25 resultados para Single-Leg Bending


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The use of non-metallic load transfer and reinforcement devices for concrete highway pavements is a possible alternative to avoid corrosion problems related to the current practice of steel materials. Laboratory and field testing of highway pavement dowel bars, made of both steel and fiber composite materials, and fiber composite tie rods were carried out in this research investigation. Fatigue, static, and dynamic testing was performed on full-scale concrete pavement slabs which were supported by a simulated subgrade and which included a single transverse joint. The bahavior of the full-scale specimens with both steel and fiber composite dowels placed in the test joints was monitored during several million load cycles which simulated truck traffic at a transverse joint. Static bond tests were conducted on fiber composite tie rods to determine the required embedment length. These tests took the form of bending tests which included curvature and shear in the embedment zone and pullout tests which subjected the test specimen to axial tension only. Fiber composite dowel bars were placed at two transverse joints during construction of a new concrete highway pavement in order to evaluate their performance under actual field conditions. Fiber composite tie rods were also placed in the longitudinal joint between the two fiber composite doweled transverse joints.


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The Phase I research, Iowa Department of Transportation (IDOT) Project HR-214, "Feasibility Study of Strengthening Existing Single Span Steel Beam Concrete Deck Bridges," verified that post-tensioning can be used to provide strengthening of the composite bridges under investigation. Phase II research, reported here, involved the strengthening of two full-scale prototype bridges - one a prototype of the model bridge tested during Phase I and the other larger and skewed. In addition to the field work, Phase II also involved a considerable amount of laboratory work. A literature search revealed that only minimal data existed on the angle-plus-bar shear connectors. Thus, several specimens utilizing angle-plus-bar, as well as channels, studs and high strength bolts as shear connectors were fabricated and tested. To obtain additional shear connector information, the bridge model of Phase I was sawed into four composite concrete slab and steel beam specimens. Two of the resulting specimens were tested with the original shear connection, while the other two specimens had additional shear connectors added before testing. Although orthotropic plate theory was shown in Phase I to predict vertical load distribution in bridge decks and to predict approximate distribution of post-tensioning for right-angle bridges, it was questioned whether the theory could also be used on skewed bridges. Thus, a small plexiglas model was constructed and used in vertical load distribution tests and post-tensioning force distribution tests for verification of the theory. Conclusions of this research are as follows: (1) The capacity of existing shear connectors must be checked as part of a bridge strengthening program. Determination of the concrete deck strength in advance of bridge strengthening is also recommended. (2) The ultimate capacity of angle-plus-bar shear connectors can be computed on the basis of a modified AASHTO channel connector formula and an angle-to-beam weld capacity check. (3) Existing shear connector capacity can be augmented by means of double-nut high strength bolt connectors. (4) Post-tensioning did not significantly affect truck load distribution for right angle or skewed bridges. (5) Approximate post-tensioning and truck load distribution for actual bridges can be predicted by orthotropic plate theory for vertical load; however, the agreement between actual distribution and theoretical distribution is not as close as that measured for the laboratory model in Phase I. (6) The right angle bridge exhibited considerable end restraint at what would be assumed to be simple support. The construction details at bridge abutments seem to be the reason for the restraint. (7) The skewed bridge exhibited more end restraint than the right angle bridge. Both skew effects and construction details at the abutments accounted for the restraint. (8) End restraint in the right angle and skewed bridges reduced tension strains in the steel bridge beams due to truck loading, but also reduced the compression strains caused by post-tensioning.


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The unifying objective of Phases I and II of this study was to determine the feasibility of the post-tensioning strengthening method and to implement the technique on two composite bridges in Iowa. Following completion of these two phases, Phase III was undertaken and is documented in this report. The basic objectives of Phase III were further monitoring bridge behavior (both during and after post-tensioning) and developing a practical design methodology for designing the strengthening system under investigation. Specific objectives were: to develop strain and force transducers to facilitate the collection of field data; to investigate further the existence and effects of the end restraint on the post-tensioning process; to determine the amount of post-tensioning force loss that occurred during the time between the initial testing and the retesting of the existing bridges; to determine the significance of any temporary temperature-induced post-tensioning force change; and to develop a simplified design methodology that would incorporate various variables such as span length, angle-of-skew, beam spacing, and concrete strength. Experimental field results obtained during Phases II and III were compared to the theoretical results and to each other. Conclusions from this research are as follows: (1) Strengthening single-span composite bridges by post-tensioning is a viable, economical strengthening technique. (2) Behavior of both bridges was similar to the behavior observed from the bridges during field tests conducted under Phase II. (3) The strain transducers were very accurate at measuring mid-span strain. (4) The force transducers gave excellent results under laboratory conditions, but were found to be less effective when used in actual bridge tests. (5) Loss of post-tensioning force due to temperature effects in any particular steel beam post-tensioning tendon system were found to be small. (6) Loss of post-tensioning force over a two-year period was minimal. (7) Significant end restraint was measured in both bridges, caused primarily by reinforcing steel being continuous from the deck into the abutments. This end restraint reduced the effectiveness of the post-tensioning but also reduced midspan strains due to truck loadings. (8) The SAP IV finite element model is capable of accurately modeling the behavior of a post-tensioned bridge, if guardrails and end restraints are included in the model. (9) Post-tensioning distribution should be separated into distributions for the axial force and moment components of an eccentric post-tensioning force. (10) Skews of 45 deg or less have a minor influence on post-tensioning distribution. (11) For typical Iowa three-beam and four-beam composite bridges, simple regression-derived formulas for force and moment fractions can be used to estimate post-tensioning distribution at midspan. At other locations, a simple linear interpolation gives approximately correct results. (12) A simple analytical model can accurately estimate the flexural strength of an isolated post-tensioned composite beam.


