102 resultados para Uruguay Round (1987-1994)
Replaces and rescinds Executive Order #35.
Eastablish an Iowa Workforce Development Council.
Replaces and rescinds Iowa Workforce Executive Order #39. Rescinded by Exectuive Order #62.
Case Number 91-151 Craig Gardner, an inmate in the Iowa prison system, was the subject of a force move by correctional officers while incarcerated at the Iowa State Penitentiary (ISP). This action involved the use of a chemical agent. This investigation began as a review of the use of a chemical agent in a forced cell move on June 30, 1991.
Annual report for the Iowa Racing and Gaming Commission of Iowa.
Iowa Code § 8D.10 requires certain state agencies prepare an annual report to the General Assembly certifying the identified savings associated with that state agency’s use of the Iowa Communications Network (ICN). This report covers estimated cost savings related to video conferencing via ICN for the Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT). In FY 2008, the DOT did not conduct any sessions utilizing ICN’s video conferencing system. Therefore, no cost savings were calculated for this report.
Introduction and summary Iowa Code § 8D.10 requires certain state agencies to prepare an annual report to the General Assembly certifying the identified savings associated with that state agency’s use of the Iowa Communications Network (ICN). This report covers estimated cost savings related to video conferencing via ICN for the Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT). In FY 2010, the DOT did not conduct any sessions utilizing ICN’s video conferencing system. Therefore, no cost savings were calculated for this report.
Information brochure on the State of Iowa Historical Building
Recent reports have indicated that 23.5 percent of the nation's highway bridges are structurally deficient and 17.7 percent are functionally obsolete. A significant number of these bridges are on the Iowa county road system. The objective of the investigation described in this report was to identify, review and evaluate replacement bridges currently being used by various counties in Iowa and surrounding states. Iowa county engineers, county engineers in neighboring states as well as private manufacturers of bridge components, and regional precad prestressed concrete manufacturers were contacted to determine the most common replacement bridge types being used. Depending upon the findings of the review, possible improvements and/or new replacement bridge systems were to be proposed. A questionnaire was developed and sent to county engineers in Iowa and several counties in surrounding states. The results of the questionnaire showed that the most common replacement bridges in Iowa are the continuous concrete slab and prestressed concrete bridges. The primary reason these types are used is because of the availability of standard designs and because of their ease of maintenance. Counties seldom construct these types of bridges using their own labor forces, but instead contract the work. However, county forces are used to construct steel stringer, precast reinforced concrete and timber bridges. In general, 69 percent of the counties indicate an ability and willingness to use their own forces to design and construct relatively short span bridges (i.e., 40 A or less) provided the construction procedures are relatively simple. Several unique replacement bridge types used in Iowa that are constructed by county forces are documented and presented in this report. Sufficient details are provided to allow county engineers to determine if some of these bridges could be used to resolve some of their own replacement bridge problems. Where possible, cost information has also been provided. Each of these bridge types were evaluated for various criteria (e.g., cost effectiveness, conformance to AASI-ITO standards, range of sizes, etc.) by a panel of four Iowa county engineers; a summary of this critique is included. After evaluating the questionnaire responses from the counties and evaluating the various bridge replacement concepts currently in use, one new bridge replacement concept and one modification of a current Iowa county bridge replacement concept were developed. Both of these concepts would utilize county labor forces.
Traffic volumes represented on this map are annual average daily traffic volumes between major traffic generators: highway junctions and cities.
Interstate Route Flow represented on this map are annual average daily traffic volumes between major traffic.
Research was conducted in 1980 using Additive 5990 to prevent reflective cracking in asphalt cement concrete when placed over portland cement concrete. Test sections were placed with 08, 3%, 6 8 , and 9% Additive 5990 by weight of asphalt cement at mix temperatures between 375OF and 415°F with AC-5 and AC-10 grade asphalt cement. Also, sections using AC-5 and AC-10 were constructed with the normal mix temperature (not to exceed 330°F). One section was placed using AC-20 mixed at the normal mix temperature. It was concluded that the Additive 5990 did not prevent reflective cracking on this project.
Data sheet produced by the Iowa Department of Natural Resources is about different times of animals, insects, snakes, birds, fish, butterflies, etc. that can be found in Iowa.
Previous Iowa DOT sponsored research has shown that some Class C fly ashes are ementitious (because calcium is combined as calcium aluminates) while other Class C ashes containing similar amounts of elemental calcium are not (1). Fly ashes from modern power plants in Iowa contain significant amounts of calcium in their glassy phases, regardless of their cementitious properties. The present research was based on these findings and on the hyphothesis that: attack of the amorphous phase of high calcium fly ash could be initiated with trace additives, thus making calcium available for formation of useful calcium-silicate cements. Phase I research was devoted to finding potential additives through a screening process; the likely chemicals were tested with fly ashes representative of the cementitious and non-cementitious ashes available in the state. Ammonium phosphate, a fertilizer, was found to produce 3,600 psi cement with cementitious Neal #4 fly ash; this strength is roughly equivalent to that of portland cement, but at about one-third the cost. Neal #2 fly ash, a slightly cementitious Class C, was found to respond best with ammonium nitrate; through the additive, a near-zero strength material was transformed into a 1,200 psi cement. The second research phase was directed to optimimizing trace additive concentrations, defining the behavior of the resulting cements, evaluating more comprehensively the fly ashes available in Iowa, and explaining the cement formation mechanisms of the most promising trace additives. X-ray diffraction data demonstrate that both amorphous and crystalline hydrates of chemically enhanced fly ash differ from those of unaltered fly ash hydrates. Calciumaluminum- silicate hydrates were formed, rather than the expected (and hypothesized) calcium-silicate hydrates. These new reaction products explain the observed strength enhancement. The final phase concentrated on laboratory application of the chemically-enhanced fly ash cements to road base stabilization. Emphasis was placed on use of marginal aggregates, such as limestone crusher fines and unprocessed blow sand. The nature of the chemically modified fly ash cements led to an evaluation of fine grained soil stabilization where a wide range of materials, defined by plasticity index, could be stabilized. Parameters used for evaluation included strength, compaction requirements, set time, and frost resistance.
An experimental modification of the transverse groove surface texture of a section of an urban interstate highway was performed by the Iowa Department of Transportation. Transverse groove texturing i s a design feature required by the Federal Highway Administration t o reduce skidding under wet pavement conditions. Adjacent residents claimed the texturing was the cause of especially annoying tonal characteristics within the traffic noise. A research proposal to modify the existing texture pattern by surface grinding and to study the noise and friction effects was approved for funding by the Iowa Highway Research Board. Results i n the form of a comparison between traffic noise before modification and traffic noise immediately after and 15 months after modification indicate that the change in surface texture has lowered overall traffic noise levels by reducing a high frequency component of the traffic noise spectrum. Fraffic testing data show reduced capacity of the roadway to inhibit wet pavement skidding as a result of the surface modification.