced nutrients, and slowed waters to the lake.
The Central Park Lake Watershed Assessment and Management Plan identified four categories where improvements are needed to remove the 23 acre lake from the impaired waters list. These include the wastewater system, runoff from surrounding lands, in-lake nutrient re-suspension and runoff from hard surfaces within the park. The lake is currently impaired for bacteria, algae and pH. Through outcomes of the Watershed Assessment and Management Plan, this proposal includes for abandonment and reclamation of the single cell wastewater lagoon site, replacement with three conventional septic systems and construction of two wetlands. One of the wetlands is located on the same site as the reclaimed lagoon and the other is located to intercept sediment and trap nutrients transported by tile lines. The prescribed wastewater system improvements are based on assessment by grab samples test by the State Hygienic Lab, development of a Preliminary Engineering Report, soil analysis and communication with IDNR wastewater officials. The two wetland sites were assessed by officials from IDALS and the Jones County SWCD. This project is part of $1.7 million lake restoration effort to reclaim the 47 year old lake. The lake has a positive economic impact of more than $7.6 million annually and supports an average annual visitation of 58,145, according to the Iowa Lakes Valuation Project, conducted by Iowa State University.
Storm Lake, the state's fourth largest natural lake, has been the centerpiece of significant economic development, including a resort, water park, and state marina. While there have been considerable improvements to the lake's water quality through a major on-going lake restoration program and watershed project, the Little Storm Lake area still needs to be addressed. Little Storm Lake is a 190 acre area on the nmihwest side of Storm Lake. The water level in both areas is based on the dam height located on the southeast corner of Storm Lake. Approximately 70% of the water from the watershed flows through Little Storm Lake. Little Storm Lake originally had the ability to remove much of the sediment and nutrients from incoming waters. However, due to degradation, proper wetland function has been compromised. Under normal hydrologic conditions Little Storm Lake has the potential to function as a sediment trap for Storm Lake, but tllis capacity is overwhelmed during high flows. Little Storm Lake is at or near its sediment trapping capacity, which results in higher sediment transport into Storm Lake. Resuspension of sediments due to wind and other in-lake dynamics, such as rough fish, further exacerbate the total turbidity from suspended sediment and results in movement of sediment from Little Storm Lake into Storm Lake. This project includes a fish barrier and water retention structure between Little Storm Lake and Storm Lake and the construction of a pumping station and associated equipment. The project involves periodic dewatering of Little Storm Lake during years of favorable climatological conditions to consolidate the sediments and revegetate the area. Construction of the fish banier would aid restoration efforts by preventing rough fish from destroying the vegetation and would decrease recruitment of rough fish by limiting their spawning area. In the future, if the diminished trapping capacity of Little Storm Lake still results in sediment moving into Storm Lake, a dredging project would be initiated to deepen Little Storm Lake.
The city of Elliott has had an increase in nitrate levels in their community water supply located in the Coe Creek Watershed. They have been working with the IDNR Source Water Protection (SWP) Programs to conduct site investigations and have formed a SWP Planning Team. This Team has been reviewing the investigation findings, formed an action plan and studied different Best Management Practices (BMPs). After considering the BMPs the SWP Team made a recommendation to the Elliott City Council which included native grass seeding and a shallow water wetland. The Team also held an informational meeting for the citizens of Elliott. The goal of this meeting was to inform and educate the public of the Team findings and BMPs. The Elliott City Council approved the restoration of a shallow wetland with a native grass buffer. This whole project is 27 acres and includes a shallow water wetland with native grass buffer. This would be a long term method to reduce nitrates in the city wells. Elliott is partnering with the Natural Resources Conservation Service, Montgomery County Soil and Water Conservation District, Pheasants Forever, the Montgomery County Conservation Board, US Fish and Wildlife Service and the Montgomery County Board of Supervisors in the restoration of the shallow water wetland and native grass buffer.
The Lost Island Lake watershed is located in the prairie pothole region, a region dotted with glacial wetlands and shallow lakes. At 1,180 acres, Lost Island Lake is the state's fifth largest natural lake and its watershed is comprised of nearly 1,000 acres of wetland habitat, including Iowa 's largest natural wetland – Barringer Slough. Unfortunately, Lost Island and its associated wetlands are not functioning to their fullest ecological and water quality potential. In 2002 and 2004, Lost Island Lake was categorized as '·impaired'" on Iowa's Impaired Waters List. Frequent algal blooms and suspended solids drastically increase turbidity levels resulting in its impairment. To investigate these concerns, a two-year study and resulting Water Quality Improvement Plan were completed. The water quality study identified an overabundance of non-native common carp (Cyprinus carpio) in the lake and its surrounding wetlands as a primary cause of impairment. The goal of the Lost Island Lake Watershed Enhancement Project is to restore ecological health to Lost Island Lake and its intricate watershed resulting in improved water quality and a diverse native plant and wildlife community. The purpose of this grant is to obtain funding for the construction of two combination fish barriers and water control structures placed at key locations in the watershed within the Blue Wing Marsh complex. Construction of the fish barriers and water control structures would aid restoration efforts by preventing spawning common carp from entering wetlands in the watershed and establishing the ability to manage water levels in large wetland areas. Water level management is crucial in wetland health and exotic fish control. These two structures are part of a larger construction project that involves a total of four combination fish barriers and water control structures and one additional fish barrier. The entire Lost Island Lake Watershed Enhancement Project is a multi-year project, but the construction phase for the fish barriers and water control structures will be completed before December 31, 2011.
Phase 2 of the Saylor Creek Improvement Project is focused on channel restoration. The existing stream channel is generally incised, running through areas primarily covered with heavy trees, brush and weeds. The ravine ranges from 6 to 20 feet deep through the corridor with very steep slopes in several areas. In two areas storm outlets are undercut or suspended above the channel. Tall undercut, eroded banks exist along several of the outside bends. Sediment deposition on the inside bends limits the cross-section of the channel, increasing flow velocity and forcing this faster flow toward the eroded outside bank. A wide array of practices will need to be implemented to address channel erosion. Improvements will be specifically tailored to address problems observed at each bend. The result will be a channel with a more natural appearance, and reduced use of hard armor and revetment. Some sections will require minimal grading with removal of underbrush for improved maintenance access and more sun exposure, better allowing deep rooted plants and flowers to establish to provide further erosion protection. Straight sections with steep banks will require grading to pull back slopes, increasing the creek's capacity to convey storm flows at slower velocities. Sections with sharp bends will require slope pull back and armor protection. A constructed wetland will collect and treat runoff from a small sub-watershed, before being discharged into the main tributary.
The condition of Iowa’s riverine wetlands is poorly known. No historic baseline information about the physical conditions, vegetation communities, and wildlife use in these ecosystems exists in the state. The primary goals of this project were to assess the ecological condition of riverine wetlands in Iowa, and improve the quality and quantity of data available to resource managers. Iowa’s remaining riverine wetlands represent a valuable set of resources, and their continued monitoring and assessment is imperative to future management decisions.
The Iowa Legislative Council authorized the creation of The Iowa Rivers and Waterways Study Committee in 2013. The Committee was directed to consult with interested parties in considering options for restoring Iowa’s rivers and water ways. The Committee was also charged to develop recommendations for an initial plan to prioritize restoration projects, and provide defined goals and measurable improvements.