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The authors have post-tensioned and monitored two Iowa bridges and have field tested the post-tensioning of a composite bridge in Florida. In order to provide the practical post-tensioning distribution factors given in this manual, the authors developed a finite element model of a composite bridge and checked the model against a one-half scale laboratory bridge and two actual composite bridges, one of which had a 45 deg skew. Following a brief discussion of this background research, this manual explains the use of elastic, composite beam and bridge section properties, the distribution fractions for symmetrically post-tensioned exterior beams, and a method for computing the strength of a post-tensioned beam. Also included is a design example for a typical, 51.25-ft (15.62-m) span, four-beam composite bridge. Moments for Iowa Department of Transportation rating trucks, H 20 and HS 20 trucks, have been tabulated for design convenience and are included in the appendix.


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State of Iowa’s Single Audit Report for the year ended June 30, 2013


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In coordination with a Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) consisting of County Engineers and Iowa DOT representatives, the Iowa DOT has proposed to develop a set of standards for a single span prefabricated bridge system for use on the local road system. The purpose of the bridge system is to improve bridge construction, accelerate project delivery, improve worker safety, be cost effective, reduce impacts to the travelling public by reducing traffic disruptions and the duration of detours, and allow local forces to construct the bridges. HDR Inc. was selected by the Iowa DOT to perform the initial concept screening of the bridge system. This Final Report summarizes the initial conceptual effort to investigate potential systems, make recommendations for a preferred system and propose initial details to be tested in the laboratory in Phase 2 of the project. The prefabricated bridge components were to be based on the following preliminary criteria set forth by the TAC. The criteria were to be verified and/ or modified as part of the conceptual development. - 24’ and 30’ roadway widths - Skews of 0o, 15o, and 30o - Span lengths of 30’ – 70’ in 10’ increments using precast concrete beams - Voided box beams could be considered - Limit precast element weight to 45,000 pounds for movement and placement of beams - Beams could be joined transversely with threaded rods - Abutment concepts may included precast as well as an option for cast-in-place abutments with pile foundations In addition to the above criteria, there was an interest to use a single-width prefabricated bridge component to simplify fabrication as well as a desire to utilize non-prestressed concrete systems where possible to allow for precasting of the beam modules by local forces or local precast plants. The SL-1 modular steel bridge rail was identified for use with this single span prefabricated bridge system.


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State of Iowa’s Single Audit Report for the year ended June 30, 2014


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Based on the conclusions of IHRB Project TR-444, Demonstration Project Using Railroad Flat Car Bridges for Low Volume Road Bridges, additional research on the use of RRFC bridges was undertaken. This portion of the project investigated the following: (1) Different design and rating procedures; (2) Additional single span configurations plus multiple span configurations; (3) Different mechanisms for connecting adjacent RRFCs and the resulting lateral load distribution factors; (4) Sheet pile abutments; and (5) Behavior RRFCs that had been strengthened so that they could be used on existing abutments. A total of eight RRFC bridges were tested (five single span bridges, two two-span bridges, and one three-span bridge). Based on the results of this study a simplified design and rating procedure has been developed for the economical replacement bridge alternative. In Volume 1, this volume, the results from the testing of four single span RRFC bridges are presented, while in Volume 2 the results from the testing of the strengthened single span bridge plus the three multiple span bridges are presented.


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There are hundreds of structurally deficient or functionally obsolete bridges in the state of Iowa. With the majority of these bridges located on rural county roads where there is limited funding available to replace the bridges, diagnostic load testing can be utilized to determine the actual load carrying capacity of the bridge. One particular family or fleet of bridges that has been determined to be desirable for load testing consists of single-span bridges with non-composite, cast-in-place concrete decks, steel stringers, and timber substructures. Six bridges with poor performing superstructure and substructure from the aforementioned family of bridges were selected to be load tested. The six bridges were located on rural roads in five different counties in Iowa: Boone, Carroll, Humboldt, Mahaska, and Marshall. Volume I of this report focuses on evaluating the superstructure for this family of bridges. This volume discusses the behavior characteristics that influence the load carrying capacity of this fleet of bridges. In particular, the live load distribution, partial composite action, and bearing restraint were investigated as potential factors that could influence the bridge ratings. Implementing fleet management practices, the bridges were analyzed to determine if the load test results could be predicted to better analyze previously untested bridges. For this family of bridges it was found that the ratings increased as a result of the load testing demonstrating a greater capacity than determined analytically. Volume II of this report focuses on evaluating the timber substructure for this family of bridges. In this volume, procedures for detecting pile internal decay using nondestructive ultrasonic stress wave techniques, correlating nondestructive ultrasonic stress wave techniques to axial compression tests to estimate deteriorated pile residual strength, and evaluating load distribution through poor performing timber substructure elements by instrumenting and load testing the abutments of the six selected bridges are discussed. Also, in this volume pile repair methods for restoring axial and bending capacities of pile are developed and evaluated.


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State of Iowa’s Single Audit Report for the year ended June 30, 2015