228 resultados para SNA research design


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This study had three objectives: (1) to develop a comprehensive truck simulation that executes rapidly, has a modular program construction to allow variation of vehicle characteristics, and is able to realistically predict vehicle motion and the tire-road surface interaction forces; (2) to develop a model of doweled portland cement concrete pavement that can be used to determine slab deflection and stress at predetermined nodes, and that allows for the variation of traditional thickness design factors; and (3) to implement these two models on a work station with suitable menu driven modules so that both existing and proposed pavements can be evaluated with respect to design life, given specific characteristics of the heavy vehicles that will be using the facility. This report summarizes the work that has been performed during the first year of the study. Briefly, the following has been accomplished: A two dimensional model of a typical 3-S2 tractor-trailer combination was created. A finite element structural analysis program, ANSYS, was used to model the pavement. Computer runs have been performed varying the parameters defining both vehicle and road elements. The resulting time specific displacements for each node are plotted, and the displacement basin is generated for defined vehicles. Relative damage to the pavement can then be estimated. A damage function resulting from load replications must be assumed that will be reflected by further pavement deterioration. Comparison with actual damage on Interstate 80 will eventually allow verification of these procedures.


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This report has been prepared to provide a succinct documentation of the results of an intensive "finding" as to the requirement for an Iowa Department of Transportation, the recommended general organizational characteristics, and the implementation process requisite to instituting an Iowa Department of Transportation. This report specifies, in summary, the systematic procedure employed in the analysis, followed by a presentation of the fundamental concepts associated with a department of transportation and documentation of the "need" for a state department of transportation. The majority of the report is devoted to presentation of a best judgment as to how an Iowa Department of Transportation should be organized and implemented. The report concludes with a discussion of a recommended approach to the implementation of the department, and issues and recommendations for review.


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Planning and objectives for various departments within the Department of Transportation for 1990


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This paper carries the rather weighty title of "Evolution of Design Practice at the Iowa State Highway Commission for the Determination of Peak Discharges at .Bridges and Culverts." Hopefully, this evolving process will lead to a more precise definition of a peak rate of runoff for a selected recurrence interval at a particular site. In this paper the author will relate where the Highway Commission has been, is now, and will be going in this art of hydrology. He will then offer some examples at a few sites in Iowa to illustrate the use of the various methods. Finally, he will look ahead to some of the pitfalls still lying in wait for us.


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The investigations for this report were initiated in October, 1967, to perform the following: l. Review the current Iowa State Highway Commission roadway geometric design standards and criteria for conformance with national policies and recent research findings with special attention to high way safety. 2. Review the current Iowa State Highway Commission roadway lighting design standards and criteria for conformance with national policies and recent research findings with special attention to high way safety


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Fiber composite materials (FRP) are making an entry into the construction market in both buildings and pavements. The application to pavements comes in the form of joint reinforcement (dowels and tie bars) to date. FRP resistance to salt corrosion in dowels has made it an alternative to standard epoxy coated dowels for pavements. Iowa State University has completed a large amount of laboratory research into the determination of diameter, spacing, and durability of FRP dowels. This report documents the installation of a series of FRP elliptical-shaped dowel joints (including instrumented units) in a field situation and the beginning of a two-year study to compare laboratory results to in-service pavements. Ten joints were constructed for each of three dowel spacings of 10, 12, and 15 inches ( 254, 305, and 381 mm) with one instrumented joint in each test section. The instrumented bars will be load tested with a loaded truck and FWD testing.


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The concrete paving industry has spent large amounts of time working to provide safe, quiet, and smooth pavements for the traveling public as their needs and driving habits have changed since the advent of the automobile. During that time, the efforts of research, design, and construction were directed at one of the problems at a time. Current public surveys indicate that the traveling public wishes to have safe, quiet, and smooth pavements. This report identifies the problems remaining in the areas of developing smooth, quiet, and safe portland cement concrete pavement in each pavement we build. It develops the research framework that can be used to bring the existing information together with additional research in each area. The resulting answers can be used in each pavement design for a quiet, safe, and smooth pavement that is also long lasting.


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Pozzolans and slag extend the market for concrete products by improving specific properties of the products, which allows the products to be constructed with materials or placed in environments that would have precluded the use of portland cement alone. In properly formulated concrete mixes, pozzolans and slag have been shown to enhance long-term strength, decrease permeability, increase durability, reduce thermal cracking of mass concrete, minimize or eliminate cracking related to alkali-silica reaction (ASR), and minimize or eliminate cracking related to sulfate attack. The purpose of this research project was to conduct a scoping study that could be used to evaluate the need for additional research in the area of supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs) that are used in concrete for highway applications. Special emphasis was given to the concept of using two or more SCMs in a single concrete mixture. The scope of the study was limited to a literature survey and panel discussions concerning issues relevant to the project. No laboratory work was conducted for this project. A problem statement with research plan was created that could be used to guide a pooled fund project.


