854 resultados para University of Iowa
Report on the State University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2009
Report on a review of selected general and application controls over the State University of Iowa BuildUI System for the period June 14, 2010 through July 19, 2010
Audit report of the State University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa (University of Iowa) as of and for the years ended June 30, 2010 and 2009
Report on the State University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2010
Audit report on Internal Control over Financial Reporting of the State University of Iowa as of and for the year ended June 30, 2011
Report on the State University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2011
Report on a special investigation of the University of Iowa Hospital and Clinics, Department of Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation, for the period December 1, 2002 through January 31, 2012
Report on a review of selected general and application controls over the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics’ GE Centricity System for the period May 28, 2012 through July 30, 2012
Audit report of the State University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, and its discretely presented component unit as of and for the years ended June 30, 2012 and 2011
Report on the State University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2012
Report on a review of selected general and application controls over the State University of Iowa ePost and Effort Reporting systems for the period May 29, 2013 through July 19, 2013
IRENE’s mission is to improve the health and well-being of Iowans through collaboration in practice-based research on questions important to primary care physicians and their patients. IRENE’s purpose is to create and foster a network of research collaboration between the academic medical center and primary care physicians through out the state of Iowa with a particular focus on improving rural health.
IRENE’s mission is to improve the health and well-being of Iowans through collaboration in practice-based research on questions important to primary care physicians and their patients. IRENE’s purpose is to create and foster a network of research collaboration between the academic medical center and primary care physicians through out the state of Iowa with a particular focus on improving rural health.
Newsletter from the University of Iowa School of Library and Information Science.
Newsletter from the University of Iowa School of Library and Information Science.