73 resultados para Russo, Renato, 1960-1996
Traffic volumes represented on this map are annual average daily traffic volumes between major traffic generators: highway junctions and cities.
Interstate Route Flow represented on this map are annual average daily traffic volumes between major traffic.
A laboratory study has been conducted with two aims in mind. The first goal was to develop a description of how a cutting edge scrapes ice from the road surface. The second goal was to investigate the extent, if any, to which serrated blades were better than un-serrated or "classical" blades at ice removal. The tests were conducted in the Ice Research Laboratory at the Iowa Institute of Hydraulic Research of the University of Iowa. A specialized testing machine, with a hydraulic ram capable of attaining scraping velocities of up to 30 m.p.h. was used in the testing. In order to determine the ice scraping process, the effects of scraping velocity, ice thickness, and blade geometry on the ice scraping forces were determined. Higher ice thickness lead to greater ice chipping (as opposed to pulverization at lower thicknesses) and thus lower loads. S~milabr ehavior was observed at higher velocities. The study of blade geometry included the effect of rake angle, clearance angle, and flat width. The latter were found to be particularly important in developing a clear picture of the scraping process. As clearance angle decreases and flat width increases, the scraping loads show a marked increase, due to the need to re-compress pulverized ice fragments. The effect of serrations was to decrease the scraping forces. However, for the coarsest serrated blades (with the widest teeth and gaps) the quantity of ice removed was significantly less than for a classical blade. Finer serrations appear to be able to match the ice removal of classical blades at lower scraping loads. Thus, one of the recommendations of this study is to examine the use of serrated blades in the field. Preliminary work (by Nixon and Potter, 1996) suggests such work will be fruitful. A second and perhaps more challenging result of the study is that chipping of ice is more preferable to pulverization of the ice. How such chipping can be forced to occur is at present an open question.
Newsletter from the University of Iowa School of Library and Information Science.
Newsletter from the University of Iowa School of Library and Information Science.
A survey was sent to over 200 Federal, State, and local agencies that might use streamflow data collected by the U. S. Geological Survey in Iowa. A total of 181 forms were returned and 112 agencies indicated that they use streamflow data. The responses show that streamflow data from the Iowa USGS stream-gaging network, which in 1996 is composed of 117 stations, are used by many agencies for many purposes and that many stations provide streamflow data that fulfill a variety of joint purposes. The median number of respondents per station that use data from the station was 6 and the median number of data-use categories indicated per station was 9. The survey results can be used by agencies that fund the Iowa USGS stream-gaging network to help them decide which stations to continue to support if it becomes necessary to reduce the size of the stream-gaging network.
The objective of this research was to evaluate the quality (angularity, mortar strengths and alkali-silica reactivity) of fine aggregate for Iowa portland cement concrete (PCC) pavements. Sands were obtained from 30 sources representative of fine aggregate across Iowa. The gradation, fineness modulus and mortar strengths were determined for all sands. Angularity was evaluated using a new National Aggregate Association (NAA) flow test. The NAA uncompacted void values are significantly affected by the percent of crushed particles and are a good measure of fine aggregate angularity. The alkali-silica reactivity of Iowa sands was measured by the ASTM P214 test. By P214 many Iowa sands were identified as being reactive while only two were innocuous. More research is needed on P214 because pavement performance history has shown very little alkali-silica reactivity deterioration of pavement. Six of the sands tested by P214 were evaluated using the Canadian Prism Test. None were identified as being reactive by the Canadian Prism Test.
Improving the aggregate gradation for a portland cement concrete mix may result in higher compressive strengths. With an improved gradation, the cement factor may be reduced to achieve a more economical concrete mix since cement is the most expensive component in a Portland cement concrete mix. This project located on I-80 westbound in Scott County, Iowa examined three different mixes. 1. Standard Class C mix with project aggregates. 2. Standard Class C mix with an improved aggregate gradation. 3. Standard Class C mix with an improved aggregate gradation and 10% cementitious reduction.
The result and experience of field implementation of the maturity method on 14 portland cement concrete (PCC) paving and patching projects during 1995 are summarized in this report. The procedure for developing reference PCC maturity-strength curve of concrete is discussed. Temperature measurement as well as effects of datum temperature, entrained air content and type of aggregate on maturity-strength relationship are examined. Some limitations of the maturity method are discussed. The available field experience and results indicate that the maturity method provides a simple approach to determine strength of concrete, and can be easily implemented in field paving and patching projects. The use of the maturity method may result in reduced project construction time.