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In recent years, thin whitetopping has evolved as a viable rehabilitation technique for deteriorated asphalt cement concrete (ACC) pavements. Numerous projects have been constructed and tested; these projects allow researchers to identify the important elements contributing to the projects’ successes. These elements include surface preparation, overlay thickness, synthetic fiber reinforcement usage, joint spacing, and joint sealing. Although the main factors affecting thin whitetopping performance have been identified by previous research, questions still existed as to the optimum design incorporating these variables. The objective of this research is to investigate the interaction between these variables over time. Laboratory testing and field-testing were planned in order to accomplish the research objective. Laboratory testing involved shear testing of the bond between the portland cement concrete (PCC) overlay and the ACC surface. Field-testing involved falling weight deflectometer deflection responses, measurement of joint faulting and joint opening, and visual distress surveys on the 9.6-mile project. The project was located on Iowa Highway 13 extending north from the city of Manchester, Iowa, to Iowa Highway 3 in Delaware County. Variables investigated included ACC surface preparation, PCC thickness, synthetic fiber reinforcement usage, and joint spacing. This report documents the planning, equipment selection, construction, field changes, and construction concerns of the project built in 2002. The data from this research could be combined with historical data to develop a design specification for the construction of thin, unbonded overlays.


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At the heart of all concrete pavement projects is the concrete itself. This manual is intended as both a training tool and a reference to help concrete paving engineers, quality control personnel, specifiers, contractors, suppliers, technicians, and tradespeople bridge the gap between recent research and practice regarding optimizing the performance of concrete for pavements. Specifically, it will help readers do the following:


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The use of precast, prestressed concrete piles in the foundation of bridge piers has long been recognized as a valuable option for bridge owners and designers. However, the use of these precast, prestressed concrete piles in integral abutment bridges has not been widespread because of concerns over pile flexibility and the potential for concrete cracking and deterioration of the prestressing strands due to long-term exposure to moisture. This report presents the details of the first integral abutment bridge in the state of Iowa that utilized precast, prestressed concrete piles in the abutment. The bridge, which was constructed in Tama County in 2000, consists of a 110 ft. long, 30 ft. wide, single-span PC girder superstructure with a left-side-ahead 20º skew angle. The bridge was instrumented with a variety of strain gages, displacement sensors, and thermocouples to monitor and help in the assessment of structural behavior. The results of this monitoring are presented, and recommendations are made for future application of precast, prestressed concrete piles in integral abutment bridges. In addition to the structural monitoring data, this report presents the results of a survey questionnaire that had been mailed to each of the 50 state DOT chief bridge engineers to ascertain their current practices for precast, prestressed concrete piles and especially the application of these piles in integral abutment bridges.


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Despite many successful projects, some public agencies and contractors have been hesitant to use concrete overlays. This lack of confidence has been based on a number of factors, including the misperception that concrete overlays are expensive or difficult to build. This guide will help readers understand concrete overlays and develop confidence in their application. The guide provides the key elements of the six major types of concrete overlays along with specifics on materials, typical sections, and important construction elements.


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The DOT is in the process of replanting all the roadsides on state primary highways to native grasses and wildflowers. While the existing vegetation may look nice, it is not functioning as well as needed for roadside purposes such as erosion control, water infiltration or weed competition. The DOT currently spends nearly $3 million each year to clean ditches, remove silt, and spray and mow weeds. The DOT believes the native vegetation, once established, will provide sufficient benefits and reduced maintenance costs to warrant replacing the existing vegetation.


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With the implementation of the 2000 Q-MC specification, an incentive is provided to produce an optimized gradation to improve placement characteristics. Also, specifications for slip-formed barrier rail have changed to require an optimized gradation. Generally, these optimized gradations have been achieved by blending an intermediate aggregate with the coarse and fine aggregate. The demand for this intermediate aggregate has been satisfied by using crushed limestone chips developed from the crushing of the parent concrete stone. The availability, cost, and physical limitations of crushed limestone chips can be a concern. A viable option in addressing these concerns is the use of gravel as the intermediate aggregate. Unfortunately, gravels of Class 3I durability are limited to a small geographic area in Mississippi river sands north of the Rock River. Class 3 or Class 2 durability gravels are more widely available across the state. The durability classification of gravels is based on the amount and quality of the carbonate fraction of the material. At present, no service histories or research exists to assess the impact of using Class 3 or 2 durability gravels would have on the long-term durability of Portland cement concrete (PCC) pavement requiring Class 3I aggregate.


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Today, many of Iowa’s counties are experiencing an increase in rural development. Two specific types of development were focused on for this research: rural residential subdivisions and livestock production operations. Rural residential developments are primarily year round single-family homes, though some are vacation homes. Livestock production in Iowa includes hog, beef, and poultry facilities. These two types of rural development, while obviously very different in nature and incompatible with each other, share one important characteristic: They each generate substantial amounts of new traffic for Iowa’s extensive secondary road system. This research brings together economic, spatial, and legal analysis methods to address the impacts of rural development on the secondary road system and provide county engineers, county supervisors, and state legislators with guidance in addressing the challenges associated with this development.