26 resultados para Shelby County v. Holder
This study was written by John J. Louis and reprinted from volume II, numbers 1 and 2 of the Iowa journal of history and politics [Jan.-Apr.1904]. It examines the component society of Shelby County with reference to its social structure.
Audit report on the Shelby County Area Solid Waste Agency for the year ended June 30, 2013
Asphalt concrete resurfacing is the most commonly utilized rehabilitation practice used by the Iowa Department of Transportation. The major problem with asphalt concrete resurfacing is the reflective cracking from underlying cracks and joints in the portland cement concrete (PCC) pavement. Cracking and seating the PCC prior to an asphalt overlay was the construction method evaluated in this project. There was cracking and seating on portions of the project and portions were overlaid without this process. There were also different overlay thicknesses used. Comparisons of crack and seating to the normal overlay method and the different depths are compared in this report. Cracking and seating results in some structural loss, but does reduce the problem of reflection cracking.
Audit report on the Shelby County Area Solid Waste Agency for the year ended June 30, 2014
Audit report on the Shelby County Area Solid Waste Agency for the year ended June 30, 2015
This research project looked at the economic benefits and costs associated with alternative strategies for abandoning low volume rural highways and bridges. Three test counties in Iowa were studied, each 100 square miles in size: Hamilton County having a high agricultural tax base and a high percentage of paved roads and few bridges; Shelby County having a relatively low agricultural tax base, hilly terrain and a low percentage of paved road and many bridges; and Linn County having a high agricultural tax base, a high percentage of paved roads and a large number of non-farm households. A questionnaire survey was undertaken to develop estimates of farm and household travel patterns. Benefits and costs associated with the abandonment of various segments of rural highway and bridge mileages in each county were calculated. "Benefits" calculated were reduced future reconstruction and maintenance costs, whereas "costs" were the added cost of travel resulting from the reduced mileage. Some of the findings suggest limited cost savings from abandonment of county roads with no property access in areas with large non-farm rural population; relatively high cost savings from the abandonment of roads with no property access in areas with small rural population; and the largest savings from the conversion of public dead-end gravel roads with property or residence accesses to private drives.
Manteno Lake is located 8 miles northwest of Earling, IA in Shelby County. The lake has been impaired with an overload of silt and nutrients. In October of 2007, land directly north of the lake will be coming out of CRP and back into agricultural production. The Shelby Soil and Water Conservation District, Shelby County Board of Supervisors and Shelby County Conservation Board feel strongly that treatment of this area is necessary prior to the CRP contract expiring. The placement and construction of three structures will reduce the amount of silt and nutrients affecting Manteno Lake. This project calls for the construction of three structures on crucial tributaries to the lake.
County Profile
The Greene County, Iowa overlay project, completed in October 1973, was inspected on October 16 & 17, 1978 After five years of service The 33 fibrous concrete sections, four CRCP sections, two mesh reinforced and two plain concrete sections with doweled reinforcement were rated relative to each other on a scale of 0 t o 100. The rating was conducted by the original members of the Project Planning Committee, Iowa DOT, Iowa Counties, Federal Highway Administration, University of Illinois and industry representatives . In all , there were 23 representatives who rated this project . The 23 values were then averaged to provide a final rating number for each section. The highest panel rating (90) was assigned to the 5-inch thick , deformed barre in forced PCC sections ; an 86t o a 3-inch thick , 160 lbs. of fiber and 600 lbs . of cement on a partial bonded surface ; an 84 to the 4-inch CRC with elastic joints (bonded) and an 84 to a 4-inch mesh reinforce section. One of the major factors influencing performance appears t o be the thickness. In the fibrous concrete overlay, The greatest influences appears t o be the fiber content. Overlay Sections containing 160 1b/yd3 of Fiber are, in almost all cases , outperforming those c o n t a i n i n g 60 or 100. It is obvious at This time meth at the 3-inch thick fibrous concrete overlays are, in general, out performing the 2-inch thick sections. The performance of the fibrous concrete the overlay appears to be favorably influenced by: (1) The use of higher a spectra fiber (0.025 x 2.5 i n c h e s ) v e r s u s (0.010 x 0.022 x 1.0 inches) (2) The use of a lower cement c o n t e n t ( 600 versus 750 1b/yd3) However, The set less well defined and the improvements in overlay performance attributed to high aspect ratio fibers and low cement contents.
"Metric Training For The Highway Industry", HR-376 was designed to produce training materials for the various divisions of the Iowa DOT, local government and the highway construction industry. The project materials were to be used to introduce the highway industry in Iowa to metric measurements in their daily activities. Five modules were developed and used in training over 1,000 DOT, county, city, consultant and contractor staff in the use of metric measurements. The training modules developed deal with the planning through operation areas of highway transportation. The materials and selection of modules were developed with the aid of an advisory personnel from the highway industry. Each module is design as a four hour block of instruction and a stand along module for specific types of personnel. Each module is subdivided into four chapters with chapter one and four covering general topics common to all subjects. Chapters two and three are aimed at hands on experience for a specific group and subject. This module includes: Module 5 - Motor Vehicle Enforcement. Examples from Iowa and Federal Motor Vehicle Codes are used as examples for hands on training for the vehicle enforcement type personnel using this module.
The Special Investigations Section recently completed the final evaluation of the I-80 eastbound bonded overlay placed in 1979 between the Shelby and Avoca interchanges in Pottawattamie County.