This research was initiated in 1991 as a part of a whitetopping project to study the effectiveness of various techniques to enhance bond strength between a new portland cement concrete (PCC) overlay and an existing asphalt cement concrete (ACC) pavement surface. A 1,676 m (5,500 ft) section of county road R16 in Dallas County was divided into 12 test sections. The various techniques used to enhance bond were power brooming, power brooming with air blast, milling, cement and water grout, and emulsion tack coat. Also, two sections were planed to a uniform cross-section, two pavement thicknesses were placed, and two different concrete mix proportions were used. Bond strength was perceived to be the key to determining an appropriate design procedure for whitetopping. If adequate bond is achieved, a bonded PCC overlay technique can be used for design. Otherwise, an unbonded overlay procedure may be more appropriate. Conclusions are as follows: (1) Bond Strength Differences - Milling increased bond strength versus no milling. Tack coat showed increased bond strength versus no tack coat. Planing, Air Blast and Grouting did not provide noticeable improvements in bond strength; nor did different PCC types or thicknesses affect bond strength significantly. (2) Structure - Structural measurements correlated strongly with the wide variation in pavement thicknesses. They did not provide enough information to determine the strength of bonding or the level of support being provided by the ACC layer. Longitudinal cracking correlated with PCC thicknesses and with planing. (3) Bond Over Time - The bond between PCC and ACC layers is degrading over time in the outside wheel path in all of the sections except tack coat (section 12). The bond strength in the section with tack coat was lower than the others, but remained relatively steady.
The Iowa Department of Transportation is committed to improved management systems, which in turn has led to increased automation to record and manage construction data. A possible improvement to the current data management system can be found with pen-based computers. Pen-based computers coupled with user friendly software are now to the point where an individual's handwriting can be captured and converted to typed text to be used for data collection. It would appear pen-based computers are sufficiently advanced to be used by construction inspectors to record daily project data. The objective of this research was to determine: (1) if pen-based computers are durable enough to allow maintenance-free operation for field work during Iowa's construction season; and (2) if pen-based computers can be used effectively by inspectors with little computer experience. The pen-based computer's handwriting recognition was not fast or accurate enough to be successfully utilized. The IBM Thinkpad with the pen pointing device did prove useful for working in Windows' graphical environment. The pen was used for pointing, selecting and scrolling in the Windows applications because of its intuitive nature.
Several accidents, some involving fatalities, have occurred on U.S. Highway 30 near the Archer Daniels Midland Company (ADM) Corn Sweeteners plant in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. A contributing factor to many of these accidents has been the large amounts of water (vapor and liquid) emitted from multiple sources at ADM's facility located along the south side of the highway. Weather and road closure data acquired from IDOT have been used to develop a database of meteorological conditions preceding and accompanying closure of Highway 30 in Cedar Rapids. An expert system and a FORTRAN program were developed as aids in decision making with regard to closure of Highway 30 near the plant. The computer programs were used for testing, evaluation, and final deployment. Reports indicate the decision tools have been successfully implemented and were judged to be helpful in forecasting road closures and in reducing costs and personnel time in monitoring the roadway.
Iowa's county road system serves many critical functions in a changing environment. Many counties with very different social, economic, and demographic circumstances do not have adequate resources to provide the desired level of service on their secondary road systems. How the state's Road Use Tax Fund (RUTF) is distributed among counties is therefore of great importance. This report presents the results of a year-long study of how to distribute RUTF resources among Iowa's 99 counties. The project was undertaken at the request of county engineers who wish to replace the current method of allocation with one that is more stable, comprehensible, and predictable. This report describes the current allocation method, examines how other states distribute road funds to counties, and discusses potential allocation factors that could be included in a revised procedure. The process undertaken to narrow the range of possible formulas and determine the one to recommend is summarized. Finally, the report presents the allocation formula recommended by the project advisory committee, along with how it would operate.
Flood-plain and channel-aggradation rates were estimated at selected bridge sites in central and eastern Iowa using four aggradation-measurement methods. Aggradation rates were quantified at 10 bridge sites on the Iowa River upstream of Coralville Lake and at two bridge sites in the central part of Skunk River Basin. Measurement periods used to estimate average aggradation rates ranged in length from 1 to 98 years and varied among methods and sites. A direct comparison cannot be made between aggradation rates calculated using each of the four measurement methods because of differences in time periods and aggradational processes that were measured by each method.
Tungsten carbide used in snowplow blades was studied from three manufacturers. The carbides were measured for common industry properties including specific gravity and hardness. In addition, an abrasion resistance was performed. There was no significant difference found in abrasion resistance between the Kenametal and the Valk carbides. The Bucyrus carbides showed improved abrasion resistance, but were outside industry specifications for specific gravity.